
Chapter 235

[Proofreader – Draxx]

Chapter 235

Although The Amorph is limited in how many nests it can create, the process itself isn’t particularly difficult.

Compared to the Outspacer, whose nesting conditions are extremely stringent, it’s almost like having no conditions at all.

However, just because the process is simple doesn’t mean that raising a proper nest is easy. The Amorph still has to consider various factors if it wants to grow a nest successfully.

Factors like its evolutionary stage, the energy it possesses, and the suitability of the surrounding environment all need to align to establish a large-scale nest.

And right now, I have fulfilled all the conditions to create the best possible nest.

There’s a lake here where the wounded Gallagon have gathered, which helps the slime spread easily.

But that’s not all. The dragon’s nest is located in an area with a high concentration of psychic power. The walls of this cavern, where I’m standing, are brimming with intense psychic energy, providing plenty of nourishment for the slime that has detached from my body.

In an instant, I dyed the lake black and attached symbiotic spores to the fallen Gallagon.

Some were so severely injured that I immediately threw them into the contaminated lake after implanting the symbiotic spores. Among them was Nel Germa.

「Black Kin」 「Nel Germa」 「Nest」 「Defense」 「Failed」

[ZZZ ZZZZZ (It’s okay. Don’t worry about it.)]

Nel Germa had a severe wound in her abdomen, so deep that her internal organs were visible. It was an injury that would have killed any creature not as robust as a Gallagon.

But not all of them were as resilient as she was.

「Great One」 「Kin」 「Dead」

Adhai sent a telepathic wave as she stood before the corpse of a Green Gallagon. Her deep sorrow echoed throughout the cavern.

‘So many have died.’

As I moved the wounded Gallagon, I counted the survivors. Including Nel Germa, only 13 adults had survived. Four White Gallagon and nine Green Gallagon.

Most of the Gallagon we had fought so hard to acquire had perished.

[ZZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZ (Adhai, check if the young ones are safe.)]

Since the Gallagon gave their lives to protect the nest, the young ones should be unharmed. They’re probably hiding, waiting for the nest to become safe again.

To comfort Adhai, who was overwhelmed by the loss of her kin, showing her that the Blue Gallagon were still alive would be far better than any words.


「Great Adhai」 「This way.」

A relatively less injured Green Gallagon led Adhai away from the clearing.

‘I didn’t expect it to come to this.’

The greatest prize from hunting Odd Grad had actually been the Gallagon horde. My plan had been to lead them to attack apex creatures or space fortresses on other planets.

But those damn Screamers outside completely ruined my plans. Even if the young ones survived, it will take a long time for them to grow.

‘How dare they touch my Gallagon?’

It’s been a long time since I’ve been this furious. Not since my evolution was interrupted during a game have I felt such rage.

I won’t let those disgusting scraps of metal go unpunished.

‘There’s only one way to kill them all.’

I lay down on the lake, filled with sticky black liquid. As my secondary organ beneath my jaw touched the lukewarm slime, my senses were drawn downward.

My consciousness detached from my heavy carapace and the hard scales of my physical body, merging with the vast cavern and the expansive lake. My senses expanded further along the tunnels connected to the cavern.

How can I describe this feeling? It’s similar to the sensation when your body regains feeling as you wake up. In fact, it’s not all that different. My consciousness has passed into the nest, making the lake my heart and the black slime my limbs.

In the past, I have connected with nests in various places—MegaCorp research ships, space cities, and more—to observe and plan where and when to strike the enemies.

This time is no different.

Having successfully linked with the nest, I began to closely examine the structure of the Gallagon’s home.

I could sense what was happening along the network of tunnels branching out like an ant’s nest. The trembling Blue Gallagon, as large as Adhai, checking on their young and feeling relieved, and the completely empty caves.

‘No need to see everything.’

I shifted my focus away from Adhai and directed it toward the entrances in the cliffs.

There were a total of four entrances, including the cave we had entered. There were also several other tunnels, but they were all dead ends—false entrances.

At my will, the slime forming the nest rapidly extended toward the passages connected to the cliffside entrances. The elements needed to maintain the nest were abundant, allowing for rapid expansion.

At this rate, all the tunnels leading to the entrances will be coated in slime within a few hours.

I disengaged from the nest and summoned Number 26 and PS-111.

[ZZ ZZZ ZZZ ZZZZ (We’ll lure the enemy here and trap them.)]

In this naturally formed labyrinth, I plan to wipe them out in one fell swoop. But to do that, I’ll need their help.

“How do you plan to deal with their suicide attacks?”

“I don’t think they’ll resort to that.”

If we were outside, it might be different, but the likelihood of them triggering a suicide attack after entering the nest is low. If that were their plan, they would have already attempted a suicide charge to bury the dragon’s nest.

There’s only one reason they haven’t done that.

‘Gallagon genes.’

As PS-111 mentioned, Pyra Eleven needs genetic information to produce mutant Screamers. Not just any genetic information, but high-grade genes like those of a Sea Demon.

Since this can’t be manufactured on a ship, they have to acquire it from outside. And there’s probably no place more enticing than the Gallagon nest. Even if their suicide tactics succeed, if all the Gallagon are buried, the Screamers gain nothing.

Moreover, they’ve fought me before. They know full well that I won’t die even if the cliff collapses.

Therefore, instead of suicide attacks, they’ll try to subdue me using other methods.

‘Whatever they attempt, it’s meaningless.’

