
Chapter 298 Another Growing Legend

Chapter 298 Another Growing Legend

The piece written by Bubble and his group had managed to become one of his bestsellers overnight. Copies were selling out within hours, and he was unable to print enough in time.

In the end, news was starting to spread by word of mouth rather than the articles themselves, as so many people had already heard of what had occurred, which started to slow down sales, but the initial surge of wanting information from those who had actually seen what happened still allowed for a steady influx of sales.

"This is fantastic!" Bubble said to himself with a large grin on his face. "The news has already spread outside of the continent, and even clans have been requesting information from us, asking how much we know about this new demon that is a part of the Demonic Faction."

Lying back in his chair, Bubble had his finger on his chin and a large grin on his face because he himself was wondering if there was any way he could maximize the current situation to make it better for him.

"I guess I might have to start gathering information about the Crimson Crane myself. Maybe they will allow for exclusive interviews. For now, we aren\'t even sure if the attacker and the Dark Magus are the same person, and from what I saw, it\'s unlikely to be the case."

Most had come to this conclusion themselves. They just could never imagine a person who was so great at creating Qi pills, someone who was a genius in alchemy, could also be a genius in combat as well.

Little did Bubble or the others know that the Dark Magus was a lot more than that, and they had yet to learn about the great items that he could create.

"Still, of course, this demon has become a legend. His name has been spread because it\'s not every day that a person can take on multiple members of the Behemoth Clan. Talking about them, it might be good to get an idea of what they are thinking right now, as it doesn\'t seem like they have been active since that day either. I would love to talk to them, but I treasure my own life.\'

"Oren!" Bubble shouted. "Head to the Behemoth Clan and do an interview with them for our next article. We need to stay on top of all of this. We need to keep the story going and build up the new Demon."

In the city of Repton, many didn\'t know the location of the Behemoth Clan, and that was because it was located underneath the city itself. There were multiple entrances all over, some placed inside shops, others part of stall stands. Once showing the specially made emblem, the entrance would open up to them and only them. Most of them then needed to proceed down some stairs before entering a large area that almost looked like a city of its own.

The underground area was full of flat buildings and was covered in red lights that filled the sky. The walkways were made out of wood, and oddly, it seemed to be built on top of a lake of water. The area would be paved with wooden floorboards and houses, but towards the sides and away from the walkways, there would be water that could be seen everywhere. With the reflection of the red light, it was quite the sight to see, unique, and there wasn\'t a place quite like it.

At the very end of the path built up was a large, wide housing structure, and this was the main base of the Behemoth Clan. Standing just outside the large building were two statues of lions, one holding onto a ball underneath its foot, with the other a baby.

Inside the building itself, sitting down on a large red mat, there was a giant man in the room, with his head almost touching the ceiling. In front of him, several men were on one knee with their heads facing the floor and one fist on the floor as well.

"The Behemoth Clan has been embarrassed," Sha Mo stated. "And to think, after I went all the way to the Neverfall Clan making sure they wouldn\'t get involved. It seems we had underestimated the Crimson Crane."

"I apologize for this; everything is my fault!" Wild Fang claimed. He stayed in his position with his head facing toward the ground, not even looking up. "Anything you wish for me to do, even if I have no limbs left, I will drag the Dark Magus here myself!"

Sha Mo didn\'t respond, and immediately all of the men on the ground looked nervous. They all had failed in a way, especially the group that had the Dark Magus in their sights, or at least what was thought to be the Dark Magus.

"For now, we should let the heat die down a bit," Sha Mo said. "We need to gather more information on this new Demon that the Crimson Crane has managed to get. Whether it is the Dark Magus or not. If they can use the Extraction Technique like what was claimed, then this might become a bigger thing than people realize, and we won\'t be the only group that will be intent on getting him for themselves."

There was also another thought that came to Sha Mo\'s mind, but he didn\'t speak it out loud. But there was a chance that if this person was truly this talented, a person that came along only once in a million, then they would be able to create a group of their own that would be able to topple what had been stable in the world of Pagna for a while now.

A day and a half had passed since the events of the Crimson Crane and the Behemoth Clan, and Raze had treated it as if it was just another matter that had occurred on his path.

Because he didn\'t let it slow him down in terms of the things that he needed to do. In fact, once his mana had returned to what it was, he had gotten straight to work on the request that was needed.

The creation of more Qi pills that would be handed to Fixteen to go on to sell to the others.

Raze had wanted to do work in the Alchemist building, since it was a larger and wider space, but due to the event, there would be those that gathered outside, all with the hope that they would be able to see the new Demon appear again.

The description of a hooded figure matched many, so at least it would be hard for him to be singled out as he walked through the streets. So instead, Raze did the work in the Inn.

Crates had been brought to him, and with the mass-producing method, he was able to create multiples of the pills and fill them up. Quite a large supply had been made this time. And on top of those for Fixteen, he had created his own supply of pills.

He had brought a full sack of multicolored pills for him to use and placed it into his robe.

"And finally, I am done with the first request that I needed to do since getting here," Raze said as he sat on the edge of the bed, thinking about what he needed to do next.

"I informed the Crimson Crane that I would continue to make items for the rest of their members, but for now, I have my own personal matters to attend to."

It was the reason why Raze had grabbed many of the Qi pills for him to use himself. It was because the next step for him was to head to Alterian to have the meeting with the Dark Guild.

From the last time, he realized that he was able to use magic, and he could even use items such as his magic robe, allowing him to bring things to Alterian.

Similarly, he hoped that it would work the same way, and when he went to his vault of items, he could bring some things back with him to Pagna. However, there was a problem, depending on where he was, how long would it take him to reach the vault.

If he asked his followers, how long would they take to gather the items, and who knew once they knew how powerful these things were whether they would keep it to themselves or not.

Because of this, Raze had figured something else out: in his astral projection, what if he was to consume the Qi pills? He could still use magic, so even if he couldn\'t eat the pills, then he could at least break the energy down and use it to restore the mana within himself.

If that didn\'t work, he had come up with another plan. The mana being supplied to the astral projection technique was coming from his real body. So what if he created magic circles with pills placed around him?

He could make it so the energy broke down from the pills within a certain time, and in doing so, give his body more energy. If he did this, he was sure he would be able to spend more time in Alterian.

"I guess it\'s time for me to go," Raze thought as he exited out of the door.

He had already informed Fixteen that the pills were ready and where to collect them, on top of that, he had made a request: a list of food that needed to be brought over. If he didn\'t get his new robe from his vault, he could only bring so much food to the other side.

So in a way, this was something that needed to be done. Exiting out of the City of Repton, Raze headed back to the cave.

"I guess it\'s time to head back to Alterian again."

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