
Chapter 775 -775

Chapter 775 -775

Mike standing besides Anon with a serious expression on his face.

"Mike, Why don't you get Burned under the sun ?" Anon asked as he Looked at the sun.

"Pardon, Master ?" Mike asked with a confused expression.

"It's something that I heard a long time ago, I don't know if it was myth or not... But, I heard that you guys get Burned under the sunlight and a stake of wood through your heart can kill you ?" Anon asked with a smile.

"Master, You are right about the wooden stake thing. But, The sunlight thing is just a fake news. I mean, How can a vampire get Burned under the sunlight ?" Mike asked with a smile.

"Haha... I guess, It's a myth then." Anon replied with a smile.

"Yes, Master." Mike spoke.

"Mike... It's time." Anon spoke as he stood up from the chair and looked at Mike.

"Master, are you really going to deep sea ?" Mike asked with a Confused and sad expression.

"Arrange a meeting... Call Sephie, No.300 and Adeline." Anon ordered as he sipped his coffee.

"As you command, Master." Mike replied as he immediately disappeared from his place.

Anon then turned around and gazed at the Sun with a confident expression.

'I have money, I have power... Hell, I can sleep with any woman I want in this world. But, What's the fun in that ?

I have killed many here, But I can't seem to increase my level above 202. I need to kill stronger monsters in order to level up and I hope I can find them in the Deep sea.

I wonder... What kind of creatures live in the Deep Sea. To keep the Eclipsewhisperers guards of that gate... There has to be something really scary lying beyond that gate.

I have to be prepared. Sigh, I hope... I could've talked to the Demon Gods one last time, Before going there.' Anon thought as he finished his coffee and placed the cup over the table.

"Masssssss..." Mike appeared in front of Anon, But in a very slow motion. It was as if time has stopped.

Mike was frozen on his place and everything around Anon has stopped.

"What the fuck !?" Anon asked with a confused expression as he looked around and noticed that the leafs flying in the air has also stopped in the air and even the falling water has stopped at the near distant waterfall.

"What the hell is-" Before Anon could've completed his sentence, darkness covered his eyes and his consciousness was sucked out of his body.

[You've been Summoned to Hell.]

[Skill store has been opened.]

[God's Avatar 'Kai' Has been Killed.]

"Ouch, Ouch... Where the fuck am-" Before Anon could've completed his sentence, He noticed 8 pairs of differently coloured eyes hovering in the dark around him.

"Hello, Brother Anon... *Hisssss*" The god who had snake like eyes spoke up.

"Brother, Anon... You are back and you look really handsome. Kyaaa~" The demon goddess with shining pink eyes spoke up.

"Calm down, Everyone... We should let brother Anon speak something as well." The demon god who had white eyes spoke up.

"You guys... How can I see you ? I haven't killed Kai. So, How ? and who is that 8th pair of eyes ?" Anon asked with a confused expression.

"Well, You must know her... It was because of you why she reached here." The Demon god of anger spoke up.

"Wait, Harmony ?" Anon asked with a smile as he looked at the glowing blue pair of eyes.

"Hello, Mr. Anon ? You are controlling your anger really good. I like it..." Harmony spoke with a smile.

"Wait, Why are you hiding ? I have already seen you." Anon spoke up.

"Oh, That was the weak me... Sir, Anon. This is my original form and Your eyes aren't ready to see my original form. Not for now..." Harmony spoke up.

"We don't need another goddess of anger... I was fine here." Demon god of Anger spoke up.

"Don't forget about the main topic here..." God of Thunder spoke up.

"Yes, Yes... So, Brother Anon, You don't know about the big news, yet ?" God Of mischief spoke up.

"What's the news ?" Anon asked with a confused expression.

"Kai... Has been killed *Hissss*"

"Wait, What ? How ?" Anon asked with a shocked expression.

"By the gods... His own god to be specific."

"What ? Why would they kill their own avatar ?" Anon asked.

"Because, a god can't take his given powers back until his avatar is dead or completed the task he was sent down for." Goddess of lust spoke up.

"I thought, The gods can't interfere with the mortals anymore." Anon spoke with a serious expression.

"They can't... But, They can create some really good conditions... Where the avatar has to die in order to return the borrowed power of a god.

Gods opened a gate to another realm and called out a very powerful monster out of it. When Kai was passing through a forest, he came across the monster."

"The condition were already set *Hissss*. The Avatar is just a toy they use until they need it and then break it if they don't like it. *Hissss*

It was already written in his luck to die today by that monster. *Hissss*"

"Wait... How strong is that monster, that even Kai can't kill it ?" Anon asked with a Confused expression.

"Very, Very strong... It was from a different realm brother Anon, A higher realm. I am pretty sure that they sacrificed something really expensive to Summon that monster.

Maybe the heart of a Goddess or a divine weapon." God of mischief spoke up.

"What do you think... Harmony ?"

"Hmmm... I think, they sacrificed someone's summoning Altar." Harmony spoke up.

"Yes, That can be the case... Altar is an important thing for a god but they can make other after 10,000 years."

"Will you guys, Shut up for a minute ?" Anon asked with a serious expression.

"Brother, Anon... Is something wrong ?"

"Kai is dead by some fucking monster, right ? What about the monster ? Is he still here ?" Anon asked.

"No, No... That wasn't a permanent Summon *Hisss*. More like a temporary Summon. The monster saw his prey... It attacked him, killed him and went back to his realm. Hisss..."

"Wait, Why didn't they Summon that monster to kill me ?" Anon asked with a confused expression.

"Haa... You see brother Anon. Kai's Destiny was written by the gods themselves... They changed it and killed him because he betrayed them.

Kai was destined to pass from that Forest, where the realm's gate was supposed to open.

Unlike Kai... You are free of destiny. No one can control your destiny, Because when we gave you our authorities... We decided that you should act on your own free will and nothing should be planned in advance for you." The god with white glowing eyes spoke up.

"Brother, Anon Hissss... We know you kept him alive, so that the gods can't send another avatar down.

But, Gods aren't stupid... They choose an Avatar who had her sister to fight for. But, you used it against him and made him into your slave using his sister. Hissssss...."

"This time case won't be the same... Gods learn their mistakes. This time... They will send someone without anyone to care about and this avatar's sole purpose would be to destroy you."

"So, I should be prepared ? I was just thinking of going to the-"

"Deep Sea ?" The god with white eyes asked.

"Yeah, How do you know that ?" Anon asked.

"Because, We want you to go there as well..." The goddess of lust spoke up.

"Why is that ?" Anon asked.

"We aren't sure of this... But, God of Truth is going to send his avatar down this time and That God is really a psychopath.

Maybe he is going to hand out a broken ability to his avatar. Like his powers will increase with every lie you speak in front of him." The god with white eyes spoke up.

"Wait, Ther is an ability like that ?" Anon asked.

"No, brother... I was just telling you this, just so you can get the hang of what you are going to fight next.

Unlike, Kai... This one won't take long to find you and once he founds you. You will have to fight with everything you have and You don't have it in you, to fight that avatar head on for now.

That's why you have to go to the deep sea... Brother Anon."

"Deep sea is a very very dangerous place, Brother Anon... Hissss. I have seen the creatures that lives down there and they are really strong.

But, the good thing is 60% of them are demons. Hissss..."

"Wait, There are demons in deep sea ?" Anon asked with a confused expression.

"Oh, We are everywhere... But, Not ordinary demons. I will tell you again... Not ordinary demons.

Even gods suffered when they fought those demons."

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