
Volume 19, Prologue

Volume 19, Prologue

Report #380091A (Urgent)

Report from 37th Mobile Maintenance Battalion Commander Major Frolaytia Capistrano.

A ground survey using our Baby Magnum matches the predictions made by our electronic simulation division. The following concerns have been proven valid:

The continual rapid movement of Objects weighing as much as 200 thousand tons has placed the earth’s crust under severe stress.

The limit depends on the specific amount of energy built up in the local geography and plates, but once that limit is reached, it could trigger massive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Remotely triggered earthquakes are a known phenomenon. The Hoover Dam located in Western America’s Central Valley District has in fact caused earthquakes from all its gathered water placing an abnormal burden on the plate there. And unlike an artificial earthquake caused by directly shaking the ground with explosives, the time, location, and scope of these are impossible to predict until the moment they occur.

That means the local residents cannot be evacuated in advance of an earthquake caused by an Object’s effects on the plates. It is even possible the Objects fighting in a battlefield country could affect a safe country on the other side of the planet.

Several major earthquakes in Legitimacy Kingdom territory were likely caused by Objects, including the Volga District Earthquake that triggered the Great Moscow Fire which led to more than 30 thousand deaths 8 years ago and the Braganca Coast Earthquake Swarm in the Amazon District that devastated more 250 thousand homes in four different cities. Include the other world powers and the numbers suggest 15.5% of the Magnitude 5 or higher earthquakes in the past 20 years were caused by Objects. If this is correct, the resultant loss of life is more than 190 thousand and the monetary damage is incalculable. Wars are still being fought over the money and resources needed to make up for those losses. And when it comes to civilian-level riots and looting, the numbers are too great to get accurate statistics. More lives and assets must have been lost than from the quakes themselves.

None of these losses needed to happen.

These are the simplest and most obvious concerns, but other secondary effects can be seen as well. For example, the rapid movement of 200 thousand ton behemoths will move the air and thus create violent winds and the firing of low-stability plasma and laser beams creates localized pockets of heated air, which changes the air density. These pressure changes could lead to cloudbursts.

Also, the Object itself weighs 200 thousand tons. Their construction requires a vast amount of iron ore and other underground resources. The rush to build more has led to a massive amount of excavation in the same locations, which has led to resources drying up in localized spots. It can be hard to see the big picture when just looking at individual mines, but we can assume the planet’s resources are close to depleted at this point.

Objects have a large effect on the natural environment. On a global level.

It is up to you whether you ring the alarm bell or find some clever way of using this.

As a side note, supposedly foolproof teaching methods and diets are being announced and published every single day. In the same way, no human being has ever managed to fully control nature. If any one attempt were successful, we wouldn’t need a new theory afterwards. So do not let the scientists’ false confidence fool you and remember that technology is never perfect. I strongly hope all of you home country officials will make the wise choice.

That is all.

The above report must be fully erased.

If necessary, “fully” could mean purging its author and that author’s battalion.

This is a joint decision of all four home countries: Paris, Los Angeles, New York, and Rome.

This matter has already been settled. No one must be allowed to question the existence of Objects.

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