
Chapter 586 The Dark Magus is just an Alchemist

Chapter 586 The Dark Magus is just an Alchemist

Now, there was a gradual decline from the edge of the town like a hill, that eventually around a mile out curved back up again.

In the center of the lake, the area was mostly flat, and it had become the perfect area for a group of two hundred people to start their training.

The Crimson Crane were out, teaching different groups with their weapons of choice.

"This is better than I thought," Alba said, observing the training that was taking place with her arms folded.

Each member of the Crimson Crane had taken a group of different people under their wing because each member specialized in a certain type of weapon.

Each group was just learning one weapon and specializing in it. This was more similar to that of an Army rather than a Warrior Clan.

If it was to protect the city though, it would work out quite well.

"We had a lot of shields and I was worried since they were items created by the Dark Magus that we would have a problem with people fighting over them, but doing things this way has worked out better," Alba smiled.

The training between the troops continued, but after their individual training, they started to form more group training and wanting to practice some sparring.

Those training with a blade or sword were to fight against those that had a shield and sword. When the sparring occurred, something obvious was starting to occur.

Those that were using the shields were doing far better than those with swords. Their strikes were stronger against the others\' shields.

The hits were blocked yet the energy in the shield group just seemed to be slightly more, or quite a bit above the attackers.

"What is going on?" Alba asked, scratching her head.

"Maybe I\'m just a good teacher!" Tilon proudly puffed his chest out.

"What, so I\'m a bad teacher?" Kizer replied since he was in charge of training the sword users.

The two of them were intensely shouting out their pupils to try harder and do better, but no matter what the shield barriers were beating out the swordsmen.

"I think it\'s something more than that," Reno said, observing by the side. "I think it\'s because of the shields, the ones made by the Dark Magus. It\'s quite clear anything made by him wouldn\'t be ordinary shields."

What Reno said made a lot of sense, but the shields, they were of low quality at least compared to what the Crimson Crane was used to.

They could tell it was one of the cheapest shields that could be made. In order to test this theory, the two groups swapped for a moment.

Kizer taught the new sword users, while Tilon taught the shield barers, then the two groups clashed again.

They continued to fight with what they had, and despite the people changing, the shield barers won again.

"Well that rules out that it\'s talent," Kizer said.

"Maybe shields are just better than swords," Tilon replied.

"Maybe, my sword should try and eat your face if you keep talking nonsense like that," Kizer drew his sword and the two of them looked like they were about to clash again.

"He sure is amazing huh," Alba said. "To think his items can have this much influence. If the kingdoms and empires ever found out about him, they would do what they could to get their hands on him."

"And he can do a lot more than that," a voice said from behind.

They could hear creaking noises and something being dragged from behind. Upon turning they saw Fixteen with a large crate behind him.

He placed it in front of the others who had come over, and instantly they could see what was inside.

"These are Qi pills and you might notice they all have the marking of DM on them," Fixteen explained. "I didn\'t sell all our products. I thought we would need them as well. Especially since we don\'t know what\'s going to happen anytime."

Alba had almost forgotten about the pills. Not only did Raze have great skill in creating special items but also Qi pills as well.

His value was only going up, and the Crimson Crane had him on their side. The thing was, just how much more could they hold on to him, or when would they no longer be of any worth to him, what would happen then?

It was a break for the training soldiers, food was brought out to them, as well as an explanation of the pills as they were handed out to each of them to keep by their side.

While sitting down eating, some of them started to become a little curious about things.

"These pills, are they made by the Dark Magus?" One soldier was holding up the pill to the sunlight and could see the marking of DM.

"Oh, that\'s what the DM stands for, wait a second, weren\'t they on the shields as well? Does that mean he was the one that made the shields?"

While walking around, Alba picked up the shield and could see the marking of DM on it.

"Oh see, he\'s started to mark the equipment he\'s making as well now."

This had caused quite the stir talk about the Dark Magus. They all knew about him since he was the one paying for everything and had even fed them when he first arrived before the rest of the Crimson Crane.

"Man, I guess the Dark Magus is a really amazing person then, right?"

"An amazing Alchemist, he can\'t really fight, that\'s why these guys are training us."

"He can\'t really fight, what are you talking about? I heard that he was the new demon that was on the rise. He\'s not just an alchemist but a good fighter as well. Don\'t just say things like they\'re fact."

"That goes both ways, no report confirmed he was this demon, he\'s just an Alchemist, I could kick an Alchemist\'s ass… that\'s nothing special."

"Are you mad, Alchemists are still Pagna warriors, so he would be able to flatten you in a heartbeat."

One of the soldiers casually put his hands behind his head.

"Nah, I would still kick his arse."

"Oh really," a voice said from far off. The group could see a woman coming closer towards them from the direction of the town.

"You know, if the Dark Magus heard you saying these things, he would drain every inch of your life away. Turning you into nothing but skin. So if you want to fight him, then go ahead," Anna said.

She wasn\'t lying when she said these words, and for some reason, it felt like the soldiers could tell as well, as they soon stopped talking about the Dark Magus.

"What are you doing here?" Alba asked.

"I\'m just observing, seeing if I can learn a few things, that\'s all, don\'t mind me, and continue on."

The two of them had gotten off on the wrong foot multiple times, and even now they were staring into each other\'s eyes.

It was quickly interrupted by a panicked man holding onto a type of large horn, shouting through it down below.

"Everyone, everyone… it\'s the Behemoth Clan, they\'re attacking!" The man shouted.

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