
Chapter 260 - 254, Hot Spring (Seeking

Translator: 549690339

Fang Hao had seen the last two items before, so there was nothing for him to scrutinize.

He collected the blueprint and stored the Troll Stone and Warfire Coin in his storage space.

“My Lord, we need you over here.” Dimitrija called from a distance. Fang Hao and Anjia walked over and looked where Dimitrija was pointing on the ground.

There was a stone wall on the ground, with lots of fresh blood that was flowing down into a crevice by the corner of the wall.

A drainage outlet?

Fang Hao quickly discarded the idea.

This didn’t fit the function of a drainage outlet.

A crevice like this could easily be blocked by debris.

It could be the gap between the mountain and the secondary construction, or there could be another space behind the stone wall.

“Check it and find a way to open it.” Fang Hao commanded. Everyone scattered and started looking for a way to open the stone door.


With a slight effort from Dimitrija, a faint sound was heard from the wall lamps nearby.

Then, the sound of gears and chains turning echoed.

The stone door in front of them was slowly opening.

Unexpectedly, this was a mechanical trap.

When the stone door was fully opened, it revealed still more downward-leading stone steps.

The dark descending steps seemed to lead to an underground abyss.

The dust scattered from the opening of the stone door suggested that the Trolls who lived here before were probably unaware of this mechanism.

“Let’s go down and take a look. The Trolls have been living up here for so long, so there shouldn’t be much of a problem.” Fang Hao said softly.

Dimitrija nodded, reorganized the team, and began to descend step by step. As the team continued downwards, they didn’t encounter any danger.

After five or six minutes, they saw another huge plateau. Unlike the Troll’s plateau, this place was stacked with large amounts of old, damaged weapons and armor.

Dust covered the weapons, and plants growing out of the cracks in the bricks were climbing up the rotting weapon racks.

It seemed like this place was more like an underground weapon depot.

Dimitrija wanted to inspect closer.


The sound of bones clashing echoed as scattered skeletons slowly rose from the ground, forming Skeleton Warriors, picking up the rusty, curled weapons on the ground.

[Skeleton Warrior (Tier 4)]


Seeing only ordinary skeleton soldiers, Fang Hao was relieved. These familiar adversaries made him feel somewhat safe.

“Dispatch them quickly.” Fang Hao commanded.

“Yes, my lord.” Dimitrija drew his sword and led the warriors into battle.

The fight didn’t last long; all the skeletons on the battlefield were soon wiped out.

The team then started collecting the rotten weapons for the blacksmiths to recycle and remake once they were back.

There was another silver treasure chest in the corner.

Fang Hao opened it without hesitation.

[Obtained: Blueprint to Troop Hiding Cave Construction, 12 Shadowstones, 93 Warfire Coins.]

[Level One Troop Hiding Cave]

[Category: Special Structure] [Maximum Occupancy: 10,000.] [Construction Requirement: 1500 Wood, 3200 Stone, 52O Iron, 80 Metal Parts.] (Description: Able to hide troops here to achieve strategic purposes.)

A troop hiding cave…

This seemed like an excellent structure.

The undead were his main force, but he also had to consider the impact on living creatures.

If he set up troop hiding caves in places where his forces were stationed, a large number of soldiers could be stationed inside.

He could solve a lot of problems with this.

After collecting piles of weapons and equipment, Fang Hao tried to pull the overhead wall lamp with a tentative mindset.


The familiar sound of the mechanism echoed again.

It’s still there…

Dimitrija and Anjia also turned their gaze to the direction of the stone door. As the stone door slowly opened, a wave of damp and warm air rushed out. “Continue to explore the next floor, and we’ll clean up these armors on our way back.” Fang Hao said, looking down at the passageway leading to the next level.


Dimitrija gathered the team, and everyone headed down to the next level again. Halfway down, the stone walls on both sides began to change.

They were no longer the original smooth stone walls, but rugged mountain walls instead.

The road also became more difficult to traverse.

They continued downwards until finally, a half-excavated underground palace appeared before everyone.

In the middle of the palace was a large natural pool, bubbling up constantly with heat.

A group of [Skeleton Warriors] rose from the ground, their hundreds of skulls turning stiffly to stare at Fang Hao and the others at the entrance.

Then, the skeletons let out silent roars and raised their weapons, charging at the entrance.

“Attack!” Dimitrija yelled, leading the Skeleton Trolls and Barren Tomb Guards into the fight.

Fang Hao held his magic wand tightly.

Bright lights flashed, and three Wooden Guardian Spirits materialized before him.

As soon as the Wooden Guardian Spirits appeared, they used the [Entangle] skill.

Countless vines sprouted from the stone crevices, ensnaring the enemy skeletons’ ankles and binding them in place.

Dimitrija and Anjia also took advantage of the opportunity, striking down a large number of enemies.

The battle lasted almost an hour.

The stairs they defended were filled with bones, as if they were standing on a mountain of bones, regaining their Strength.

Fang Hao now experienced how annoying the Undead’s tactic of sheer numbers could be.

Even though they weren’t high-level, they didn’t give you a chance to breathe. Constant attacks, constantly charging forward.

“My lord, all enemies have been eliminated. There are no more enemies.’ Dimitrija asked a Skeleton Troll to scout ahead, and no other enemies emerged. They emerged victorious in this battle, yet Fang Hao’s side also suffered significant losses.

Of the more than 100 skeleton soldiers they brought, only 30 or so were left. “Good. Clean the battlefield. This should be the last level.” Fang Hao ordered. This level was obviously half-completed, so it must be the last. “Clean the battlefield and clear the road.” Dimitrija ordered loudly. The skeletons began to move, pushing the bones blocking the way to one sidel and clearing a path.

Fang Hao descended the stairs but didn’t get near the steaming pool of water. He didn’t want to take any risks without casting God’s Presence. Before long, a Skeleton Troll carried a golden chest in front of Fang Hao. Not bad, a golden chest this time.


[Obtained: Hot Springs Blueprint, 2 Hero Hearts, 1 Blue Hero Token, 24 Shadowstones, 205 Warfire Coins.]

He got a blueprint for a hot spring.

Fang Hao once again looked at the pool next to him.

Was this a hot spring?

Not sure why the undead would need a hot spring. No wonder those skeletons had moss all over their bones.

Perhaps, given some time, mushrooms would even grow on them.

“Alright, get all the Nightstones from the walls, gather the spoils and let’s get out of here.” Fang Hao called loudly.

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