
Chapter 214

[Proofreader – Thala]

Chapter 214

After confirming the death of the Hellside Hornet, I retrieved the bone arm.

From the hole in its two-layered eyes, blood and brain matter mixed and flowed.

The maggot-infested, yellowish brain matter, and the head of the insect—though repulsive elements gathered together—appeared merely as a tasty morsel from the Amorph\'s perspective.

Even though I have a fondness for monsters, the visual was quite unsettling, but I ignored it and plucked the creature\'s head.

‘Should I be glad I am an Amorph?’

The Hellside Hornet was gruesome when alive, but even more horrifying in death.

Among the traits I could acquire from it, there are two useful ones.

‘That sturdy arm and the ability to create maggots.’

Both traits are quite valuable on their own, but when fused, they become even stronger than their originals.

The Hellside Hornet’s scythe can fuse with the trait ‘Harvestor’s Jaw.’ The original trait changes the scythe into a pair of fangs. According to the setting, the fang’s edge is embedded with molecular-sized saw teeth that can destroy any armor. It can even tear through an Ice Horror\'s head carapace with ease.

Moreover, the oral structure changes significantly from its current form. The scythe fangs are designed to cut an enemy’s throat and immediately absorb them.

‘So it’s advantageous for large-scale harvests.’

This is the most needed trait given the impending war with the Gallagons.

‘Considering the future, the ability to create maggots isn’t bad either.’

The maggot-generating trait can be fused with ‘Human-Faced Demon.’ When combined, it transforms into a trait that generates fly monsters with human faces. Like the Human-Faced Demons, only five can be generated at a time, and the number of Human-Faced Flies that can be separated from the body is also five.

The ability to emit paralysis waves is retained, making it possible to execute much more unconventional operations than before.

‘It’s not useful against Gallagons.’

Gallagons have no ears, so they are unaffected by paralysis waves. Thus, this will only be useful later.

‘…Well, if I’m unlucky, neither trait might appear, and something like Vitality might show up instead.’

Insect-type and plant-type creatures commonly have the ‘Vitality’ trait.

No matter how much the symbol of hunting increases the predation success rate, the traits obtained are random. There’s always a chance of getting nothing.

‘Enough with the idle thoughts, let’s eat quickly.’

Adhai was waiting nearby, observing to see when I would start eating. Although the delicious scent of the blood puddle tempted her to dive in immediately, it seemed like she was holding back for my sake.

‘Where should I start?’

I hoped for a good trait as I tossed the Hellside Hornet into my mouth.


As I chewed through the creature’s head with its bifurcated jaws, an involuntary exclamation escaped me.

The Hellside Hornet was repulsively grotesque, and its taste was as direct as its appearance.

‘It’s sweet.’

So sweet that it could melt on the tongue.

Comparing the Hellside Hornet’s head to real-world cuisine, it felt like chewing a giant caramel made from Nutella.

‘Much sweeter than Nutella.’

The soft brown and yellowish slime of the creature’s brain matter tasted like a highly concentrated chocolate jam as soon as it entered my mouth. Moreover, the hard exoskeleton of the insect gave a pleasure akin to chewing crackers.

‘It tastes unhealthy.’

True to Apex\'s characteristic of having unique flavors, the Hellside Hornet’s head left a strong impression. While the meat of other creatures matched the concept of a meal, this one strongly felt like a snack.

Normally, I would have swallowed it immediately, but the addictive sweetness made me hold it in my mouth longer than usual. I swallowed the entirely liquefied head without any pieces or fragments.

Then, several translucent text boxes appeared before me simultaneously.

「Big One」「Me」「Meal」「Possible?」

[ZZZZZ ZZZ ZZ ZZZZ ZZ ZZZ (Huh? Eat. It tastes really good.)]

Once I gave my approval, Adhai plunged her tentacles into the blood puddle and began to devour it. While she enjoyed her meal, I reviewed the contents of the text boxes.

[Predation effect activated! Successfully obtained the genetic essence \'Polluted Worm Host.\']

[The trait \'Polluted Worm Host\' was extracted from the \'Hellside Hornet.\']

[Can be fused with the existing \'Human-Faced Demon.\']

[New ‘Transcendence’ materials list: Polluted Worm Host, Tetanus Vine, Tooth Fairy Nest, Human Sacrifice, Red Acid (not obtained)]

‘…Didn’t expect this.’

A message related to the ‘Transcendence’ system appeared after a long time. It’s the system for creating ‘Unique’ traits by combining multiple traits.

I had completely forgotten about it since it hadn’t appeared in a while.

‘Was the Polluted Worm Host a key trait?’

Such a message hadn’t appeared when I obtained Tetanus Vine, Tooth Fairy Nest, or Human Sacrifice.

‘A new Unique trait.’

Up to now, I had only created Unique traits twice using the Transcendence system. The ‘Perfect Organism,’ which allows me to use the symbol of hunt, and ‘Nightmare Horizon,’ which turns spaceships into bio-ships, were the only ones.

The ‘Organic Evolution,’ which adapts my body to different situations, was a reward from unlocking Transcendence Stage 2, so I got it for free.

