
Chapter 201 - Executive Ability

“You can get off now.”

“People sent a monk all the way to the west, but you won’t even drop me off, and I’m so close.”

“I’d have to make a giant U-turn at the school, do you know how much gas costs these days?”

“You’re so generous to other people, and I’m like your brother, why are you so stingy when it comes to me!”

“Not my fault you’re a chubby little brother!”

“What if I was your brother by blood?”

“Call a cab yourself!”

Qin Jiao dropped Meng Fan off at the turn before the academy and turned left toward the publishing house.

Meng Fan didn’t return to school but went home instead.

He couldn’t wait to start his original series, but he had to wait until he acquired all the attributes and rewards from completing [Professional Manga Artist]. The only way to achieve this was to brush the experience faster! Everything else was okay, and all they needed at the moment was more content. So he continued to work on the commissions!

Xing Ta Ge already gave him the script for “Guide to Campus RoMANce” which was completed. On his way back, Meng Fan called Xing Ta Ge over and the two discussed for over two hours to finalize the ideas and details to see the manga till the end.

Although Mr.Sleepy’s overall popularity had decreased, “There’s a Spirit Underground” had always maintained a popular rating. Plus his original script was already saved, and they had already submitted 50 chapters. If all eight volumes published eight chapters each, they would only need to finish 6 more chapters to publish the next individual seven volumes. Plus the three volumes for “Guide To Campus RoMANce”, he would have ten solo publications.

Meng Fan was ready to give it his all to complete this task.

To be honest, he was very curious as to how fast he could draw if he tried his best and used all of his attribute bonuses.

Hand speed +16.

Drawing skills +26.

Imagination +6.

Screenwriting +6.

Set design +6.

He included his universal pen and his physical fitness, observation skills, smile appeal, and his championship points, plus all the energy chews and sports drinks that he could exchange for without limit.

And he would wear the hat that veiled his presence, allowing him to avoid all interruptions.

He downed a bottle of sports drink, unsure if peak competitive state could help his drawing, but he thought it would at least be psychologically helpful.

An hour later, Meng Fan ate an energy chew.

In another hour, he ate another one.

The added points didn’t feel burdensome to Meng Fan.

Meng Fan was working on the newest chapter of “Guide To Campus RoMANce”, with the same conscience as before. There were 16 pages, and one page basically contained 3 to 5 panels. This type of update speed wasn’t comparable to Japanese manga’s weekly update, bi-weekly or even monthly updates, but it was able to maintain its position on the Penguin animation platform as a “weekly liked” author. Plus, it was two updates a week.

Meng Fan checked the time after finishing the last panel.

2 hours and 23 minutes!

Meng Fan did not give up the quality of his work just because he tried to rush the draft at the fastest speed possible, nor did he leave out any content. In the process, he was even able to make some modifications and erase some drawings.

Of course, he did not mess with the post-production method.

Even so, his speed was terrifying. There probably wasn’t even a person on earth with this speed, nonetheless in China.

But Meng Fan felt he could go even faster!

He stood up and took a break, walking in a circle around the flat and doing some radio calisthenics before continuing.

The next chapter was completed in 2 hours and 28 minutes.

He took longer, but his speed was faster since the content from this chapter was much more difficult to draw.


When he looked at the time, it was already 8:00 pm.

He wanted to call a take out but thought about it and took off his hat and gave a call to Chen Da Qiang.

“Qiang, are you busy? If not, come to my place and bring some food.”

Half an hour later, Chen Da Qiang appeared with an extra-large portion of green pepper with stir-fried rice and a plate of potato shreds, plus a bowl of rice.

“Aside from bringing food, I have something else to tell you…”

Meng Fan began eating and found he couldn’t speak without stopping. Chen Da Qiang was too good at searching for good food that he was so accurate at finding it every time. Meng Fan finished everything and downed a bottle of iced cola and let out a satisfied burp before finally speaking as he stood up, “Some time ago I went to Shenzhen to participate in the 11/11 gala and didn’t have time to draw. Since I’m not busy, I’ll be drawing very fast in the next couple of days. So you’ve got some work ahead of you.”

Chen Da Qiang helped Meng Fan clear the table and pushed everything in the trash. Hesitant, he asked, “How fast? Even faster than before? People are going to die!”

“Don’t worry, I will combine work and rest and take care of my body.”

“I was saying I’m going to die.”

“Huh? Oh!”

Meng Fan, of course, knew with his current production rate, even two people would be crying let alone Chen Da Qiang by himself. After teasing him for a while, he added, “You probably won’t be able to do it on your own. I’ll get you an assistant.”

“Manga assistant’s assistant? Of course, you’d think of this!” Chen Da Qiang tied the garbage bag and took it to the door, leaving it to take down with him when he left. He washed his hands and spoke, “Where are you going to find someone? From our class?”

Meng Fan paid his assistants pretty well, so it wasn’t hard to find someone from his class and give them a part-time job.

He then said, “Do you know where Zhang Zhou Wei has been recently?”

“Of course, since you and professor Qin established your studio, and Wang Ya Nan became a member, he’s been dragged there every day to help out.” Chen Da Qiang immediately understood. “You want to give the work to the studio?”

Meng Fan nodded. “Mhmm. But it seems like there’s not enough staff available in the studio at the moment since they’ve been accepting a lot of commissions as well. I’m gonna give professor Qin a call later, so she can be responsible for finding people. It’s best if she could pull some out from the studio, but if not, I’m sure she’ll still be able to find someone quickly. As for you, you should go to the studio tomorrow. You’re familiar with my drawings, so you should be able to handle the post-production work.”


Chen Da Qiang had an exceptional executive ability and didn’t require any further explanations from Meng Fan. “Tonight I’ve already agreed to watch a movie with Xue, so I won’t be working on your drafts. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“It’s so late already yet you’re going to a movie now? By the time you’re done…” Meng Fan looked at the time and raised his eyebrows. Grabbing Chen Da Qiang’s shoulder, he said, “It’s almost 9:00 pm, and you had time to bring me food. It seems like you’ve got tons of time! Your movie’s at 9:30 or later right? By the time you’re done, the school will be closed. The strategies are deep my brother!”

Chen Da Qiang turned red. He struggled free of Meng Fan’s grasp and turned to wash his hands. After realizing he had already washed them after turning on the faucet, he thought about it and said, “I don’t know what’s gonna happen. Don’t let the other two guys know.”

Meng Fan bellowed with laughter. “If you don’t go back tonight, it’ll be hard for those two not to know.”

“Tell them I’m working on the drafts here with you!”

“I know, I know. You should head out now. Don’t make your Xue goddess wait.”

Meng Fan hurried Chen Da Qiang out the door, but he returned in a moment. He grabbed the garbage outside the door that he had forgotten and told Meng Fan to take care of his body.

“I know! Qiang bro, it’s okay if you mess up here, but when you’re with Xue, you better keep your rhythm! Qiang bro, you can do it!”

Meng Fan laughed as he teased him. Seeing Chen Da Qiang nod feverously, he couldn’t help but be a bit envious.

He was envious of Da Qiang’s ability to execute his plans!

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