
Chapter 497 The Elf Carnival 3

Finally, one of the elves stood up with an expression of pride on his face.

"That’s it! Just reverse the affiliations of the particles here and here, and you have a barrier which will stop and eventually neutralize the veil! It’s perfect!"

Hearing him, the other 49 elves also broke out into hurried discussions, following which the one who had spoken to Katerina before walked up to her and said, "Luca was right. We were all looking for some instant way to disable the formation, or whatever it is that is causing that red veil to continue killing. But this is the best, and only method. A modified, much more complex version of a barrier. It will slow down the progress of the red veil while also eating away at its core base. Think of it like rust coating an iron sword; after enough rush accumulates, the sword will break. However, there are a few problems."

Katerina had been about to feel relieved on hearing the explanation from the senior elf, but on seeing his grim expression when he said the last sentence, she braced herself for the worst and asked, "What are they?"

"Two main ones. One, those who take part in setting up the barrier are susceptible to the effects of the veil. It will mostly happen at random, because the veil has random surges of Energy which seem to be some sort of defense mechanism against a countermeasure just like this. This can at least be overcome if the soldiers are willing to sacrifice themselves for the people. But the second is the most worrying. Due to the immense size of the veil, large barriers need to be put up. This will require teamwork and coordination in spell casting, and as you know..."

"We elves are deplorable at that."

Katerina breathed out the sentence under her breath, with her face set in an expression like she had seen a ghost.

Teamwork: this was a quality that had never been present in the armies of Eldinor. Many, many times, she had advocated the fact that if elves put their egos aside and worked together, the strength of their army would rise manifold.

However, peaceful times had resulted in a mentality where measures like these were scoffed on and rejected, with the reason that was stated being that it wasn’t possible.

After all, how could it be possible if no one was willing to try?!

Unwilling to lose hope, Katerina asked, "Can’t we have some short exposure to teamwork now, so that we can..."

Shaking his head, the senior elf interrupted her, saying, "Impossible. Only those who are used to casting spells with coordination can make large enough barriers. You are welcome to have some of the most talented ones try, but I’m ready to wager my life that they will not be ready by the time that darned veil kills us all. Curse the one responsible for it!"

The fingers in the senior elf’s hand wound up into a tight fist and shook as he said the last sentence, while his eyes turned red.

No elf would want to die like this. Just like in life, even in death, elves wished to choose whatever they liked.

Katerina knew the one responsible, but she did not dare say a word about it, as she knew that she might just lose the authority that had been granted to her due to her actions before.

For her plan with the King of Lanthanor, retaining this authority was essential.

Suddenly, an elf ran into the tent, interrupting them.

After taking a moment to catch his breath, he screamed, "An army approaches!"

Could it be?!

Katerina was not ready to jump to any conclusions, so she just exhibited alarm, just like all the elves in the tent.

They knew just how much of a perfect trap this was; there was no way that those were reinforcements.

Still, they found themselves hoping against hope that word had somehow gotten to the Palace.

So, as one, they all flooded out of the tent.

Accompanied by a retinue of soldiers, they headed east, where the report had come from.

As they neared the spot where the rows of gathered people ended, they noticed that all those around them were whispering amongst themselves, while their faces were filled with astonishment.

With each step, the confusion inside the elves grew, until finally, they broke the last line and lay their eyes on the gigantic red veil that was still moving toward them.

Just like the report had said, there was an army on the other side, but they couldn’t recognize who it was right away. The veil blurred the image outside, so these elves also started whispering among themselves, wondering who it was.

Only Katerina got an expression of relief on her face, as she could recognize the man standing at the head of that army anywhere.

His stance would look normal at first glance, but she knew that it contained a certain grandeur to it that couldn’t be mimicked by anyone.

At the same moment, he seemed to make some gesture to the army behind him, which resulted in a large banner unfurling in the hands of the soldier.

A golden, majestic ’L’, around which was coiled a Dragon.

"The Lanthanorians!"

"Why are they here? How did they know about this?"

"Will they enter?"

"Don’t be a fool! Even an idiot can tell that that veil will kill anyone who crosses it. Why would they do something so foolish?"

"Then why are they standing there?"

The whispers got louder, but they suddenly got cut off when a booming voice reached them.

"Lanthanorians, this is the point of no return! It is not too late yet to turn back! If you cross this line, then there is no going back! Your lives will definitely be at risk!"

As it finally dawned on the elves why these Lanthanorians were here, they couldn’t believe their ears.

