
Chapter 411: I’m glad. Light Kiyoung has descended. (2)

Chapter 411: I’m glad. Light Kiyoung has descended. (2)

It was the perfect moment for me to deliver a speech.

Although the meteorite crisis had passed, the fact that our allies were outnumbered hadn’t changed.

The remaining magic power of the wizards wouldn’t last long, and Dialugia could no longer afford to deal with them.

It was only natural to feel tired as she used her Breath until she reached her limit in order to reduce the meteorite’s magic power, which was surrounded by semi-mythic grade magic.

Kim Hyunsung probably wasn’t in peak condition as well.

No matter how much of a Superman he was like, there was no way he could be fine considering he dealt with that tremendous magic and consumed his stamina behind enemy lines.

If he were normal, it would be almost impossible even to move.

Even though that wasn’t the case, it was undeniable that it would have an adverse effect on him.

‘I also have a bottle of Bomb of Light left…’

Enemies still surrounded our allies.

I couldn’t consider that we’re at a total disadvantage since the enemy’s wizards had reached their limits, but it didn’t change the fact that the overall situation didn’t look good.

I didn’t know whether that method could work, but there was no harm in trying.

The battlefield had entered a lull, after all. I had to make the best use of that opportunity.

‘Even the picture is good.’

God’s messenger amid a crowd of falling lights.

I watched them falling from the sky, not distinguishing friend from foe.

Once again, I spoke. Although it was temporary, the faces of those looking at me were reflected in my view.

-I’ll say it again! Everyone! Please stop fighting! Dear Republics! Throw away your weapons!

“It is the second coming of Benignore.”

“It is the second coming of the Goddess Benignore.”

“Honorary Cardinal…”

“Honorary Cardinal! It’s dangerous!”

The anxious voices of our allies echoed across the battlefield.

But what’s more important to me was the reaction of the Republic.

Naturally, I quickly tried to read their faces.

Some reacted as if I was talking bullsh*t, but others hesitated.

It felt like there were more of the former, however.

Since they had been educated in advance, I immediately understood that they’re trying not to listen to me.

Nevertheless, since we had entered a lull, my voice clearly reverberated across the fields.

-Please throw down your weapons. Any further battles with each other are useless. Would you really rather we keep hurting one another in this war that’s not yours to fight? This war didn’t happen with you or your family in mind. What are you holding your sword for? What are you standing there for?


-You are not here to protect your country. This war of madness did not happen for the Republic. The leaders of the Republic know better than anyone else that the State never invaded your country! As the chosen messenger of Benignoreand Elune, I request for both Goddesses to punish me if there’s deception in my words! If I’m lying, Goddess Benignore won’t ever forgive me. The State wasn’t the first one to attack. What you know is by no means true. Open your eyes. Open your eyes and confirm the truth yourself!

There was no response.

-The people we need to fight together are laughing at this situation from their high horses. Jin Qing, the Demon Summoner who caused this war, is hiding in the Republic’s shield and is manipulating you to fight his battles for him! He promotes conflict between our two countries for his own security and the continent’s confusion. That’s what the evil forces rooted in the continent are aiming for! Our enemies aren’t each other, but rather those who are threatening the peace of our lands! We must join forces to defeat the predator that will one day come for us!


-It would be impossible to fight off the incoming threat unless the entirety of humanity joins their powers together! Throw away your weapons, ladies, and gentlemen. It’s time for us to stop this war. There is nothing left to gain from this war that’s caused by someone’s conspiracy and agitation!

I thought I could understand why there was no response.

They might be thinking that they’ll feel like they’re losing as soon as they reacted to what I’m saying.

But it’s not just for that reason.

It wasn’t because my words did not shake the soldiers of the Republic.

The priests who used divine power seemed to feel like they needed to listen a little more, but that didn’t matter.

They had been swinging swords at each other’s throats until recently.

There was no way that their wrath would go away just because I suddenly said something like that.

If we had the Goddess’s Mirror, it would have been possible to incite what I wanted to incite faster. Talking without showing facts just wasn’t that convincing.

If that continued, I was certain that the war’s tiny embers would be sprayed with oil once more.

The Demon Summoner didn’t even feel the need to respond to my words.

But I had no choice but to keep talking.

-For something more pressing than our nations and our values, we must lower our swords and hold hands. As an ally of the Republic, the State will never pierce our swords into your ranks first. The history of conflict will disappear after this war! We have to try to gain peace. Please throw down your swords. What happened here today is just the first step, but it would be a gigantic leap if we can end the history of endless wars! Stop fighting!

The question was what that oil was.

-We can go hand in hand toward greater value. Throw away your weapons!

As I was talking, an arrow flew towards me.

‘That bastard.’

In that instant, I could feel how high its magic power was.

I didn’t know where it came from, but it was quite powerful.

