
Chapter 307 - What a Great Feeling to Be on the Giant’s Shoulder

Chapter 307: What a Great Feeling to Be on the Giant’s Shoulder

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Graveyard of the Gods.

Near the Crimson Mountain Range that resembled hot lava, an Angel Faction party that had just wrapped up a battle tumbled to the floor, gasping for air.

Many giant corpses were found within a hundred-meter radius from them—all were dead bodies of Crimson Ghastpuppets. The body nearest to them, despite look relatively smaller than the others, was also the strongest. It was the Tier 5 Miniboss of the monster herd that was immune to almost all type of physical attacks.

It was hard to imagine that such triumphant victory was achieved by a five-player party. The five-man team courageously put down all the Tier 5 monsters despite not having any Tier 5 Supreme Champion with them. Undoubtedly, all the five players in this elite party were superior fighters.

Even so, the prolonged and harsh battle still took a toll on these persistent warriors. As soon as the battle ended, they sat down on the floor from exhaustion.

The five players consisted of four males and one female.

The male Ignis Swordmaster with a full body of Dark Gold equipment wore a determined and unsympathetic expression. Nonetheless, he was bathed in cold sweat and leaned tiredly against a tree.

Besides the Ignis Swordmaster was a Steel Berserker who hid behind a thick armor. The mysterious man had a gigantic physique and was equipped with Dark Gold items as well. A plain heavy sword was stuck deep into the ground near him and the Berserker greedily inhaled fresh air into his lung.

Behind them, a Terramancer, who still had his Earth Barrier activated, was equally in a mess. However, he was less fatigued than the two warriors before him. He sat down carefully while holding onto a tree trunk. Judging by their well-being, the previous tragic battle was probably more of a scare than hurtful.

“Another one?”

The female Summoner in a white robe, was alerted and directed her vision into the deeper part of the woods. She subconsciously gripped tighter on her staff and got up from the ground. Her tender voice could not hide her desperation and tiredness. One could hardly not sympathize her. Though they were “only” assaulted by about forty Tier 5 monsters, each one of them was extremely tough to beat and they had to give their very best to annihilate the herd.

For this fight alone, the only Elementalist in the party, Black Rock, had used up all of his Magic Scrolls while the Summoner’s monster was killed again and again. She herself had wasted six Sealed Mana Cores in total.

“Snowleaf, it’s such a waste that you did not opt to be a Bowmaster instead,” said the only Bandit in the party, Fateless. Regardless of his handsome appearance, he was actually lying ungraciously flat on the ground a moment ago. But he quickly got on his feet after feeling it too—a faint vibration transmitted through the ground from within the forest.

If his feeling was right, then the incoming creature should be around the same size as a Crimson Ghastpuppet. While the unknown threat was closing in fast, the two warriors remained rested like dead bodies and refused to get up.

“My gosh, when is this going to end?”

“I don’t remember leaving any Crimson Chastpuppet behind that region. Which bastard lured it here?”

The two warriors incessant whining caused the Terramancer Black Rock, to chuckle bitterly. “Is this really the right time to discuss such thing?”

“Come on bro. I am really wasted and can’t move an inch further.” The Ignis Swordmaster did not even bother to turn around to address the others. “Since there is only one, I believed you guys can handle it. F*ck it! What had we warriors done to be treated like this?”

“Me too, wasted,” the mysterious Berserker seconded the Swordmaster’s opinion with a concise reply.

But the next moment, their pupils suddenly dilated from they saw.

The Ignis Swordmaster swiftly regained himself and moved away from the tree. He had now transformed into an eagle that watched its prey cautiously. His sights sharpened and locked onto a giant purple figure running straight at them.

Metal clanking sound was heard as the Steel Berserker half-kneeled on the floor and held tight to his heavy knife with one hand. A thick ruby aura immediately blasted through his whole body. His eyes hidden under the great armor displayed a strong intent of battling.

The two of them no longer showed any sign of tiredness. They were now as sharp as two unsheathed swords, prepared to strike at any time.

It was hard to blame them for the drastic change of form. The purple figure coming from afar was definitely not what they were expecting. It was even larger and faster than a Crimson Ghastpuppet while also approaching with a far more suffocating aura...

‘Damn it! A Boss-tier monster.’

The five-player party bemoaned their misfortune. The two warriors had depleted almost every healing potion they had to effectively withstand the Greenstone Demon’s attacks. It was their prolonged resilience that had bought them enough time for Snowleaf, Black Rock, and Fateless to finish off the other monsters.

‘Now comes another Boss. What kind of luck is this?’

They longed to teleport back town. If not because of their individual pride and the fact that this was the third level of Graveyard of the Gods—they had come too far to go back empty-handed.