Was it that there were a lot of Lanthanorian citizens inside? Had they come to save them?

As many questions started to appear in the minds of the Eldinorians who were watching, they watched as not one Lanthanorian stepped back.

What a splendid display of foolishness!

This was what some people thought, but many others were only awed, unable to imagine what it must take to follow someone’s orders so absolutely.

As elves, they couldn’t even comprehend this feeling completely.

However, the reason was still a mystery.

As if understanding their main question, the King of Lanthanor spoke again, dispelling all of their doubts.

"Very well, then. Remember this moment, for it will be sung by bards until eternity as the moment when Lanthanor did not turn away when it saw that many, many innocent lives were at risk. We may not have any link to those we march forward to save, but we do have an obligation to this continent that we were born on. Let it never be said that we are not proud Angarians. Onward!"

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of drums could be heard, as if giants had come to walk the earth, which accompanied each step that the 2300 brave souls put forth.

The elves of Eldinor could only watch on in shocked silence, while those whom they had always looked down upon rose up today, as if to say that despite their feelings or affiliations, when the time came, they would not hesitate to stand on the side of the just.

It was over in a minute, but to the elves, it felt like an eternity during which all of their preconceptions were shattered.

Here was an army that had put aside their own lives to help them.

Could there be a more selfless gesture?

Meanwhile, Katerina had done the one thing that had been asked of her.

While the attention of everyone around her was focused on the army of Lanthanor, she had deployed a communication eye, and 3 large display trinkets that had been given by the King.

This seemed to be an improved design; earlier, such trinkets were only capable of transmitting images. However, this one could receive the sound, too.

The 3 trinkets had floated to the three other directions where the elves and humans were huddled together, fearing the death and their fate.

They, too, saw and heard the actions of the Lanthanorians, which was accompanied by hundreds of thousands of jaws dropping on seeing something so marvelous, so unbelievable, that it would definitely go down in the history books as the moment when an entire nation stood still and admired another, which it had treated with scorn till now.

Of course, some thought that they were being dumb and throwing their lives away, and a few others even considered whether this was some act of publicity. However, the overwhelming emotion was that of...gratefulness.

After all, the one who sent wood during a blizzard was given more value in one’s heart than someone who sent blankets in summer.

In their time of need, Lanthanor had not turned away even if it meant that they would lose their lives. Despite whether this gesture would end up bringing results, the act had been engraved into the minds of almost all Eldinorians.

It was only when the King of Lanthanor reached the delegation of senior mages did they finally snap out of their shock.

Katerina was the one who walked forward to address him.

"We do not how we can thank you, King Daneel, for not leaving us to our plight. We elves always pay our debts, so let me say now that I, for one, already consider myself indebted to you for coming to help us. This is because I know, for sure, that with your help, this calamity can be averted."

The communication eye was still switched on, so everyone heard these words and watched as the King of Lanthanor smiled graciously in return.

They were going to be saved!

Now, even those who were skeptical and saying that the Lanthanorians had only come to throw their lives away shut their mouths, gulping with shock.

The elf scholars had noticed the display trinkets and the communication eye, but they hadn’t asked before. Yet, now, they understood.

Lanthanor was the Kingdom that was known on the continent for their teamwork. This was exactly what they needed at this moment to defeat the veil and save themselves.

As a decorated war veteran, she must have spotted this and deployed those trinkets so that she could offer peace of mind to the scared citizens.

Smiling, they, too, began to thank the King of Lanthanor and say similar things, but he spoke with a confident voice, interrupting them and making them nod as they split apart for him.

"I have assessed the rate with which the veil is moving: it’s speeding up. From your words, I see that you have a plan. Let us hurry to a more closed location so that we can discuss this."

A few minutes later, Katerina watched as he studied the spell that had just been given to him.

"Yes, it shouldn’t be a problem. Just give me a few minutes. You should consider yourselves lucky that my elite mages are all here."

In the tent, silence reigned as the elf scholars- who were those with the most authority in the entire Kingdom, heard the King say this.

They knew about the strength of the mage army of Lanthanor- they could tell that most of that army was here.

Was this man...truly going to sacrifice them, and the future of his Kingdom in order to save them?

They did not speak out this question, but it was apparent in their eyes.

His answer was simple, but it would become a quote that would spread across the continent and be used in various situations by many, many people across countless generations.

With a heavy sigh, he said, "Sometimes, you might have to burn your own house down if it means that you can save someone who is dying from the cold, even if you bear no relation to them."

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