
Chapter 143 -143

"How can a mere commoner lay hands on a noble girl of seven-star status?"

"What kind of commentator would describe this as 'a lovely view'?"

"What in the world is wrong with these commentators?"

The noble students began to voice their discontent, criticizing the commentators one by one.

"Landon, as you can see, Anon approaches the final hurdle of our Kingdom's Night Run: Stormborn Sea. Could you enlighten everyone and share your insights on how he will overcome this challenge while carrying Luna?" Seraphina inquired, her eyes fixed on Landon.

"Absolutely, my dear. Ladies and gentlemen, behold the last and ultimate hurdle of our kingdom—the dreaded Stormborn Sea. Legends speak of its treacherous waters, where only the most valiant souls dare to venture. This unforgiving expanse commands both awe and terror, its very name whispered in hushed tones across distant lands.

By day, the Stormborn Sea disguises itself as a picturesque expanse, its azure depths shimmering beneath the radiant sun. But as twilight descends, a sinister transformation takes hold. From the darkest abyssal depths, creatures of unimaginable might and ferocity awaken, drawn by the haunting call of the moon. These behemoths, defying the realm of the known, rise like nightmares given corporeal form.

Yet, it is during the night when the true horrors of the Stormborn Sea reveal themselves. The moon's silver glow casts an eerie luminescence upon the waters, illuminating ghastly sea serpents with scales that gleam like cursed gems. Sirens, with voices both enchanting and deadly, entice unsuspecting sailors to their doom, their haunting melodies echoing through the salt-kissed air."

"Intriguing! We have a formidable hurdle indeed. But the real question remains: how will Anon navigate it while carrying a fair maiden in his arms?" Seraphina interjected, her gaze shifting between Anon and Luna.

[Recovery complete.]

[The werewolf has been successfully healed.]

"Hmm...? Where am I?" Luna gradually opened her eyes, feeling the gentle breeze on her skin.

"Rise and shine, princess," a voice called from nearby, its tone somewhat familiar but elusive.

"Hmm...? You are..." Luna's words caught in her throat as she laid her eyes upon the face before her.

It was Anon, aflame with intensity and standing so close.

"Y-You, why are you carrying me like this?" She stammered, her face flushing with shyness.

"Well, you were unconscious amidst a sea of golden frogs. I thought it would be a good idea to assist an unconscious girl, and look where my act of kindness has taken me. Not even a simple thank you from the person I saved," Anon teased, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.

"W-Well, you didn't need to save me. I am a warrior, and I live and die with my honor and dignity. I don't like being rescued by others, and I'd rather perish than be saved by my competitor in a competition," Luna replied, crossing her arms and pouting.

"Seems like I won't be receiving any gratitude from you, huh?" Anon continued his playful banter, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

"T-T-Thank you," Luna muttered, her face growing even redder.

"Oh my, what have I just heard? A noble thanking a commoner? That's certainly new," Anon teased once more.

"You! What do you want?" Luna inquired, her voice a mix of curiosity and exasperation.

"I'm merely teasing you."

"Put me down now," Luna demanded.

"A martial artist should always know her limits. You have zero ki left in your body, and if I were to release you right now, you wouldn't be able to move an inch. Forget about walking back to the academy; if I were to drop you here, you wouldn't even be able to stand up from the ground. You'd be like a paralyzed body."

'Every single word he just said felt like a needle piercing my ears, but annoyingly, he's one hundred percent correct. Here I am, a powerful woman at the mercy of a commoner like him. Tch, this is the most frustrating moment of my life,' Luna thought, turning her gaze away.

"Just gather your ki. Once you have enough, I'll set you free, and then you can regain your independence and forget about this frustrating moment of your life," Anon said, his smile unwavering.

"H-How did you know?" Luna asked, surprised.

"I can read the minds of beautiful girls, especially those who have a crush on me," Anon remarked with a naughty smile on his face.

"Y-You, do you really think I like you?" Luna questioned, her face blushing red with innocence.

"Nope," Anon replied nonchalantly.

Luna let out a sigh of relief.

"Then why did—" Luna began, but Anon interrupted her.

"You love me." Anon immediately gave her another shock before she could have recovered from the previous one.

Suddenly, Luna felt a surge of heat engulf her entire being, her face turning a deeper shade of crimson.

'Why do i feel like this ? This not even the mating season for us.' luna felt something in her heart that she never felt before.

But what she didn't knew is that the fruit she is tasting is not the love fruit but the fruit of the devil himself.

"Y-You pervert!" Luna quickly averted her gaze.

However, as she looked forward again, her enhanced vision caught sight of something.

"Stop! There's water ahead. It's the Stormborn Sea. You can't swim with me in your arms. Leave me here, and someone will come to retrieve me within minutes," Luna suggested.

"I don't think anyone is coming. I've been running with you for fifteen minutes, and if help were on its way, they would have arrived by now. It seems no one will come to save you, and if I leave you here, you'll become fish food within seconds. Is that what you want?" Anon countered.

"B-But how will you swim with me in your arms?"

"Who said I'm going to swim?"


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