
Chapter 364 Mad Doctor

As the other man in the room said these words, Marcus turned to him and glared again before saying, "This is him."

Daneel, on the other hand, was slightly regretting his decision not to look for a wig.

His eyebrows had been burned off too, but he had prevented that from being seen by coloring that part carefully using paint.

This was a technique he had seen back on Earth, and thankfully, it worked and did not make him seem too odd.

However, this bald head of his had unexpectedly taken a lot of hair as sacrifice, from all those in the stadium who thought this was a new ’trend’.

Putting this aside for now, Daneel smiled warmly and said, "How can I help you?"

They were in a small room with enough space for 5 people, and Marcus and the other man were standing on opposite ends of it.

The man in question was wearing grey robes which covered him from head to toe, with only his eyes visible. He did not seem to be especially muscular, instead, he had an athletic build.

If the King of Axelor were here, he would have recognized this man to be the one who had threatened him before during the Olympics that heads would roll if Axelor didn’t win.

As Daneel was taking in the appearance of this man, a soft voice whispered next to his ear.

"Don’t look into his eyes."

Clearly, it was from Marcus, and Daneel had no reason not to oblige.

He wasn’t the kind to dumbly do something when warned not to, so Daneel made sure that he kept his eyes fixed on anything else in the room.

Seeing this, Marcus smiled, while also looking again at the shiny head that mirrored his.

"Humph. So you don’t have the guts to look straight at me either, just like this coward here."

Saying so in a tone that made it clear that he was trying to provoke them, the grey-robed man flicked his finger.

Suddenly, the room became very crowded, as it had become occupied by 8 more people.

All of these 8 individuals turned around as one to look at Daneel after recognizing that it was him, making Marcus quickly teleport to Daneel’s side in case he was bombarded by 8 powerful mages at the same time.

"Don’t worry. They won’t attack. Fix their organs, and we will be on our way."

Ah. So this was what they wanted.

Without answering, Daneel looked at each of their faces, memorizing them.

After he had brought this group’s despicable actions to light, Daneel had gotten the suspicion that they might have been up to more trouble during their stay in Olympia.

After all, he had read about their type back on Earth.

During his time on his home planet, at a specific point in time, Daneel had been very interested in detective novels.

What stemmed from this interest had been a desire to read up on all the psychological research done on criminals.

Having had a rich period of growth in which science had flourished, Earth had the unique advantage of having something like the internet which propagated even more growth and interest in all fields.

Daneel had read through the typical psych profiles of criminals, and he had been very surprised when he found out that he could remember it all without much effort.

He had done it in passing long ago, so this was actually quite surprising.

When he asked the system, his question had been resolved.

[After host’s mage potential breakthrough, host’s mind has increased effectiveness in memory recall.]

This made him want to know all the more what realm he had reached due to that incident with Faxul and that technique from the Withering Leaf Sect.

Coming back to the matter at hand, Daneel had gotten the doubt that people like these wouldn’t hesitate to satiate their...thirst before itself, especially considering the fact that their backgrounds let them disregard any consequences.

Hence, he had asked Faxul whether there were any crimes reported nearby, as the best targets would be the common people in villages and towns around Olympia.

This was when the shocking reports of missing women surfaced.

Over 30 women had been abducted in total, with no clues left behind.

Clearly, the culprit was either these people in front of him, or Axelor.

Hence, Daneel had no intention whatsoever of agreeing to this request, if it could even be called that.

"I’m sorry, but I don’t know what makes you think I controlled the mosquitoes. I could only control the few near me-these acted on their own, and randomly injured these poor people."

The ’poor’ was said in a stretched out tone, making the 8 glare at him more.

Of course, the one who was looking at him with most anger was the man who had had his vital organ severed.

His groin actually seemed to be padded, as if he was wearing some kind of diaper.

After all, because he had no control over his bladder, he would constantly be leaking urine. Hence, this was the most effective solution.

Hearing the answer from Daneel, the grey-robed man spoke in a dangerous tone.

"Kid, watch yourself. Just because you have Marcus here at your heels like a dog for 3 months, don’t think that you will be safe. If you antagonize us, be it 3 months, 3 years or even 3 decades, we will have our revenge."

If Daneel hadn’t received that inheritance, maybe he would have reconsidered on hearing such an ominous threat.

However, right now, just like before in the underground room when he had been about to proclaim his secrets, he couldn’t care about concealing himself anymore.

He had been doing it for months and years, and enough was enough.

Especially in front of people like these, he couldn’t do it anymore.

Hence, he stopped controlling his tongue.

"Sir, be it 3 months, 3 years or even 3 decades, I guarantee that you won’t be able to fix their organs. Sometimes, fate makes us pay for our mistakes in unimaginable ways. Even if I could, I wouldn’t do it. These people here are responsible for the deaths of over 30 women from Central Angaria. If I could, I would kill them all. Clearly, I have no chance of doing that. But if I left them without any punishment, I would not be able to face my people. So, I have two words for you. F*&k off."


The feeling that came from cursing for the first time in this world was really something else.

Indeed, in all the years since Daneel had transmigrated, he had been keeping his head down and building power.

He hadn’t gone looking for enemies, but he had also always been worried about antagonizing someone too powerful.

However, now, he couldn’t care less.

Maybe this was a Champion level individual who could crush him with a thought. Maybe he was taking a foolish decision.

But in 3 months, people at this level would mostly be after him anyway.

What was one more?


Daneel had been expecting anger or threats as a result of his words, so he was startled when he saw the grey-robed man tilt his head up and laugh wildly.

The laughter echoed in the room, and at one point, it seemed as if many, many people were laughing at once.

Also, it had an eerie tone to it, which made Daneel’s hair raise.

At least, what was left of it.

3 seconds had passed, but the man did not seem like he would stop laughing.

However, when Daneel glanced at the 8 people in the room, he noticed something strange.

They were cowering, and they all had terrified looks on their faces.

In fact, their terror seemed so profound that it even scared Daneel to a small degree.

The most fear was actually seen on the man who was wearing the diaper.

Daneel wondered what the reason was, and he got his answer the next second.

The laughter abruptly stopped, and was replaced by screams of pain.

Screams of pain, and geysers of blood from the bodies of the 8, each of whom was now missing an organ each.

As Daneel watched with horror clouding his own face, he couldn’t help but notice that each cut was so precise that it carved out the affected organ perfectly.

Even in the case of the man whose hip had been affected-his legs were still intact, but they were hanging onto his body by very little flesh and bone.

Of course, no scream was more bloodcurdling than the one from the man who had nothing to call himself a man anymore.

Only red, pulsating flesh was left at his groin, and he screamed over and over again, until his voice broke and he went hoarse.

"Kid, remember these screams. You will be screaming even more in 3 months. I won’t attack myself; I’m not shameless enough to do so. No, these 8 will be enough. Mark my words, kid."

Leaving these words, all 9 individuals disappeared from the room.

Daneel, on the other hand, was trying not to gag due to the gory sight.

Trying hard not to see that very important organ that had been left behind, he turned around and gulped.

A clapping sound was heard from beside him.

Turning to the side, he saw that it was Marcus, who spoke with a large smile on his face.

"I don’t know if I should call you brave or foolish, kid. Well, I’ll know the answer in 3 months. Still, that must be the first time I saw someone talk in that way with the ’Mad Doctor’ of the Big 5. Good going, kid. Congrats on making yourself a Champion-level enemy! And of course, welcome to the ’Gentleman’s Club’."

"Gentleman’s Club?"

In response, Marcus pointed at his head, making Daneel sigh before he teleported away.

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