
Chapter 421 -421

Chapter 421 Chapter-421

Four carriages stopped in front of Julia's Mansion, and Anon stepped out of the carriage with other soldiers.

Her mansion wasn't small; it covered a very large area and was constructed from expensive materials as well.

"Well, that's one big mansion you live in," Anon spoke as he looked at Julia.

"This mansion doesn't belong to me alone, Sir Jule. These guys are equal partners in this mansion; they worked very hard and invested their money into making it," Julia spoke as she pointed towards Ella and her other soldiers.

'Wow... She is now adding 'Sir' to my name. Back then she didn't even notice my presence in the room,' Anon wondered as he looked at Julia.

"So you guys made it all together, which means your families are also staying here too, right?" Faith asked.

"Yes, ma'am," Ella answered.

"Well, enough talking. Let's all head in and have something to eat," Julia spoke as she started walking towards the main gate of her mansion.

"So, you still don't want to stay in the same room? It will be fun," Anon asked Faith.

"Mr. Jule, that joke again? I told you, we are not that close, and first of all, you have a date pending that you need to complete," Faith spoke as she walked ahead with Julia.

Suddenly Ella closed her distance to Anon and asked with a smile, "Hello, Sir Jule. Would you like to spend a night in my room?"

"Na, I think I am too ordinary for a noble girl of your rank," Anon spoke in a taunting manner.

"Sir, Jule... that was a grave mistake of mine, and I deeply regret it. I will do everything in order to make it up to you," Ella spoke as she tried to grab Anon's hand.

Anon immediately increased his pace without saying anything.

"Good Evening, Miss Julia." The guards immediately greeted her and bowed down as they opened the gate for her to enter.

Julia and Faith walked in first; behind them walked Anon and Ella. After that, all the soldiers walked in.

"HoHoHo... you should've told me in advance, Julia, that you are bringing in guests today." An old dark elf lady, around the age of 3000 years or more, spoke. She was standing at the front door with two maids beside her, holding a cane in her right hand and wearing a pair of glasses.

"Madam Faith and Sir Anon, this lady over here is our mansion's head maid, but she is also our chief, Grinda," Julia introduced.

"Oh, hi, I am-" Before Faith could say anything, Grinda interrupted her.

"I know who you are, Faith of the Queen. The Chief Commander of the White Elves.

I am interested in that guy, over there," Grinda spoke as she pointed towards Anon.

"Hmm...? Me?" Anon asked with a confused expression.

"Yes, you, young man. You have something about your aura that's mysterious. Come here..." Grinda spoke as she called Anon.

Anon walked up to Grinda.

"Give me your hand, young man," Grinda asked.

"Chief, we should offer them some food first, right? You can always do it later," Julia spoke with a weird expression.

"Shut up, little girl. Can't you see I am doing something over here...?" Grinda spoke as she touched Anon's hand.

[Your opponent has used the skill [Soul Inspection] on you.]

Suddenly Grinda's soul got projected inside Anon's soul chamber.

The soul chamber was dark, with a fearsome calmness inside it.

"I have seen many soul chambers, but this one is very calm, and not in a good way; it's as if something is looking at me but I can't see it," Grinda spoke as she looked around but didn't see anything other than utter darkness.


Suddenly she heard a sound coming from behind her; Grinda turned around and saw something that shocked her to the bottom of her soul.

A huge black monstrous octopus with flashing purple eyes was looking at her.

Grinda looked like a small ant to the octopus.


The demonic octopus moved his tentacle towards Grinda with an incredible speed.

"Nooooooo..." Grinda shouted.

The octopus grabbed Grinda's neck and snapped it like a toy.

"Haaaaaah..." Grinda came back to her senses in the real world and fell down to the ground.

"Chief, are you alright?"

"Ma'am, please get a hold of yourself."

"Ma'am, are you alright?"

Julia and the two maids immediately grabbed Grinda as they helped her stand up.

"Not a very good habit to get inside someone's soul chamber without their permission, Madam," Anon spoke as he looked at her and smiled.

"Y-You, You created that illusion right? That was an illusion, right?" Grinda asked as she looked at Anon with a terrified expression.

"Well, no one knows," Anon spoke as he smiled like a villain.

"Chief, you should go and get some rest. I will take our guests to the dining table," Julia spoke as she looked at the two maids.

The maids immediately grabbed Grinda and took her inside.

"I am sorry from her side. She has this habit of looking into everyone's soul," Julia apologized as she bowed down in front of Anon.

"Well, sometimes a habit can get you killed. It was her first time... but if she tries it again, I can't guarantee, if her soul will ever return to her body," Anon spoke as he looked at Julia with a very serious expression.

"I-I..." Julia was trying to say something, but she was too scared to say anything. If she said something wrong the matter will only get worse.

"Haha.... Mr. Jule is just joking. Aren't you, Mr. Jule?" Faith spoke as she showed big eyes to Anon.

'Well, if that's what it takes to corrupt you,' Anon thought as a smile appeared on his face.

"Of course, I wouldn't do such a thing to such a cute old lady," Anon spoke jokingly.

"Ah, Thank you Sir, Jule. Please come inside, I will serve you our best dish." Julia spoke as she opened the main door of the mansion, and everyone entered inside.




As soon as they entered the mansion, many dark elf kids rushed towards the dark elf soldiers and hugged them.

"Kids, Kids... not today. Don't you see we have guests with us here?" Ella spoke as she looked at the kids.

"Oh, no no no. Please don't mind us. They look very cute," Faith spoke as she smiled at the kids.

'I wonder when will she serve the dinner?' Anon thought as he looked around the mansion.

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