I flicked my finger and hurriedly built a wall, but my body was pushed back by the explosion.

I didn’t roll on the ground pathetically, but it’s probably enough to spark the new flames of war.

Just in time, once again, an explosion started to be heard from the enemy camp.

I didn’t know whether it was made up or not, but agitated voices began to be heard once more due to it.


“Don’t stop! It’s a trap!”

“Honorary Cardinal! These dirty bastards!”

“What are the wizards doing?!”

“Raise your weapons! Gather up! Prepare for battle! Each unit, prepare for battle!”

“Don’t be pushed! Hold on! Hold on!”

“Protect the Honorary Cardinal! Quickly use the remaining magic power to create protection magic!”

My speech was long, but madness fell again without paying heed to my words.

The enemy kept pushing through the crowded soldiers while our allies endured and prevented themselves from getting pushed back.

‘This isn’t good…’

It definitely wasn’t an ideal situation.

If the battle continued like that, both sides would still sustain great damage regardless of the victor.

However, it was also undeniable that the allies were at a disadvantage.

Even if we won, it was a victory that would leave us with deep wounds.

Only our neighboring countries would be cheering.

Of course, what I wanted wasn’t the honor to leave the battlefield with only wounds to show.


“These dirty demon’s minions!”

“Motherfuckers! Don’t go easy on them! Bring down the arrows! Arrows!”

-Stop fighting! This is all unnecessary. Dear Republics! You are being deceived. We must no longer be puppets to the evil forces! I know it will be tough, but stop fighting! You have to put away hatred and anger and get rid of your bloodlust. We must unite hand in hand together!

“Kill!!! Sh*t!!”

-Stop fighting! Everyone! There is no reason to spill blood meaninglessly!

“Don’t let them push us back!”

-Stop fighting! Everyone! Please stop fighting!!

“You dogs of the dirty Republic!”

“Puppets of the State! Don’t go easy on them!”

I shouted my lungs off, but it’s hard for my voice to be heard on the battlefield when madness had already swept away the hearts of the combatants.

Intentionally placed moles spoke louder and louder, bringing confusion to the battlefield.

There were people hiding within the skirmishes, heating up the atmosphere, but there’s no way we could catch them all.

‘They’re smart. Fuck.’

I would probably have deployed a similar tactic if I were in their shoes.

As I was in an advantageous situation, I felt that it would be better to block the conversation channel completely.

It’s unfortunate, though.

If the atmosphere of the battlefield had subsided a little more, the continuation of the war would have been avoided.

However, it was illogical for me to try to fix the current situation.

‘Sh*t. This won’t work out well…’

I was starting to feel more and more anxious.

Perhaps the dirty Demon Summoner had the same thought.

‘It’s over.’

Or something like:

‘We just have to keep going like this.’

Or something like:

‘All we need to do now is deliver the final blow.’

The ace in the hole he’s been hiding had been reduced to nothing, but he must’ve thought he had benefited enough.

‘That must be what’s on his mind. That’s for sure.’

It’s a little bit early, but I thought there was a possibility that he was already holding a toast of victory.

If it were before he received the gift I prepared, it would be fully understandable to act like that.

-Stop fighting!!

With my head aching, it became difficult to bear the laughter at Lee Jihye’s signal from a distance.

It was earlier than I expected, but it’s a pleasant situation.

I wanted to laugh out loud.

But it didn’t need to be said that the inability to do so felt like a lasting regret.

I shouldn’t know what’s happening out there right now.

I shouldn’t know at all, but the masked trash Jin Qing should know.

Some people had already started to turn blue. Perhaps the lovely returner was also biting his lips.

“These dirty bastards!”

“These demon-like bastards of the Republic! How can you guys wear human masks and do this…”

“Those dirty bastards! Motherfuckers!”

“That Demon Summoner…”

“What bullsh…”

-Damn! Prepare for battle! Prepare for battle!!

It was natural for the enemies to become speechless by my sudden change of heart.

But if one were to look back, they’d notice why I suddenly issued such an order.

What was visible from afar was an unknown battalion.

Reinforcements specially brought in from the forest of fog.

Of course, it wasn’t me who called for them.

Oh! Technically, I was unofficially the one who brought them, but officially, it would be the reinforcement force brought by the Demon Summoner Jin Qing trash.

“The u-undead…”


They were Undead wearing the armor of the Republic and holding the flag of the Republic.

-You finally revealed your true colors! That dirty Demon Summoner!!

Jin Qing was staged to have sacrificed his troops in the fog forest and turned them into undead beings.

-God will not forgive you, dirty demon!

He’s the masked trash that had committed an act so unforgiving it couldn’t be forgiven even in the name of God.

Demon Summoner Jin Qing.

The combatants were visibly confused by the unexpected appearance of an Undead legion.

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