The temporary formed party had no Magic Scrolls, extra Sealed Mana Cores, or HP Potions left. They were in an extremely unfavorable situation as their MP Potions were also depleting fast. Their only advantage, if any, was that their opponent came alone.

“Alright, we are in a tight spot. There is no need to hold back anymore. Prepare to give your best or death will be our destiny,” said the Ignis Swordmaster, who was apparently the party leader.

“Snowleaf, summon a Water-type monster and heal.”

“Judge! We will take turns tanking!”

Before he could provide further instruction to the remaining two members, the Ignis Swordmaster, Subjugator, suddenly stuttered as he saw something out of ordinary.

The other four players were as shocked as Subjugator and looked blankly. Their focus was not on the humongous Orc Boss, but rather a player, obviously belonging to the Angel Faction, who was standing right on top of the shoulder of the orc.


What else could it be if it was not the Amethyst Orc that ran so freely in the third level of Graveyard of the God? Besides Qin Ruo, who else would have the guts to mount a Tier 5 Miniboss and order it to run mindlessly across the Crimson Mountain Range?

Since he looted Cerberus’ treasure, Qin Ruo imitated Poochie and climbed onto the shoulder of Amethyst Orc. He healed the Boss while utilizing Amethyst Orc high mobility to locate the next warp portal. Along the way, he had scared away numerous players, from Angel or Demon Factions. Some players in battles ran away as soon as Qin Ruo stomped in imposingly into their range, as they thought they were under attack by a Tier 5 Boss.

With Amethyst Orc’s help, Qin Ruo needed little effort to gain access into the third level. However, after two days of competition, almost no top tier player remained at the initial three levels of the Graveyard. Qin Ruo did not bump into any Demon Faction players along the way while all Red Tag players fled as soon as they entered Qin Ruo’s vision. This left Qin Ruo no choice but to ransack the Crimson Mountains in hope of finding a Tier 5 monster herd or Tier 5 Bosses.

His altitude allowed him to observe further. He jumped in excitement when he found a large pile of giant monster corpses ahead. He immediately instructed Amethyst Orc to rush there without a second thought.

He was disappointed when he found out that five Angel Faction players were the ones responsible for the massacre. Not only that, all five of them appeared to be remarkably strong. When he stopped in front of the five players and scanned through their Dark Gold equipment, Qin Ruo was dispirited.

‘Why aren’t they on the Demon Faction’s side?’

Qin Ruo did not know that his quick glance actually sparked fear in the five players’ mind.

Although they could openly access Qin Ruo’s basic profile, a player mounted on a Tier 5 Miniboss must be far from ordinary. They dared not take Qin Ruo lightly as the emergence of the Aquamancer reminded them of the two trendy threads posted recently in the official forum. They instinctively turned defensive when Qin Ruo glanced at them, as if he was going to devour them.

“Hi guys. Any idea where the warp portal to the next level is at?”

Qin Ruo felt that it would be rude to ask them a question from high up. With Amethyst Orc’s help, he landed on the ground but retained his dual defenses—despite belonging to the same faction, it did not necessarily mean the players in front of him were definitely non-hostile.

But of course, even if they did try to assault him, he would have Poochie and Amethyst Orc aiding him. Before he came down from the Orc’s shoulder, Qin Ruo had simulated multiple approaches on how to quickly eliminate the three main attacking threats—Bandit, Summoner, and Terramancer. As for the two warriors, he believed his current Magic Attack combined with Amethyst Orc’s power could effortlessly overwhelm them in no time.

Qin Ruo’s gesture gained approval from the five players. Out of respect, the leader, Subjugator, turned around and pointed toward the jungle and spoke bitterly, “We just came from that side. A warp portal was seen there but it was guarded by two Tier 5 Minibosses and one Tier 5 Elite Boss. We only managed to take out one of them.”

Qin Ruo peeked at the corpse of the yet to be respawned Boss and rubbed his throbbing temple.

‘Geez. I couldn’t find a warp portal after running aimlessly for twenty minutes. Now that I have finally found one, it is somehow guarded by two problematic Tier 5 pests. What a day!’

“Bro, you have a nice mount there!”

Hearing the unfamiliar voice, Qin Ruo raised his head toward the sound source. The owner of the voice was the Terramancer. Qin Ruo smiled at him with a polite nod as a sign of acknowledgment.

“Hey friend, what I am trying to say is that, maybe we can team up and get rid of the Boss. That way, we might have a shot at entering the fourth level.”

“Team up?” Qin Ruo thought of the monster corpses lying around them. He was definitely tempted by the suggestion.

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