
Chapter 335 -335

"B-But... How?" Fen asked as her hands started vibrating.

"Well, that's one thing I can't answer, just take it," Anon said as he started moving forward.

"Ahem... Ven, please bring me those fruits," Fen spoke to Ven as she ordered her to pluck some fruits from a nearby tree.

"But sister, I want to-"

"Just go." This time she spoke in a more bossy tone.

"Y-Yes..." Ven answered as she went to pluck the fruits.

"I can't take this..." Fen spoke as she gave back the platinum coin to Anon.

"Why? Don't you want it?" Anon asked with a smile.

"Yeah, I do, I really do, but I can't just take it for free," Fen replied.

"Who said I am giving it to you for free?" Anon spoke.

"Yeah, I know your homework and all that stuff... I will do it for free. Look, you saved our lives, and we are really thankful to you for that, but I can't take this," Fen spoke with a sad face.

'Wow... She is hard to break,' Anon thought as he put one of his arms on her shoulder and smiled.

"Look at Ven, don't you want a good future for her? Don't you want her to study, become a mage, and do whatever she wants to do?" Anon spoke as he exploited Fen using her little sister.

'You might be hard to break, but not impossible,' Anon thought as a smile appeared on his face.

Fen looked at Ven with a very sad expression and started thinking about what Anon has just said.

"Why do you want to do this? What do you want?" Fen asked with a sad expression as she put the platinum coin into her pocket.

"Look at me..." Anon said as he slightly touched her chin and turned her beautiful face towards him.

"Do you think I want something in return for all this? If that's what you think, then you are wrong," Anon spoke.

'You are right, but I will give you this coin and take everything from you,' Anon thought as he looked at Fen with a warm smile.

"R-Really?" Fen asked as she looked at Anon, and her face turned red.

'His face is too close... Should I kiss him? Will he hate me? What should I do?' Fen started thinking as her face got even redder.

She suddenly closed her eyes and curled her lips.

'Hahaha... One down,' Anon thought as he kissed Fen.


They kissed slightly and separated right after.

"Heyyyyyyy! What are you two doing?" Ven shouted as she dropped the fruits and folded her hands in anger.

"Ahh, Y-You see... This... Ven... This is-"

"Yeah, we kissed," Anon spoke with a smile as he looked at Ven.

"Jule... She is too young to know," Fen whispered in Anon's ears.

"Ahh... Sorry, yeah, we were kissing," Anon spoke.

"Ugghhh... You big idiot. Let's just-"


Suddenly a growling sound came from the bushes.

"W-What is that? Jule... Did you hear that?" Fen asked with a very scared expression.

Both the sisters immediately hugged Anon.

Suddenly something jumped out of the bushes.

"Ahhh- huh?"


Suddenly both of them noticed that the thing that popped out of the bushes is just a cute puppy.

"Gin, where were you?" Anon asked with a smile.


Gin immediately got happy and started rubbing his head on Anon's leg.

"Awwww~ what a cute puppy? Is this your puppy, Jule?" Ven asked as she went down to pick Gin up, but as soon as she touched Gin, he barked at her.


"Heyyy... Why are you so angry with me?" Ven immediately backed off.

"I don't think he likes you that much," Anon spoke.

Gin crawled up Anon's body and sat on his head.

"Awwww~ Sis, look at him, doesn't he look cute?" Ven spoke as she again tried to pet him, but Gin barked her away this time too.


"Ughhh... Why are you doing this to me?" Ven asked with a sad expression.

"Can I pet him?" Fen asked.

"Yeah-" before Anon could've replied... Gin jumped from his head and landed directly in Fen's hands.

"Oh, wow... I guess that's a yes. Where do you find this cute thing?" Fen asked as she started tickling Gin.

"Gin, You two-faced bastard. I thought you were showing loyalty to me when you barked her away. I think you forgot that I saved your ass a few hours ago," Anon Murmured as he looked at Gin enjoying Fen's tickling.

"Hmm...? Did you say something?" Fen asked as she looked at Anon.

"Ah... Nothing, let's go." Anon ignored Gin's behavior and moved on.

"So, you are the one winning this competition this time, huh?" Fen asked with a smile.

"I don't know." Anon replied.

"Well, if you killed so many hellhounds... I don't think anyone else will even be able to compete with you at this point," Fen spoke.

"You don't know, anything can happen here. Don't be the frog of a well," Anon spoke as he continued to move.

"Well, don't you think we should set up a camp for tonight? My legs are numb, I don't think I will be able to walk anymore, right, Ven?" Fen spoke.

No reply came from behind.

Anon suddenly realized that no one is walking behind them. He immediately turned around and confirmed his feeling.

"Where is she? Where is your sister?" Anon asked.

"What? But she was walking with us just a moment ago," Fen spoke with a scared expression as she didn't find her sister.

"Ven... Ven, where are you?" Anon shouted.

"VENNNNNNNNNNN...." Fen shouted even louder.

"Hey, Don't shout that loud. The monster beasts will get attracted to your voice. Gin, Find her," Anon ordered.


Gin immediately jumped out of Fen's hands and transformed into his real form.

"Haaaaa-" Fen immediately got scared as she saw that the cute puppy she was holding in her hands just a moment ago has now turned into a very dangerous beast in front of her eyes.


Gin smelled the place and started searching for her scent on the ground.

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