
Chapter 183

Chapter 183: The Final Retaliation and Ambush

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation


Followed by a loud bang in an unknown region deep within Silentdeath Jungle, an intense black light suddenly flashed and its radiation covered a huge area, as if the apocalyptic devil had cast a death curse. After that, large puffs of smoke rose from the center of the battlefield. The flame carried an intense dark aura...

The trees in that area were frozen by this ice-cold flame. It was extremely bone-chilling. This elegantly formed flame dispersed into the sky above the Mythical Battlefield, which refused to dissolve for a long time.

In the middle of this battlefield, the elite party of Twelve Zodiacs from the Demon Faction finally faced their first inevitable batch of casualties...

Under the impact of this Tier 5 “Darkblaze Apocalypse”, seven Beastblood Berserkers were the first to be affected. Numerous negative emotions instantaneously gushed into their mind and directly made them confused!

Even the Field Commander Saga who had helped the Beastblood Berserkers interrupt the Tier 5 AoE spell thrice had also lost control of his body when he once again entered the battlefield instinctively.

On the other hand, the Elementalists, who were the most affected in every previous Tier 5 AoE spell, were instead unharmed under this pure elemental AoE attack.

It was just that when such a horrifying forbidden spell was cast, it would usually cause great discomfort to the eye. That was the reason why most of them closed their eyes, except several Radiant Priests at the periphery who remained unaffected.

Nevertheless, the brief ceasefire allowed the monster to snatch the Beastblood Berserkers’ minds and souls, which consequently led to the following tragedy!

Although only losing focus for a split second, the Mutant Darkshadow Archdemon who was patiently waiting was freed akin to a demon who was released after the forbidden gates were open...

An eerie howl escaped the Mutant Darkshadow Archdemon’s mouth. Tiny demons appeared out of thin air right above the Beastblood Berserkers and Sage. They took out their weapons while laughing sporadically in a creepy manner.

The buffs on the Beastbood Berserkers were instantly removed.

Besides that, as if it was aware of the Radiant Priests’ Purify, the Mutant Darkshadow Archdemon unexpectedly released a dark fog at this very moment which completely shrouded the eight players near him—encompassing the seven Beastblood Berserkers and Saga.

Right before the dark fog spread out, there was still one Purification spell by a Radiant Priest that managed to reach its target on time, on none other than the Field Commander—Saga.

Other Radiant Priests were slightly late...

When they finally equipped themselves with the Aura of Purification and joined the fray to remove the dark fog all over the place, the depressing cry in pain and call for help of the Beastblood Berserkers were heard.

“What the hell is this?!”

“I can’t see... Ahhh!”


In the short span of two seconds, they seemed to have plunged straight into the depths of hell. All other Twelve Zodiacs members at the periphery held their breaths with their solemn expressions of deep concern. The entire team was preparing for the worst, whereby the Mutant Darkshadow Archdemon might dash out directly toward them.

Such a shame!

When the light pillar of Purification fully removed the surrounding dark fog and once again revealed the battlefield to everyone, they saw that six out of seven Beastblood Berserkers had fallen. The last standing Berserker was able to withstand the attack with the Radiant Priest’s Healing and gulping down potion after potion...

Their strongest tank collapsed in mere seconds. Saga could not be more irritated. From being nervous and fearful of the Mutant Darkshadow Archdemon, he could only feel a surge of killing intent now! Not knowing how he found the Mutant Darkshadow Archdemon through the dark fog, he was currently withholding the Boss’s firepower while unleashing the Ignis Swordmaster hidden skill with full force.


A sharp sword stroke and sword radiance exploded precisely before the Mutant Darkshadow Archdemon’s eyes. The explosion forced the monster to stepped way back with an angry shriek. Without giving it any chance to counter, Saga who was now collectively buffed by several Radiant Priests stepped desperately on the knee of the Mutant Darkshadow Archdemon and used it to spring high into the air. He drew up a peculiarly arched attack with his Dark-Gold longsword that carried a blood-red flame—the Tier 4 Ignis Swordmaster technique, Rising Dragon Strike.

With this attack, the Mutant Darkshadow Archdemon had received a heavy hit on its jaw. Its attack was interrupted for half a second as it fell back clumsily with a series of shrilling shrieks in pain...

Saga then twisted his waist in midair. The fire dragon sword radiances were like a clockwork machine as it was madly sprung out from his longsword to inflict multiple burns on the Mutant Darkshadow Archdemon’s silver body!

Qin Ruo furrowed his brow as he watched from the shadows.

‘Saga is definitely an outstanding guy. He successfully combined two Ignis Swordmaster Tier 4 skills to mimic the Berserker’s Fusion Blitz effect. From the looks of it, the intensity and power of the combined Rising Dragon Strike and Coiling Fire Dragon are equivalent to that of the Berserker’s Fusion Blitz!’

Furthermore, Fire-type attacks provide additional damage against the Dark-type Mutant Darkshadow Archdemon. So the attack had apparently pushed the creature to its limits. Especially since Saga was backed by several Radiant Priest behind him, the Mutant Darkshadow Archdemon was surprisingly contained and muted for the time being.

