
Chapter 78 The Dark Faction Academy

Chapter 78 The Dark Faction Academy

The three had entered through the large front gates of the academy with ease. After giving their names, it was confirmed that they were on the list of participants. They were told to just walk up ahead and enter the academy; if they followed the long stream of people, they would know where to go from there.

After passing the gates, it had become quite clear that it was a lot more than just an academy. The place was just as large as a small city, and it operated as one as well. There were streets of living areas, shops, and even an auction hall.

There were workers who worked within the academy, more than just the teachers. There were servants who would work on cleaning the place, cooking the food, and more.

They and their families needed a place to live. At the same time, because of the students, the place would have frequent visitors from family members, and many of the students had strong connections and those with a lot of money.

Which was why it made a lot of sense for people to set up shop here and run a business. The Pagna Academy had its own stable economy that worked out well.

Still, it wasn\'t an area that anyone could just come and live in. All of those in the academy had to go through extensive checks with a large amount of information gathered on them. One was sure that such a place would be filled with attempted spies from the other factions, maybe even from within the clans, as one would want to aid their student as much as possible.

In a way, how well students did in the academy was a reflection of how strong a clan was, at least of how strong it would be in the future.

Finally, they had reached the large academy in question. There was another wall within the first one, and it surrounded the biggest building that could be seen in the area.

Up close, one would realize that it was a collection of buildings, large pagodas with several tiers and floors. Wide areas with extensive courtyards and open spaces for one to do whatever it was they wished.

As they approached the actual academy gates, there was a man stationed at the front. One would mention their name, and after doing so, they had been given a badge. In Raze\'s case, he had obtained number 123, along with Safa having 121 and Simyon having 120.

"I hope these aren\'t our ranks of strength or something," Simyon commented.

"They\'re not," the man behind the desk commented. "It\'s just a number to assign you so the examiners have an easier time differentiating between all of you. Although you might have been a big shot in your clan or back home, they won\'t have a clue who you are here."

Although the numbers might not have meant anything, when talking to them, Raze noticed that he wasn\'t looking at their eyes; instead, it appeared as if he was looking at the badges they had on. If it wasn\'t the numbers, then it had to be something else, and that\'s when Raze realized it was the color.

The three badges that they held were black with white writing on the inside. The others were a range of different colors, but next to no one had their color. Before they could even ask about it, the group had been ushered into the main floor room.

Even after passing the front gates for a mile long and wide, they could only see stone tiles on the floor. It was a giant courtyard that was several times larger than that of the one they had at the temple.

The place was also filled with all of the students who would be taking part in the assessment, and there were at least a thousand of them in the courtyard.

"Wow, just think about it, what we\'re seeing right now is only the students taking the assessment and not the ones that are in the academy itself," Simyon said, amazed, staring at everything with his large eyes.

"Yeah, you\'re right. It looks like we have a lot of competition if we want to stand out," another student who wasn\'t standing too far from them said. When he turned his head, he looked at Simyon and then immediately looked at his badge. After that, he quickly turned away and went through the crowd of people trying to get away.

Simyon lifted up his arms and started to sniff under them. "Do I smell or something? You would tell me if I smelled, right Safa? I mean, hold your nose or show some type of sign."

Safa started to shake her head as she disagreed with the comment. Raze had noticed something going on for a while now, as they were catching the gazes of others and whispers.

"Hey, are there really no names here? Is this like a first?"

"Nah, there are always a few no names that enter. They either fail completely at the assessment stage or if they get through, they just become a slave to one of the clans anyway."

"Why would they even waste their time coming to a place like this? They\'re just going to be a distraction for others. Coming here with no name is going to be worse than hell for them here."

What Kron had informed them of was true. It would be extremely difficult for them in the academy, but if they did manage to get through it all, they would surely come out as different people.

A mile up ahead on the large building, three men started to walk out from the side and onto the second-floor platform. The students were brought closer to the stage looking up.

A fourth man came out with a pointed hat and mainly black-colored cloth with a white stripe that went around the edge.

"Everyone, be quiet!" The man shouted. It echoed and pierced nearly all of the students\' ears.

They felt like the inside of their organs were being shaken and felt sick immediately. The voice had been projected with the power of Qi, and their bodies were responding as if they were attacked.

"What I have with you right here are the three most important people during your time here at the academy!" The man declared.

"On our right, the man from the Flowing Force Clan, one of the five great clans of the Dark faction, Gunther!"

The man wore dark blue-colored armor and had a pair of dual-curved blades with shark teeth on his back. His arms were folded, and Gunther didn\'t exactly look pleased to be there.

"On the right side, we have another great master, from the Lethal Bite Clan! Pincer!"

The man on the right also had his arms folded but had a strange metal contraption that blocked the bottom half of his face and nose, only revealing the top of his head along with his long-wrapped-up ponytail.

"Finally, we have the principal of the Dark Faction Academy, the head elder of the Erupting Fist Clan, and at the top of the Middle stage rank, the one known as the closest to reaching the deity rank in the Dark faction, Murkel Dockthron!"

Among all of those in the crowd, Murkel looked down, and his eyes happened to lock onto Raze; the two of them didn\'t look away from each other.

\'This person… he reminds me of the Grand Magus. I don\'t like it,\' Raze thought.

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