There’s no place the Amorph fights better than in a dark, narrow labyrinth full of tunnels.

I explained to Number 26 and PS-111 how we would fight.

The Screamers who dared to attack the dragon’s nest will pay dearly.


“Enhanced detection equipment capability applied.”

“Newly acquired ‘Gallagon’ and dangerous creature ‘Helside Hornet’ biological characteristics reflected.”

“Long-range attack capabilities need improvement.”

In the frozen forest, countless Screamers prepared for battle. Due to recent consecutive battles, their numbers had been greatly reduced to 100 units.

The total number of units deployed for the Gallagon nest assault and the Special Target A construction mission was 209.

189 S-models and 20 PS-models were deployed, but the remaining numbers were 90 S-models and 10 PS-models. More than half had been deactivated.

Despite this, the android Pyra Eleven of the Mechanical Committee did not give up. That’s because the remaining 100 units had been significantly reinforced, compensating for their previous weaknesses.

Thanks to the genetic information supplied by the debris of destroyed Screamers and the drones from the ship, the remaining 100 Screamers were vastly different from before.

Regardless of model, all Screamers originally had eight legs, but the 100 Screamers present here had varying numbers of legs. Some had 16, others had 12.

Apart from the metal skeletons, the biological tissue had become even more grotesque. Some units had red flesh rapidly expanding, covering the tubes and skeleton, while others had long, scythe-like claws protruding from various parts of their bodies.

No two of the 100 units were alike, but they all shared one common trait.

They looked as if they had been sculpted by a demon from hell—utterly horrifying.

From a human perspective, they were monstrosities, but not to Pyra Eleven. To it, the 100 units present were the perfect killing machines, optimized for slaughter and massacre.

Among them, a PS-model with eight large eyes attached to its body relayed Pyra Eleven’s orders.

“Deploy detection units.”

Ten S-models, fitted with large mechanical components, leaped toward the opposite cliff. Previously, they would have fallen straight into the river flowing between the cliffs, but not anymore.

As the Screamers spread their legs, wide membranes unfolded between them. Gliding like flying squirrels, they landed at the cave entrance on the opposite cliff.

“Detection commencing. Tracking life signals.”

When the ten models opened their mouths, ultrasonic waves were emitted, penetrating deep into the cave. This ability was acquired by absorbing the genetic information of the Cave Goyle, which inhabits the icy terrain of this planet.

“Confirmed four entrances leading to the nest.”

“Deploy combat units. Proceed in stages.”

Twenty S-models and two PS-models, grotesquely modified, moved in pairs. Outside, two PS-models remained to coordinate with Pyra Eleven.

A total of four teams slowly entered the entrances, one by one.

Outside, PS-model PS-005 synthesized the incoming data from the commanders inside and issued orders.

[B Team entering.]

[C Team encountered a fork. Moving right.]

[D Team found a cavern. Evidence of Gallagon activity detected.]

[E Team detected life signals 220 meters ahead. Preparing for combat.]

“E Team, continue tracking life signals. D Team, investigate activity traces.”

Despite the powerful psychic energy emanating from the Gallagon’s nest, there were no significant issues with their communications. This was due to the use of a unique psychic circuit derived from Sea Demon genetics.

And within 10 minutes of entry, a report came in from E Team, which had detected life signals.

「Identified as a symbiotic creature of Special Target A. Sample collected and transmitted.」


PS-005 waited for the small drone to bring back the genetic sample. However, even after several minutes, there was no sign of the drone.

“Request confirmation from E Team. The sample transport drone has not arrived.”

「It was dispatched 5 minutes and 45 seconds ago.」

Five minutes should have been more than enough time for the drone to show up. PS-005 issued another command.

“Recheck the entry route.”

「Confirmed… anomaly detected.」

“Report the nature of the anomaly.”

「The passage… is… bzzt… changing… bzzt… re…scanning nee…bzzt」

“Circuit malfunction detected. Verify with other teams.」

「B Team reports no anomalies.」

「C Team reports no anomalies.」

「D Team reports… life signs detected 100 meters ahead. Preparing for comb…bzzt」

Now, even D Team’s communication was starting to experience interference, just like E Team.

This had never happened before, and PS-005 couldn’t help but feel uneasy.

Their communication circuits didn’t rely on ordinary mechanical devices. They used the biological organs within their bodies to communicate, making malfunctions seemingly impossible.

Hurriedly, it reported the situation to Pyra Eleven while issuing the standard command for such situations.

“D Team? Report again.”

「Bzzt… no issues… bzzt… confirming… bzzt」

“D Team, circuit malfunction detected. Please confirm again.”

「Confirmed. No circuit malfunction, but a new issue has arisen.」


「Structural changes in the nest have been detected.」

「E Team confirms that the entry route has changed. Initiating re-scan.」

Although communication had returned to normal, the reports that followed were baffling.

Structural changes in the nest? Unless it was a living organism, such a thing should be impossible.

But as more reports came in, PS-005 was forced to reconsider.

「B Team detects life signs from all directions.」

「C Team detects life signs… correction: life signs detected simultaneously 10 meters in front and behind.」

「D Team observes changes in the current terrain. Scanning function ineffective.」

「E Team detects life signs from all directions. Unpredictable. Unpredictable.」

「Unpredictable. Unpredictable. Unpredictable.」

All the PS-models were reporting the same thing.

The passage they were standing on, the vast Gallagon nest, was alive.

[Proofreader – Draxx]

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