
Chapter 613. Agitating (3)

Chapter 613. Agitating (3)

“You must get out of here!”

This war was already lost. They had been beaten. As such, what Elder Goh Seong-Hyeon should do now was pretty straightforward.

“If you leave through the back, they should not chase after you. Anyone wishing to leave should hurry. Any more delays, and you might not get away on time,” Elder Goh spoke in a firm, unwavering voice.

His decision was to evacuate his disciples.

\'There\'s no need to produce more meaningless deaths.\'

Not everyone he tried to evacuate was his disciple. However, he was put in charge of ensuring their safety, which made them technically his disciples. And no teacher out there would want to see their disciples meet with meaningless demise.

One of the martial artists asked worriedly. “What will you do, Master?”

“I must remain here,” said Elder Goh.

“...But, sir. You said remaining here would be a one-way ticket to the underworld.”

“Don\'t worry about me, and just get going already!”

“But, sir...”

“You damn brats! Do you think I\'m messing around here?! Didn\'t I say you\'ll all die if you insist on staying put!? They have already warned us! That means anyone still loitering here will get killed! Without an exception! If I thought you could do something meaningful or achieve a noble goal by staying, I\'d have stopped you myself! However, that isn\'t it! The only thing waiting for you here is a dog\'s death! Leave, right now!”

Undecided, hesitant, shuffling footsteps echoed in the air. These martial artists knew they had to leave, but their pride didn\'t permit them to flee like this.

“Sir, shouldn\'t we fight them first and then see for ourselves?”

Director Goh simmered in anger. “You... You idiots...!”

“But, sir! They can\'t be that much better than us. Besides, their group is mostly made up of some wet-behind-the-years brats. We aren\'t going to lose to brats way younger than us, sir!”


“Tucking our tails between our legs and running away is not something a proud martial artist should do, sir! Didn\'t you teach us that? In that case, we will take our chances and fight back. If you and other elders delay Kang Jin-Ho, somehow, we just might...”

“Shut up!” Elder Goh Seong-Hyeon loudly roared. “I said no! You are not strong enough to win against those brats! Do not ever think they are still the same as before!”

“We know they have been mastering demonic arts, sir. And that is more the reason why we can\'t run away. Even if the situation is against us, isn\'t it too humiliating when you\'re ordering us to flee against some barbaric and trashy demonic arts practitioners?”

“Y-you damn idiots?!” Elder Goh remained angry, but fluster was quickly overtaking him.

Elders and directors weren\'t the only people displeased by Kang Jin-Ho and Bang Jin-Hun holding the reins of the Assembly. Whenever changes took place somewhere, some people would always get left behind. And the folks here were those people. Of course, it wasn\'t because of their lack of trying.

“Even if they are supposedly trying out everything, shouldn\'t someone draw the line somewhere? How dare they learn demonic arts or some random foreign martial techniques from the West? What is the point of gaining strength that way? Sir, such a path will only lead one to ruination!”

“He\'s right, Elder Goh! Even if we run away now, nothing will change down the line, sir! In that case... I\'d rather stand my ground here!”

Elder Goh gasped loudly. “Y-you idiots!”

“No, sir! Fleeing is the idiotic choice.”

Elder Goh Seong-Hyeon began pounding his chest while listening to the disciples\' arguments. Obviously, he fully understood the sentiments of these martial artists. However, their enemy was simply too powerful. Stopping their advance with these martial artists alone was asking for an impossibility!

\'Maybe we should...\'

Since things had come to this, maybe Elder Goh should consider a strategic retreat instead? Rather than blindly trying to stand their ground only to watch these disciples fall helplessly, maybe they could retreat and gather forces for a counterattack later...?

\'...How did things come to this, though?\'

Only until a few hours ago, when the sun was still high up in the sky, Elder Goh was optimistic. His heart filled with hope that the hegemony cruelly stolen from their hands would soon return to where it rightfully belonged. But the sunset heralded a sudden turn-around in the situation.

The Assembly Master\'s residence was suddenly enveloped in commotion, then the news of someone coming to attack quickly spread among the residents. Who would dare attack this place, though? There could only be one man crazy enough to do that.

\'Kang Jin-Ho!\'

Elder Goh simply could not acknowledge that man. Yes, he was fully aware of how insanely powerful Kang Jin-Ho was. However, so what? Being strong was not a reason to follow someone as a subordinate, at least not in Elder Goh\'s book. Strength was one thing, wholly separate from having the ability to stand at the top to lead.

Elder Goh had experienced far too many things in his life to accept some random punk who only relied on his strength but didn\'t know how to compromise as the Assembly Master. The world might be the strong\'s oyster, but it belonged to the righteous as well. A castle built through brute force was bound to crumble down from another force one day.

Even if it took longer, walking the righteous path was the correct call. What might look like the slowest way was always the fastest path!

