
Chapter 365 -365

Chapter 365 Chapter-365

Behind the Academy, a big crowd of students is covering the arena.

Although the arena was used for immortal matches, today the array that keeps the players unharmed is turned off.

The environment is very dense and silent; no one is saying anything as if someone just died.

The commentator of the match is also silent. On the side of the arena, there are three seats arranged.

One for Ion, second for his son Xander, and third for the principal.

"Oi, start this shit," Xander spoke in a deep voice as he stood up from his seat.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here today to witness the match between Mr. Jeffery Lawson of the Lawson house and Mr. Jule.

Mr. Jeffery is also the next leader of the Lawson family, and he is the future husband of Mrs. Jeena Janes of the Jane Household.

Whereas Jule is someone who I don't know very well. This kid came in sight when he beat the crap out of Mr. Oxmaul last week.

Today our special guests are Mr. Xander Jane and the current Leader of the Jane Household, Mr. Ion Jane.

Ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome our competitors. Please give them a big round of applause because one of them is not going to go back to his house today," the commentator shouted as the whole crowd started clapping.

Anon and Jeffery both came out from the same side.

"I will kill you brutally. You don't even know what you are playing with, kid. If you would've just let the half-elf die, you wouldn't be standing here, and I wouldn't have to kill you," Jeffery said as he smiled and waved his hand toward the audience.

Anon was calm; his hands were inside his pockets, and he was walking lazily, as if he didn't care about anything.

"Oi, speak something. Aren't you afraid of your death? I am really going to kill you today. You can't run or escape from this arena," Jeffery asked with a confused expression.

"Yeah, I am very scared of you and my death. Look, my body is vibrating," Anon spoke as he showed his hand to Jeffery, but his hand was very steady and it wasn't moving even an inch.

"That attitude, you have too much attitude, and that is going to be the reason for your death today. Remember it, kid," Jeffery spoke with an angry expression.

"Let me tell you one thing, I don't fight anyone unless I know that my winning chances are above 100%," Anon replied with a smile.

"I think you are losing your mind, kid. Don't worry, it happens. I will try to finish you off while I see that smile of yours turn into a very horrible expression. You will beg me to spare your life, and do you know what I will say? I will say 'No, Bitch,' and kill you," Jeffery spoke as he looked at Anon with a smile.

Anon just looked at Jeffery and smiled as he used his skill.

<Demonic Eyes>[Name: Jeffery Lawson] [Level: 75] [Race: Elf] [Class: Archer +1 Hidden Class(Sword master).] [HP: 130,000/130,000] [MP: 75,000/75,000] [Description: Wants to kill you and save himself from Xander's wrath. He is considered a genius in his age group, and most of the elders inside the academy treat him as a gem of the era. Everyone has expectations from him; everyone wants to see him succeed Faith's post after her retirement.]

'That extra class is the only reason why everyone thinks of him as a genius of the era, but I don't see anything special in him. I can kill him easily, and he wants to succeed my darling Faith's post; I can't let that happen. He will ruin all of my plans.

It's good that I checked his status back in the office. It's the only problem of the rich people; they have real big egos and they can be rolled into word traps easily just like I did with him,' Anon thought as he looked at Ion.

Both of them stopped as they came in front of Ion, Xander, and the principal.

"Let me explain the rules of this competition to you. Each side will play the game of cards before the match starts," the commentator announced as a table filled with 10 cards was revealed in front of Anon and Jeffery.

The cards were facing the table, and they can only see the backside of the cards, which looked exactly the same.

"Jule and Jeffery will get 4 turns each. They will turn the cards and state their one rule that will be applied in this match; the number on the card will decide whose rule will be applied.

If Jule's number turns out big, his rule will apply, and if Jeffery's card number turns out bigger than Jule's card, then Jeffery's rule will be applied, and just like that, four rules will be applied.

So, ladies and gentlemen, let's start the game of cards," the commentator announced.

"Jeffery and Jule, this coin will be tossed, and you will have to choose your side to start the game of cards," the principal said as she walked up to the front and showed them a gold coin with a lion on one side and a snake on the other side.

"Yes, Ma'am." Both of them spoke at the same time.

"Good, here it goes," she said as she tossed the coin high in the air, she threw the coin so far up that it stopped appearing.


"Now, select," she spoke.

"I will go with the lion because a lion hunts with his full power and without any hesitation," Jeffery spoke with a smile.

"Good. Now Jule, do you have any objection to-" before the principal could've said anything she observed Anon looking at the clouds with his full focus.

"Mr. Jule...?"

"Hmm...? You said anything?" Anon asked as he looked at the principal.

"I asked, do you have any problems with him selecting the lion or do you want it because you are the failing party here?" the principal asked again.

"Oh, no. I don't want any lion; just give him the lion... I will take the snake," Anon replied.


Suddenly the coin appeared coming down from the sky and landed directly into her hands.

"...and the winner of the toss is, Lion."

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