“Rescue them!”

Several players responded immediately to the command and instruct their comrades loudly. The other Radiant Priests quickly realized the opportunity and began to chant the resurrection spell.

The Elementalists had also recovered from the tremor seeing the collapse of their Beastblood Berserker comrades. They hurriedly resumed their previously interrupted spell thanks to the few serene minutes obtained through Saga’s effort...

Although Saga singlehandedly forced back the Mutant Darkshadow Archdemon, it was achieved by a short-term explosive act after all. Once all the skills were completely unleashed, Saga lost his momentum and he could no longer precisely determine and target the Boss’s weakness. After hastily using two other skills on the monster, he was finally pushed aside by the Shadowbarrier cast by the Mutant Darkshadow Archdemon!


Saga’s last few attacks on the Mutant Darkshadow Archdemon could no longer inflict the same amount of damage as before. He was also unable to use his limit break in such a state. For the first time, he shouted to ask for the Elementalists’ aid!

Instantly, magic spells were cast swiftly and once again blasted at the Boss from all directions...

Saga was definitely not going to miss this golden chance. He quickly rejoined the fight. Cooperating with the remaining Berserker, they sandwiched the Mutant Darkshadow Archdemon in between them!

The direct involvement of a Field Commander in the battle immediately boosted the morale of the whole team. After all, Saga previous heroic performances had built up trust and confidence within them.

Another instance of magical spells by the Elementalists exploded on the monsters to suppress the Mutant Darkshadow Archdemon for yet another round.

After the ten-second Ray of Resurrection was cast, the six killed Beastblood Berserkers were revived...


Enormous magical fluctuations once agains accumulated swiftly around the Mutant Darkshadow Archdemon!

Another Tier 5 AoE spell!

Qin Ruo blinked his eye witnessing this.

If this magic is cast, there is no way Twelve Zodiacs could avoid losing part of their battle forces...

The Beastblood Berserkers who were just revived did not have much HP left and thus were unprepared to tank the damage from the Tier 5 AoE spell. If Radiant Priests could not heal themselves fast enough, they definitely would not have enough time to fully restore their (the Berserkers) extremely low HP!

Besides that, each of them lost a piece of equipment after getting killed by the Boss the first time. Hence, their defense was greatly lowered and the chance of getting eliminated instantly was high!

Saga naturally would not let that happen!

When he saw the Boss move its arm and arced its body to rapidly condense magic, the Ignis Swordmaster roared and re-performed his previous Rising Dragon Strike plus Coiling Fire Dragon combo. Glorious sparks exploded from his longsword much quicker this time around! The instantaneous explosive force from the attack coordinated well with the Elementalists’ powerful focus-fire to force the magic-condensing Mutant Darkshadow Archdemon to retreat. This effectively interrupted the half-completed Tier 5 magic condensation!

“Well done!”

“That’s our almighty leader Saga!”

“That it is! Kill the monster!” The Twelve Zodiacs members at the periphery gave out deafening cheers. Their excitement was easily seen from their expressions.

Qin Ruo who was still lurking in the shadows however sighed in disappointment.

‘Saga finally succeeded...’

Previously at the Devil’s Swamp, Dark Annihilator was the one who interrupted the Tier 5 AoE spell of the specter Boss “Gargantuan Demoncroc” time and time again all by himself, which made a name for himself! It was that exact moment when Qin Ruo learned that there was still weakness in using a Tier 5 AoE spell, which would be further amplified if the magic was cast by a player!

Saga obviously did not possess such ability at first, or to be more precise he was not aware that a Tier 5 AoE spell could be disrupted this way... Or else he would have used it long before this.

However, it was a different story now!

Since he had accidentally discovered this after being pushed to the brink of death, as long as Saga was not an idiot, he would definitely reuse the same trick in the ongoing battle to help his party overcome the threat brought by the Tier 5 AoE spell... If so, the time needed to annihilate the Mutant Darkshadow Archdemon would be drastically shortened!


As Qin Ruo expected...

After the six Beastblood Berserkers were safely revived, two persons stayed back under Saga’s command to help the line of defense while all others were instructed to retreat back to the periphery...

After that, the battle situation remained unchanged throughout. Only when the Mutant Darkshadow Archdemon tried to charge and release a Tier 5 AoE spell would Saga command everyone to speed up their attacks and cancel the Boss’ skill.

After several rounds, the Mutant Darkshadow Archdemon finally panicked. It got more and more aggravated, and even tried to find an opening among the Beastblood Berserkers encirclement to break loose...


The Mutant Darkshadow Archdemon failed all his attempts in the presence of the Radiant Priests and Saga!

Finally, after suffering the continuous bombardment by more than thirty Elementalists and Saga’s attack for five minutes long, the “Mutant Darkshadow Archdemon” HP dropped continuously and passed the 5000 mark...

Saga was very much thrilled.

“Elementalists, prepare your Magic Scrolls! Beware of the final retaliation by the Boss!!” Once he finished his sentence, an unexpected occurrence suddenly took place...

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