
Chapter 238

[Proofreader – Draxx]

Chapter 238

“Defense impossible. Incineration proto...”

I opened my jaws wide and bit down hard on the Screamer’s head. Its body, having lost its command center, collapsed helplessly.

‘It’s over.’

It took quite a while to deal with all of them since there were so many. Around me were the remains of partially melted metal skeletons. Black mucus was diligently dissolving them, converting the debris into nutrients.

‘Should I check the other side?’

It was unlikely, but the others might have missed something by accident.

I swallowed the Screamer head in my mouth and linked with the nest.

My senses spread throughout the cave, detecting movements over the black mucus. Many creatures were moving around, but there were no Screamers among them.

‘No Gallagons died in battle.’

We had no losses. It was a small relief, especially given how many Gallagons had already died.

Two of the victorious ones are coming this way. I disconnected from the link and waited as Number 26 and PS-111 appeared from behind the passage.

「We taught those bad friends who hurt the little ones a lesson.」

[ZZZ (Well done)]

Honestly, I was a bit worried that Number 26 might hesitate, but it was unnecessary.

After seeing Adhai mourn the loss of the Gallagons, it showed no mercy to the Screamers. Whenever it confronted them, the energy supplied through sacrifices surged explosively.

PS-111 also performed well. Maybe it was because it had fought alongside Adhai and the Gallagons multiple times. They took turns acting as bait, effectively confusing the enemy.

「Where is the little one?」

“Adhai went to protect the Gallagon hatchlings.”

As it said, Adhai didn’t return but went to check on the hidden hatchlings. Thanks to my link with the nest, I knew the Blue Gallagons were safe, but Adhai didn’t have that reassurance.

‘She must be worried, given how many Gallagons have died.’

Even though we won without any losses, the fight was more of a setback than a gain. Many had been killed by the enemy before I returned.

‘Let’s leave her be for now.’

[ZZZZ ZZZ ZZZ (Adhai needs time)]


Number 26, having lost its kin to MegaCorp, didn’t say anything more. It probably understood that Adhai needed time too.

To change the subject and confirm something important, I called PS-111.

“How did the task I assigned you go?”

“I rebooted some of the S-model Screamer systems as you ordered.”

It proudly presented the result of its work.

‘What’s this?’

When I first met PS-111, it mentioned that if the opponent was a lower-tier S-model, it could be controlled to some extent.

At that time, it added that physical contact was required. I didn’t expect everything to go smoothly, but I also didn’t anticipate this outcome.

‘Only the heads are left?’

Its three hooked claws each held a Screamer’s head.

Beneath the torn necks dangled spines with small chips attached. The sight of it holding the heads, with spines loosely hanging down, reminded me of a finishing move from an old fighting game.

When I didn’t say anything, it seemed to realize this wasn’t what I had in mind. It added a word of explanation, almost as if making an excuse.

“The resistance was too strong. This was the only way to subdue them.”

“Can these heads regenerate their bodies like you?”

“These heads cannot.”


“The S-models lack self-repair capabilities. Additionally, their life-support functions rely entirely on me. They will perish as soon as they are disconnected.”

Only after hearing this did I notice that the ends of the three spines were all connected to metal hoses extending from its back.

‘I’ll just have to settle for the information this time.’

This wasn’t what I had originally planned.

I had intended to assemble a legion of S-models if it succeeded in hacking the Screamers.

‘It’s disappointing, but there’s still a chance.’

If the opponent is unable to resist, perhaps I can leave their bodies intact and take control. For instance, right after they’ve been produced and are awaiting final adjustments.

“If you seize control of the production systems, you may achieve your desired outcome.”

PS-111 voiced a thought similar to mine.

Since we were on the topic, I decided to ask it the most critical question.

“Where are their ships and Pyra Eleven?”

“I’ll check.”

It closed its eyes to access the information. The Screamer heads it was holding began to tremble.




The Screamer heads, with their eyes rolled back, emitted sounds resembling beats and mechanical noises. It would have been a terrifying sight for any normal human, but there were no ordinary people here.

「Our friend is acting strange. What’s happening?」

[ZZZ ZZZ ZZZZZ (It’s searching for important memories)]

「Memories? How does it search for those?」

Number 26 seemed intrigued by PS-111\'s actions. While PS-111 was extracting information, I made small talk with Number 26.

「Watching memories looks fun.」

[ZZZZ (Does it?)]

「Yeah. It\'s like becoming just like your friend.」

[Z ZZZZ (It\'s a bit different, though)]

「Is it different?」

It was surprising to see it show interest in something like this, especially after being so down about Adhai. Who would have thought it would be curious about understanding or reading another being\'s thoughts?

‘Maybe it thinks there’s something to learn from its kind?’

Number 26 had considered PS-111 one of its own from the moment they first met. So, it might believe that if PS-111 could do something, it could too.

‘Reading memories, huh.’

There’s a psychic ability that allows one to read actions from traces left by another. But as far as I knew, Sea Demons didn’t have that trait in the game.

‘Then again, who knows.’

Given Odd Grad\'s case, it\'s hard to just rely on the game’s standards. Maybe Number 26 could acquire abilities I’m unaware of.

‘Though if that were the case, it would’ve happened by now.’

