
Chapter 156 Savior or Marking

The teachers had cleared the students, moving them into another room on the other side. The good news was that since most students had gone home, there weren\'t many problems and plenty of spare rooms.

It would take a while for repairs to be done as well. What was interesting was the fact that the two from Alter had told the teachers that they would look after Raze. Not only that, but if they had any problems with it, they could report to Amir.

Trusting them, currently, the ones in one of the other rooms in the sleeping quarters were Himmy, Charlotte, and Raze, who was lying flat on the bed.

"ARGHH!" Raze groaned in pain.

He could feel something moving inside of his body, being dragged out. Charlotte was above him with both of her hands hovering above his arm. She slowly lifted them up, and as she did, the bullet that was inside could be seen in the air as well.

Slowly placing her hands to the side, the bullet was dropped onto the wooden floorboards, placed next to the second bullet that had entered Raze.

There was sweat dripping down the side of Charlotte\'s face; she was concentrating extremely hard and started to rub her hands together. When she did, the palms of her hands looked to be slightly whiter in color.

She moved closer to Raze, hovering above.

"It\'s okay, Raze. It\'s going to feel a lot better, alright," Charlotte said in a soft, soothing voice.

As she got closer with her other hand, Raze suddenly grabbed onto her wrist.

"Raze... I\'m not going to hurt you," Charlotte said again, squinting somewhat in pain. She could hear that Himmy was shuffling his feet behind, ready to get up and do something.

"Raze, just trust me. I\'m just going to use some Light magic; it\'s a simple spell that you should know well, right? The cleansing spell. It\'s just going to be used to make sure that you don\'t get any type of infection."

It was hard for Raze to trust anyone, let alone these mysterious people from Alter, but for some reason, Charlotte\'s voice was very soothing to him. Not only that, but she had decided to keep certain things a secret.

Slowly, he started to let go and let her do the work. Once she had finished with the Light magic, she started to carefully wrap the wounds. Each time she had to touch Raze, she asked if it was okay.

She could feel that he was still on edge, and it was understandable considering he had just nearly been killed. When everything was done, she could breathe a sigh of relief. She tilted her head back and laid down on the ground next to Raze.

"Ah! That was tiring... using so many different types of magic really is hard," Charlotte commented.

Charlotte was the only one that was speaking, and she was talking out loud. If she didn\'t, she just felt like the tension in the room was too high. Because no one was saying anything to each other, as if they were waiting for the other one to speak.

"So?" Raze said first, eventually breaking the silence. "Are you two going to explain what happened? Who that man was, or what?"

"And what makes you think we know that man?" Himmy asked. He was sitting down in a small wooden stool that was far too small for his large frame. His voice made it sound like he was intimidating, but the sight really didn\'t match up.

"The fact that you two came bursting from the room next door, and that you still stayed at the academy," Raze explained. "I think it\'s reasonable to say that you expected this to happen, that you thought someone would come after me, so it\'s best that you explain yourself."

Originally, Raze thought that it could have been anyone after his life. Perhaps one of the five main disciples or the assassins that were after him and his sister for still being alive after leaving their town.

However, seeing the two here confirmed they knew more, and the fact that both of them used the same weapon as well. It was clear that they knew a lot more.

"I thought I was part of the organization?" Raze continued. "Don\'t I have the right to know why people are after my life?"

Himmy finally stood up from his seat and stretched a bit, because he knew this was going to be quite the talk to have.

"You\'re right; you do deserve to know," Himmy said as he reached out and did the strange gesture he always did, creating a V with his fingers and taking in a deep breath next to his mouth before pulling away and blowing out.

"What I want to know as well, though, is how are you still alive? How are you able to keep escaping death? That\'s twice now that you\'ve been able to escape death. Admittedly, it was our fault; I didn\'t expect them to send him, but from what I know, this man never fails, and he had failed against you. What makes you so special?"

There was a lot to unpack from Himmy\'s words, but Raze did start to think about the question. The fog that was in his head, in his dream. The strange chill around his body, and finally, the voice.

If the voice hadn\'t spoken to him at that time, then would he have still been alive even now? The bullets had ripped through his skin, and a single shot to his head would have killed him.

He was saved by that voice, and it had hit him why the voice sounded familiar.

"It was the same voice, from that woman... the one with the bloodied hands... she was the one that saved me."

Mass release goals for next week!

500 Golden tickets = 1 Extra CHapter

2200 Power stoens = 1 Extra Chapter 1 Castle gift and above = 1 Extra Chapter


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