
Chapter 360: The Nine Demon Emperors (2)

Chapter 360: The Nine Demon Emperors (2)

"The fourth-ranked Demon Emperor, known as the Sky-Splitting Demon Emperor, hails from the Behemoth clan, renowned as the invincible titans of the land. Their physical strength is possibly the greatest among all demons. The clan faces low birth rates, and they have fewer than a thousand members; however,each one is an immensely formidable presence. A ninth-order Behemoth demon might even challenge god-level opponents. The Sky-Splitting Demon Emperor is deemed indestructible! His claws can destroy the heavens and obliterate the earth.

"The fifth-ranked Demon Emperor, the owner of the hotel we\'re currently staying in, is the White Tiger Demon Emperor. The lineage of the White Tiger comes from a mutation, and their numbers are relatively few. The White Tiger Demon Emperor is notoriously protective and holds grudges fiercely; among all emperors, it is the most dangerous to offend. It has wings on its back which allow it to reign over heaven and earth alike; thus, its title is \'Heaven-Crossing Earth-Piercing.\'

"The sixth-ranked Demon Emperor, known as the Dark Demon Emperor, is a Dark Demon Dragon. Dragons are a special race, much like Behemoths. However, while Behemoths are one clan with the same abilities, dragons come in a bizarre variety, including fire, water, earth, wind, and more.

"Legend has it that in ancient times, pure dragons were notoriously promiscuous, but due to their powerful bloodline, their descendants were all dragonkind, regardless of what species they mated with. This resulted in dragons with a multitude of attributes. For example, the Crystal Demon Emperor is a mutation within the dragonkind, supposedly from a union between a Radiant Dragon and a Dark Dragon.

"This pairing should have found it impossible to produce offspring. Yet, somehow, it was born. The dragonkind made some attempts to replicate it, but they all failed; either there was no offspring, or if there was, they died young.

"Anyway, this Dark Demon Emperor is a pure darkness-element being. Although it’s only ranked sixth overall, none of the higher-ranked Demon Emperors would dare claim they could defeat it at night."

Du Bai asked, "Mayor, there are two Demon Emperors among the dragonkind?"

Zhang Haoxuan nodded. "Indeed. This only goes to show the strength of dragons. And now, with the Crystal Phoenix Demon Emperor, the phoenixes also have two. They just don\'t rank as high as the dragons. As you can see, the strength of one\'s bloodline is crucial for demons and nymphs."

"The Dark Demon Emperor is known as the Eternal Night Sovereign, for obvious reasons."

"That title is so cool!" exclaimed Du Bai.

The mayor glared at him before continuing, "The seventh-ranked Demon Emperor has a golden bloodline. The Mammoth Demon Emperor, from the Golden Mammoth clan and leader of the elephant demons, is acclaimed as the strongest in defense among the Demon Emperors. Even the Sky-Splitting Demon Emperor would struggle to breach its defenses. The Mammoth Demon Emperor\'s title is Golden Radiance, signifying the pride of his golden bloodline.

"The eighth-ranked Demon Emperor is the Sword Saint Demon Emperor, of the Red-Crowned Crane lineage, and it has the sharpest attacks among the Demon Emperors. Didn\'t you encounter a Red-Crowned Crane in your group battle? That was a member of this lineage. Not only is their swordsmanship formidable, but they are also the best when it comes to teamwork. It\'s said that the Sword Saint Demon Emperor has a 3600-strong troup known as the Crane Swords, and when they unite under his command, they can display terrifying power. Its title is \'Cloud Soaring.\' Its physical strength is nothing to write home about, but its swordsmanship and overall combat skills distinguish him among the Demon Emperors.

"The ninth-ranked, naturally, is the Crystal Phoenix Demon Emperor, whom you have seen from a distance. He is a rather unique figure. Originally, his lineage was unlikely to achieve the rank of Demon Emperor. However, it seems a special opportunity arose, and he successfully broke through, elevating the Crystal Phoenix lineage. This newly ascended Crystal Phoenix Demon Emperor is still behind in strength compared to the other eight and needs to accumulate more experience. Nevertheless, he is a Demon Emperor, and his strength is not to be underestimated. Once he stabilizes his cultivation, he will also be formidable. His title is \'Crystallizer of Heaven and Earth\'."

With this, the introductions of the nine Demon Emperors were complete. Nine names and nine titles lingered in the minds of Tang San and his four companions.

Ranked first, the Omnipotent Crystal Demon Emperor.

Ranked second, the Master of Fate Celestial Fox Demon Emperor.

Ranked third, the Eternal Inferno Undying Demon Emperor.

Ranked fourth, the Unbreakable Sky-Splitting Demon Emperor.

Ranked fifth, the Heaven-Crossing Earth-Piercing White Tiger Demon Emperor.

Ranked sixth, the Eternal Night Sovereign Dark Demon Emperor.

Ranked seventh, the Golden Radiance Mammoth Demon Emperor.

Ranked eighth, the Cloud Soaring Sword Saint Demon Emperor.

Ranked ninth, the Crystallizer of Heaven and Earth Crystal Phoenix Demon Emperor.

The only one among the Shrek Squad who had actually seen a Demon Emperor proper was Tang San, and the only one he’d seen was the Crystal Demon Emperor. The other eight Demon Emperors were known to them only by name. Yet, just these names and titles made them feel immense pressure. The other four wondered if they could ever truly stand against such beings.

Indeed, could they?


In Tang San\'s mind, it was a definite no.

If humanity kept progressing as it did, then even in a thousand years, and maybe even in ten thousand years, they would still be unable to contend with the demons. And that wasn’t even considering the nymphs.

Yet Tang San felt a strange sensation. Perhaps his arrival in this world was meant to transform the impossible into the possible. The greater the pressure, the more exhilarated he felt.

He took a deep breath, and his face seemed to light up with divine light as he looked at Zhang Haoxuan and asked, "Master, what about the Nymph Emperors?"

Zhang Haoxuan looked deeply at Tang San, noticing that his pupil had not shown any signs of despair when he heard about the tremendous strength of the nine Demon Emperors. It was clear that his resolve was steadfast.

The Redemption Society didn\'t usually introduce the top powers of the Daemon Continent to avoid dampening the students\' fighting spirit. After all, even as teachers, they felt a profound fear when contemplating these beings. Any one of the Demon Emperors could destroy all of humanity!

"There are only seven Nymph Emperors, but don\'t think for a second that the nymphs are weaker than the demons. The nymphs are more united. The relationships between their clans are closer, and their cultivation methods differ from those of the demons."

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