This was why Elder Goh wished for Lee Jung-Geol\'s return to power. Even if the former Assembly Master wasn\'t the most righteous man around, no one would argue against the Martial Assembly\'s authenticity or legitimacy with him as its leader.

That was his motivation all this time. But now...

“...Master, sir?”

Elder Goh sighed, then sharply glared at the disciples. “Everyone, turn around.”


“I said, turn around!”

The disciples quickly turned around in unison when Elder Goh Hyeon-Seong loudly yelled at them.

“As you wish, I will not force anyone. However, you still have to make your decision. Anyone who wishes to leave, do not worry about what others will think and go.”

Rather than saying \'flee\' or \'evacuate\', telling them to leave should place less of a guilty conscience or burden on these disciples. Elder Goh was desperate to see at least one more person evacuating from this place.

\'They probably won\'t listen to me even if I order them now.\'

How could anyone win against the youth\'s insane stubbornness? In that case, he must find another way to ensure more people would survive.

“Hurry up!” Elder Goh loudly roared. And that prompted several martial artists to start moving. He watched these disciples hurriedly flee from here without looking back once, then closed his eyes. \'I... I\'ve done everything I can now.\'

Indeed, he did all he could. And now, it was time to face the swiftly-approaching fate on his own terms.

“Sir, everyone who wants to leave is gone,” said one of the remaining martial artists.

“You idiotic sons of b*tches...” Elder Goh muttered coarsely, but a smile he couldn\'t suppress still floated up on his face. Even if he wanted to deny it, his heart was still moved by his disciples\' chivalrous spirit of risking their lives for what was right.

\'Yes! This is what being a martial artist is all about!\'

Even if the era had changed, the noble spirit of a martial artist would never change. Gladly sacrificing themselves for the greater good despite knowing the enemy\'s superiority was what made Korean warriors especially notable, wasn\'t it!

Elder Goh suddenly felt manly tears about to well up in his eyes after realizing that his teachings hadn\'t been in vain, that his disciples had become wonderful martial artists.

“Don\'t resent me even if you die tonight, you idiots!” Elder Goh grunted good-naturedly.

“Don\'t worry, sir. We will resent you. You should\'ve trained us harder and made us stronger, you know!”

“That\'s not my fault, you idiots. You should kick yourselves for being dullards instead.” Elder Goh cracked a joke, hoping to diffuse the tension in the air. However, his attempt was in vain as this tension showed no sign of easing.


Kang Jin-Ho was coming. And Elder Goh had already witnessed that man\'s incredible combat power. That night when Kang Jin-Ho ran wild like a man possessed still frequently haunted Elder Goh in his nightmares.

What a stupendous level of power that was! Memories of witnessing power that couldn\'t possibly have belonged to a mere mortal were still vividly etched in Elder Goh\'s brain. However...!

Perhaps that was why Elder Goh couldn\'t accept Kang Jin-Ho as his boss. Then again, that made some sense as he still couldn\'t forget the sight of Kang Jin-Ho cruelly cackling away while slicing apart the torsos of opponents he could\'ve quite easily suppressed without shedding a drop of blood.

\'A human must act like a human being first!\'

Obviously Elder Goh wasn\'t an idiot, so he knew the path Kang Jin-Ho had chosen minimized the bloodshed the most. But Elder Goh knew something else as well. And that would be the truth behind Kang Jin-Ho\'s choice. That man did not choose that path to minimize the lives lost. Indeed, he only went for it because it was practical.

Kang Jin-Ho merely chose a simpler, less inconvenient option. That was all. If many more people losing their lives had been the most practical option, Kang Jin-Ho would\'ve unhesitantly chosen that. Elder Goh Seong-Hyeon was convinced of it.

Emotionlessly chasing after the highest utility and efficiency... Goh Seong-Hyeon simply couldn\'t agree with such a mindset. And his set of values meant accepting orders from a man pursuing such ideals was completely unthinkable. Worse still, wasn\'t Kang Jin-Ho also preparing to attack overseas targets?

That was also an unthinkable act of aggression in Goh Seong-Hyeon\'s book. His predecessors and ancestors all loved peace. The neighboring nations hadn\'t invaded South Korea, so why was Kang Jin-Ho getting ready to attack them?

\'That\'s worthy of heaven\'s punishment!\'

Elder Goh bit down on his lip. He simply could not coexist with someone like Kang Jin-Ho. So, even if he were to meet his maker tonight...!

“S-sir. I think they are here!” One of the martial artists whispered in alarm.

Goh Seong-Hyeon\'s brows rose up high. He could see the noisy and noticeable rustling in the forest. “Mm...!”

The disturbance in the forest was clearly visible from their vantage point higher on the mountainside. Below them was a verdant ocean extending as far as eyes could see, consisting of trees densely packing this mountainous area. And those trees were wavering as if tsunami waves were sweeping over them.

