
Chapter 33 - 33, Incorrigible 1

Soaking in the tub, he enjoyed a refreshing bath.

Bare-skinned, he stood on the open space, letting the wind dry the water droplets from his body.

Although it was late, the night breeze was not cold but rather pleasant.

Wait till his body was dry, he then put on his clothes and walked back to the Lord’s wooden house.

The lord’s wooden house had undergone substantial changes.

The floor was covered with a soft carpet, all the furniture had been transformed, and the nightstone chandeliers emitted a gentle glow. Even at night, it provided sufficient illumination.

All these items had been procured from the ancient castle. He planned to decorate the other rooms when there was time in The following day.

The lord’s wooden house was an important building in the region.

The main hall, along with three bedrooms.

Currently, as the only living person in the territory, Fang Hao occupied just one master room.

Resting in bed, he casually browsed the regional channel.

Finding no interesting news, he instantly turned it off again.

He stared for a moment and then cast “God’s Presence,” possessing the Skeleton Giant Bat.

“God’s Target, Skeleton Giant Bat. Compatibility 45%.”

The lower the compatibility, the more that body rejected you, and the greater the spiritual power consumed.

The higher the compatibility, the better you controlled that body, consuming less spiritual power.

Fortunately, Fang Hao only wanted to experience the sensation of flight, not planning to stay for long.

Fang Hao looked around, finding himself on the roof of the warehouse. Spreading out the skeletal wings, he attempted to lift off into the sky. Flight was not difficult, but maintaining stable flight and accurately maneuvering past obstacles was somewhat hard.

Trying a few times, he got slightly familiar with the controls.

Steering the Giant Bat through the obstacles felt similar to a VR flight simulation.


With a surge of his wings, Fang Hao shot straight into the sky and headed for the outskirts of his territory.

The skeleton soldiers were on their patrol duty.

The laborer skeletons were tending to the fields, waiting for the potatoes to mature.

Fang Hao flew around, observing the surrounding territory under the cover of the night.


A flash of light caught his eye.

Looking carefully in that direction, he noticed a flicker of firelight in the distant woods.

“People?” Fang Hao thought to himself.

A fire in the vicinity of his territory might not be a good sign.

Skeletons don’t need any light, so the presence of firelight implied that other people might be there.

Or perhaps something else, remaining in the forest.

With this thought, Fang Hao changed his direction and flew towards where the firelight was coming from.

On his way, he spotted some wheel tracks left on the ground.

Fang Hao suddenly remembered the Pig-Headed Human merchant team that had passed through his territory and headed in this direction.

They still haven’t left?

Very soon, his suspicion was confirmed.

The woods were dense. During the day, the Pig-Headed Humans surrounded the fire pit, whispering among themselves.

“Captain, wouldn’t this fire attract that kid’s attention?” one of the Pig-Headed Humans asked.

Captain Parker, fully armed, heard the words and scoffed, “That kid is not strong enough himself. He’s hiding in his territory and wouldn’t dare to come out. Those low-level skeletons can’t make out what the fire is all about. So don’t worry.”

He had observed Fang Hao and the skeleton soldiers quite thoroughly.

The other Pig-Headed Humans nodded after hearing his words.

They stuffed the roasted food from the fire pit into their mouths.

While eating, one of them asked, “Captain, what should we do next?” I have watched the route of the skeleton patrols. We will avoid them take away all the valuable things, and set everything else on fire in the end. We will not spare him anything,” Parker sketched a simple operational map on the ground with a stick and explained softly.

The Pig-Headed Humans on the side listened and nodded constantly, indicating they understood.

“Captain, won’t this final fire attract their attention?” someone asked. Stealing was one thing, but setting a fire in the end seemed a bit too much. You see, a large part of that resource storage place is made of wood.

This final fire could burn for several days.

If the human territory wasn’t protected by some shield, the whole territory could be reduced to ashes.

‘We lost so many men. Do we let them die in vain? Don’t you think the human kid deserves some lessons?!” Parker chastised softly.

“Oh, yes, we will go along with whatever you say, Captain,” one of the

Pig-Headed Humans said, shrinking his neck.

Pig-Headed Human Captain Parker looked at the sky.

“Alright. Check your equipment. It’s time to move out.”

Parker kicked out the fire pit, and several Pig-Headed Humans rushed to prep

  • F
  • Fang Hao stood on a tree branch, listening to their conversation without missing a word.

    Flapping his wings, he dashed into the sky and headed back to his territory.

    The night was pitch-black.

    The moon was hidden behind the clouds, leaving only a few stars twinkling constantly.

    The Pig-Headed Humans rushed out from the edge of the woods, carrying packages on their backs as they quickly advanced toward Fang Hao’s territory. After dodging several skeleton patrols, they smoothly arrived at the resource storage area.

    “Pack up the valuable things. The nightstones, carpets, portraits, quickly!” Parker urged quietly.

    The rest of the Pig-Headed Humans were excited. These things were worth much more money than selling furs.

    They rolled up their sleeves, selecting valuable items that they could carry away.

    Just as they were enjoying the loot.


    Suddenly, a yawn sounded from nearby.

    Caught in the act, the Pig-Headed Humans froze, nervously watching in the direction of the sound.

    The moonlight was hazy.

    They saw a man sitting not too far away, calmly watching them.

    It was Fang Hao, the lord of the territory.

    Meanwhile, the supposedly relaxed skeleton patrol began to converge on their location, surroundingall the Pig-Headed Humans.

    “How long have you been sitting there?” Parker asked seriously. The Pig-Headed Humans were unsure if Fang Hao had been there all along without them noticing or if he had arrived later.

    “Just a little late after you,” Fang Hao responded calmly.

    “You knew we were coming?” Pig-Headed humans backed up against each other, being cautious of the advancing skeletons.

    “Kinda. Besides, I found out later.”

    We admit our defeat this time. Let us go, and we will leave right away. We will bring you the money when we return. How does that sound?” Parker said earnestly.

    The skeletons holding spears formed a circle.

    The spearheads were pointing at them, gradually closing in.

    “You think this is child’s play, a game? I gave you a chance, but you took my generosity for stupidity.” Fang Hao’s voice dropped a few degrees.

    “No, no…”

    Parker attempted to explain, but Fang Hao didn’t give him any opportunity.

    He directly ordered, “Kill them all.”


    The standby skeletons attacked instantly, like a roaring tsunami upon the Pig-Headed Humans.

    “Break out, quick!” Parker yelled simultaneously.

    As a group, they charged one side, trying to find a breakthrough point and fight their way out.

    For a moment, the sound of fighting and cries filled the night air..

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