
Chapter 324 -324

The crowd fell silent and everyone looked towards the stage.

"I-I, welcome you to the most beautiful competition of the Elven kingdom. 'The Forest Hunt.' " He spoke in a hesitant manner as he wiped his forehead that was dripping from sweat.

Anon looked at him with a suspicious expression.


Everyone started Clapping.

"W-Well, you all know the rules but i will still repeat them as always. Now before all of that, there is one change in the competition this time.

The-The competition will be held in the Evensong forest instead of the Gelard forest this time, hahaha..." The village chief announced as he laughed a bit to show as if he was speaking from free will.

'Okay, something is wrong with him. His face is telling that someone is forcing him to say all of this.' Anon figured out.

"We all know that Gelard forest is almost empty and there is no sense in holding the competition there, so for a change we have decided to hold the competition in the Evensong forest."

"Huh ? Evensong forest ? Isn't that a dangerous forest ?"

"Yeah, i don't know why the village chief would decide something so dangerous ?"

"Why would the village chief do that ?"

"We Should talk to him."

"F-For those who want to take their children out... I can understand your concern as a parent myself but this competition is going to be a bit difficult this time. So, those who are men enough to participate in the competition please come to the stage." The village chief announced.

'Ah... So it's to lure me out. Seems like he hired a professional this time huh ?' Anon immediately found out as a smile appeared on his face.

One by One candidates started walking up, on the stage.

Few minutes in and only 17 candidates are on the stage, compared to last year this wasn't even the 1/4th.

"Honey, What should we do ?" Hillary asked Ian.

"Well, it's i say we go back." Ian spoke.

"I also vote to go back." Moon spoke.

Anon was standing there with his hands in his pockets. He was calm and very collected at this moment.

'Hmmm... If he is looking to lure me in, he must be observing me from some corner but I can't identify him in this crowd.' Anon thought.

"Jule, let's go back son. This isn't your normal forest... Evensong forest is too dangerous for you. Let's just go back and see the other contestants." Ian spoke as he tapped on Anon's shoulder.

"Yes brother, that's a lethal ground. There are very dangerous beasts inside that forest and we can't loose you for such a stupid competition. Let's go, we will participate in next year's competition." Moon spoke.

"Na, I am going." Anon spoke as he looked at Ian and Moon.

"What ? But are you even ready for that ?" Ian asked.

"I am ready for it, Dad. Just trust me." Anon said as he looked at Ian with a mature and calm look.

"O-Okay." Ian spoke as he sensed maturity in Anon's voice.

"Good, i will see you soon." Anon said as he started walking towards the stage.

"Dad... We can't let him do this. That's the Evensong forest, the dangerous and life threatening beasts live there. Why did you permit him to go ?" Moon immediately spoke.

Ian turned towards her and spoke... "There was maturity in his voice. It was as if i am talking to someone, who has a lot of experience.

I-I think he will be okay."

Moon just staired at Ian in confusion as she tried to understand what he just said.

Anon stopped as he saw Saul walking back.

"What's up Saul ? Aren't you participating ?" Anon asked.

"No, Honey. Saul is not some kind of idiot who will participate in such life threatening competition." Fauna spoke.

"Yeah, i understand. You are saying that he is not a man, right ? I can understand that, only a strong Mother's strong boy can participate in this competition." Anon mocked both of them at the same time.

"Oi, Are you saying i am not man enough ?" Saul asked as he closed his distance between him and Anon.

"Well, i am not saying that maybe your mother is because if you were a man, you wouldn't be running away like a pussy. You would've been participating in that competition." Anon replied as he walked away.

"That fucker. Mother, i am going to participate in the competition bye." Saul spoke as he started walking towards the stage.

"No, son stop-" before she could've said anything Saul was on the stage.

"Well, Well... Seems like you decided to man up huh ?" Anon taunted Saul.

"If i got the chance inside that forest... I will crush you into pieces. So be careful." Saul spoke as he warned Anon and looked at him with an angry expression.

"Yeah, same to you." Anon spoke as he smiled and looked forward.

30 minutes later... Only 70 guys and 58 girls are standing on the stage.

The rest of the parents left the area and went back to their homes.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have our contestants. These brave fighters will be fighting in the Evensong forest for a handsome amount of 1 gold coin and a trophy for winning the competition.

Now, let me explain the prices for the first 3 winners...

The first position will be rewarded with 1 gold and the winning trophy as i already mentioned.

The second position will be awarded with 50 silvers and a Silver medal.

The last and third position will get 10 silvers and a bronze medal.

These were the prices, now comes the time for the rules.

There are only two simple rules...

First rule, you can't kill anyone.

Second rule, You have to help your friends, if you see them in a life and death situation.

If you don't follow these rules you will be eliminated from this competition immediately.

Now, i will tell you your goal that you have to accomplish in order to win this competition." The chief explained.

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