Looking at it, this seemed more like curiosity than gaining a new power. It wanted to learn something its kind didn\'t know.

‘Learning is always a good thing.’

Sea Demons are incredibly powerful creatures, but in this vast universe, there are countless threats to its life. If it continues to follow me, it’ll face beings far more terrifying than itself. To survive these foes, or to hunt them, it must keep learning.

Feeling a sense of pride, I patted it. It expressed its happiness at my touch but didn’t stop asking questions.

While we talked, PS-111, having extracted all the information from the Screamers, opened its eyes.

“The location has been confirmed. Pyra Eleven and the ship are in the same place.”

“That’s good.”

Now that we know the enemy’s location, all that’s left is to strike.

‘But first, we need to bring Mother of the Sky and Ham Ort.’

The Dragon\'s Nest was vast, so I spread the nest to its limits. The previously set nests automatically decayed. Mother of the Sky had gone to the previous nest with Ham Ort to heal her. She would understand what it meant for the nest to disappear.

‘She’s fought me enough times to know.’

Maybe she’s already on her way here by now.

“I’ll hear the details later.”


「Friend, I have a question.」

“Ask me anything.”

Leaving the two who were deep in conversation, I headed toward the cave entrance.

As I walked along the long, dark passage, my steps sticky with mucus, I began to see the entrance.

The light streaming in from outside suddenly dimmed. Someone was blocking the entrance.

「So, seeing you out here means it\'s already over?」

「The Black Kin」 「What about the Daughter of the Meteor?」

Speak of the devil, and she shall appear.

It seemed I no longer needed to go searching for them.


An unknown planet, with no name or recorded route leading to it.

Due to the clouds that covered the atmosphere, it appeared as a dull, ashen gray from the outside. But lately, this place had become suddenly chaotic, disturbed by the sudden arrival of external invaders.

The clouds parted, revealing the planet\'s surface, and the impact of massive energy clashes rippled across the entire world.

The artificially generated energy storm affected not just the inner regions of the planet but its outer layers as well.

“Captain Min-seok, the atmosphere has stabilized.”

“Good. Report to me as soon as the communication lines and satellite radar are restored.”

“Yes, sir!”

In the command room of Si-hyun Yujin\'s flagship, the crew was busy moving about. Recent weather anomalies had disrupted communication with the planet’s interior, and restoring it was proving to be a daunting task.

Amid the bustling bridge, Acting Captain Min-seok Yujin stared at the holographic map of the planet with a grim expression.

A red marker hovered over a particular spot on the spherical map, representing the planet.

That was the location where Min-seok’s master, Si-hyun Yujin, had led the exploration team.

‘Damn it.’

Min-seok was growing increasingly displeased with the actions of Si-hyun Yujin’s clone.

The master he served had dedicated her life to ensuring the righteousness of their family. Her goal was to bring Akira Yujin, who had usurped the head of the family, to justice and to ensure that the rightful bloodline would govern. That was Si-hyun Yujin’s purpose, and the purpose of everyone here.

But this clone of Si-hyun Yujin seemed more interested in other things than in the grand objective.

And that wasn’t all. The clone was straying from the path Si-hyun Yujin was supposed to walk. Instead of meeting with key figures of the family to secure alliances, she was wasting time on these pointless pursuits.

Currently, a civil war was raging within the Megacorp between Noble Capital T&C and Prime Capital Egerton. CEO Akira was preoccupied with mediating the conflict, making this the perfect opportunity to rapidly expand their influence without interference.

Si-hyun Yujin was undoubtedly aware of this but had chosen to come to this remote planet instead of heading to Earth.

‘I could understand if the goal was to secure credits, but….’

When the satellite radar was functioning, Min-seok saw it. This planet was a treasure trove of resources. It was rich in Nova Metal, which was highly prized by cults, and teeming with creatures carrying rare genes. Properly exploited, these resources could bring Si-hyun Yujin’s faction an enormous amount of credits.

But instead of focusing on earning credits from the planet, Si-hyun Yujin was obsessed with some unheard-of relic.

‘Ancient relics? Ridiculous.’

Most of the Megacorp\'s Noble Capital factions owned multiple planets. The Yujin family was continually exploring planets to expand their genetic pool.

Because of this, Min-seok knew well that there were no secrets left in this universe.

The secret weapons of a fallen empire, ancient civilization relics, treasures powered by super-scientific principles—none of these things exist. They’re all just concepts made up to deceive the gullible masses.

It was common knowledge among the Megacorp elite, but Si-hyun Yujin was ignoring it.

‘…A defective product?’

Though it was a deeply blasphemous thought, Min-seok was half-convinced. The clone that had gone down in pursuit of a worthless goal was defective.

‘I’ll have to take action when she returns.’

Without Si-hyun Yujin’s approval, creating a new clone wasn’t possible. But excluding her would be an even graver issue. After all, everyone here had gathered to follow the only rightful bloodline of Jung-woo Yujin.

There was only one option left.

‘I’ll have to use what she left behind.’

Before Si-hyun Yujin died, she left something behind, worried about possible defects in her clone. Using it might be the only way to guide the clone down the right path.

Min-seok’s cold gaze remained fixed on the red marker hovering above the holographic map.

[Proofreader – Draxx]

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