\'Huh? They are raising this much commotion?\'

Attacking at night usually indicated that the other side wanted to ambush their targets or to mask their approach as much as possible. However, Kang Jin-Ho and his men were raising so much ruckus as if they wanted everyone to know about their presence.

\'Even if Kang Jin-Ho is clueless about military strategies, isn\'t Director Bang Jin-Hun with him? What\'s going on here? What are these people even thinking?\'

Goh Seong-Hyeon couldn\'t wrap his head around this development. However, was there a need to? After all, those people were Goh Seong-Hyeon\'s enemies. He should be celebrating the fact that his enemies were naive idiots. And he should also forget that some of his enemies used to be comrades whom he shared meals with not too long ago.

Goh Seong-Hyeon quietly growled. “Listen, all of you. Do not stay your hands tonight!”

Goh Seong-Hyeon knew his side would not win tonight. Even so, they should still display their undying spirit. They must show the enemy that the Assembly could not be ruled through power and fear. And that what was visible on the surface was not everything there was to see!

“Here they come!”

Clang! Clang!

Sounds of swords being yanked out of their sheaths echoed noisily in the night sky. Those were real swords, not some training weapons made of wood.

These martial artists had never drawn real weapons against their allies before. Even so, their blades were glistening coldly under the faint moonlight.

Goh Seong-Hyeon coolly unsheathed his sword as a hint of grief crept into his heart. However, he still swore not to hesitate.

The ones about to appear before his eyes were his enemies. And he\'d never show mercy to his enemies! He\'d cut them down again and again until the last of his enemies were on their knees or Goh Seong-Hyeon himself was breathing his last gasps of air. That would be the only way this fight would end!

Just as he finished steeling his resolve, he spotted something suspicious in the distance.

\'...What\'s that?\'

That something looked like a pair of crimson dots floating in the darkness. Eerie crimson dots that sent a faint chill down Goh Seong-Hyeon\'s spine!

\'Could that be... a cigarette flame?\'

City dwellers might not realize it, but in inky-black darkness like this, even something as faint as light from cigarette flames would look incessantly bright. They could easily be discerned even at a distance of hundreds of meters. However, that wasn\'t important right now. Why was someone smoking a cigarette over there?

That was when Goh Seong-Hyeon suddenly realized something. That... was no cigarette flame. More and more crimson dots began appearing in the darkness. In the blink of an eye, the crimson dots numbered past dozens to reach over a hundred. And each of these crimson dots seemed to be moving in pairs.

\'Isn\'t that...?\'

Those were eyes. More correctly, the irises of human beings! Goh Seong-Hyeon had mistaken human eyes burning in crimson light as strange floating dots in the darkness.


“There... they... are! I can see them!”

Bizarre and creepy laughter and voices came from the owners of those crimson eyes. And they didn\'t sound like denizens of this world had produced them. As if someone had manipulated their voices to make them sound more demonic than necessary!

Goosebumps broke out all over Goh Seong-Hyeon\'s body.

\'...Demonic arts practitioners!\'

That was when the realization finally dawned on Goh Seong-Hyeon. He realized who his enemies were tonight! These people had acquired great power by relinquishing their humanity to demonic arts! Demonic cultivators that plunged the ancient Zhongyuan into depths of terror were now coming directly for him!

“Do not be scared! Those bastards can\'t even think straight!” Goh Seong-Hyeon loudly roared. Was that shout meant for his disciples? No. He was shouting at himself. To himself, who grew deathly scared as soon as locking eyes with those demonic cultivators!

He was supposed to fight who now? Fight those insane bastards?

“Kill them! Kill! Every! Single! One! Kiiiill!”

“Enemies! Kill! Enemies!”

Madness was overflowing from these demonic cultivators. Their bodies, enveloped in eerie black demonic qi, leaped out of the forest and charged straight at Goh Seong-Hyeon.

In this darkness of the night, these men resembled devils jumping out of Hell\'s abyss! Devils that could not have existed in reality!

But these devils indeed existed in reality and were making a beeline straight toward Goh Seong-Hyeon and his disciples. While drooling like starving, raving-mad beasts!

Not just Goh Seong-Hyeon, but his disciples all froze up. Their brains and bodies became paralyzed, unable to think or move.

This spectacle awakened and agitated humanity\'s primal fear. The closer these demonic cultivators got, the greater the fear in the hearts of men grew!


As if they were crazed dogs running around in excitement after being released from a dogfighting arena, demonic cultivators leaped into the midst of Goh Seong-Hyeon\'s defensive line to sweep the defenders aside. It was like watching black tsunami waves crashing into the calm verdant ocean.

This was the first time Kang Jin-Ho\'s revived Demon Flames baring their fangs in the modern era.

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