In other words, I currently have 3 Unique traits. There are also 2 traits obtained as proof of overcoming strong opponents, but these are not classified as Unique traits.

‘So if I get a Unique trait this time, I will have a total of 4?’

Obtaining 4 Unique-level traits will raise the ‘Cosmic Monster’ type from Stage 0 to Stage 1. The rewards for reaching Stage 1 are currently unknown.

‘It’s a type that requires 4 hard-to-get Unique traits.’

There might be significant changes related to evolution.

‘For now, I can’t get it.’

The ‘Red Acid’ listed last in the materials is a trait that can be obtained from Glacier Fiends. If I had acquired the trait during the last hunt, I might have used the Transcendence system immediately.

‘Or maybe not? Because I’m short on traits.’

Currently, the number of traits I have is just enough to maintain the type.

The materials list now includes 4 infection-related traits with the newly obtained Polluted Worm Host and Red Acid, and 1 nest-related trait. Using them carelessly as materials for Unique traits would waste the infection and nest enhancement types.

‘I\'ll gather more traits before combining them.’

Once the battle with the Gallagons is over, I should consider hunting Glacier Fiends or Hellside Hornets in bulk.

Having lost interest in the Transcendence system, I chose to fuse the Polluted Worm Host with the Human-Faced Demon trait.

[The \'Polluted Worm Host\' trait has been applied.]

[It can be fused with the existing \'Human-Faced Demon\' trait.]

[\'Polluted Worm Host\' and \'Human-Faced Demon\' traits have been fused. Evolved into \'Human-Faced Worm Host\' trait!]

[Human-Faced Worm Host: Generates flying creatures reflecting the effects of the \'Human-Faced Demon\' trait. Up to 5 flying creatures can be generated, and they can only survive within a 200m radius from the host.]

[*Note: The dead have no voice. Therefore, they have no rights.]

As soon as the trait was applied, changes occurred in my body. Among the symbols of hunting, the Human-Faced Demons shifted their positions within my head carapace. Five faces began to twist uncontrollably.

The faces embedded in the carapace split vertically, and insect legs and wings protruded from inside. The insect monsters squirmed as if emerging from cocoons like butterflies. Upon contact with the cold air, their damp bodies dried and hardened. Along with that, their crumpled wings spread wide.

After metamorphosis, their bodies resembled those of Hornets. They had 6 legs with sharp claws, 2 wings, and bodies combining characteristics of mantises and flies, matching the features of Hornets.

The difference was their larger size compared to Hornets and the presence of a sentient head instead of a hornet-like head. They looked like giant insects wearing human masks.



“■■ ■■!”



The bugs, or rather the Human-Faced Worms, were horrified when they saw their new forms. They retained some memories of their original selves. Realizing they had become bugs must have been quite a shock for them.

Soon after the Human-Faced Worm Host was applied, the effect of the symbol of hunting also ended. My body shrank again, and the bone sickle arms on my back turned to dust and crumbled.

Along with that, the nests for the Human-Faced Worms moved from the head carapace back onto my back. Instead of the shape with human masks attached, there were now 5 large, tumor-like nests. From now on, this place would be the home for the Human-Faced Worms.

“■■■ ■■ ■■!”

A Human-Faced Worm with Jason’s face shouted something. It was glaring at me with a viscous fluid dripping from its eyes.

The Human-Faced Worm Host is a trait that exists even in the game. Jason must have realized what kind of state he had become.

And how much more miserable he would be in the future.

‘But I have no intention of showing mercy.’

While others would replace their traits with different genes once their use is over, not so for Jason. He will never be freed until I die.

Ignoring his protests, I summoned the Human-Faced Worms again. They immediately obeyed my orders upon receiving the special signals I sent. The Human-Faced Worms, who had been crying and wailing moments ago, instantly turned blank-faced and returned to their nests.

Having completed the application of the trait and demonstration, I looked back at Adhai. She had neatly finished off the blood puddle and was now wiping the blood off her front legs with her tentacles.

‘The wings seem to have changed a bit.’

Aside from the red wave patterns on her body becoming larger and more vibrant, there were no other noticeable changes. There were no signs of evolving into a Black Gallagon.

‘Maybe eating Apex is not the condition?’

There was a change, but it wasn’t as dramatic as last time. Even if Hellside Hornets are a step below Sky Whales, they are still Apex creatures, so I’m not sure why there isn’t a more impressive change.

‘It doesn’t seem to be due to a lack of quantity.’

[ZZZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZ (How’s your body?)]


[ZZZZ ZZ ZZZZ (Do you feel stronger?)]


She knows her pattern has changed but seems unsure if she has grown stronger.

‘There’s no time to test it.’

It’s been just over a day since we left the nest. I don’t know how the Odd Grad swarm will move, so it’s not good to stay outside any longer.


While unsure if she’s stronger, she seems to like her beautifully changed wings and tail.

‘There’s no helping it. I’ll stick to the original plan.’

I thought that feeding more Apex might bring about a change, but there was no impressive transformation. If a White Gallagon appears in the Odd Grad swarm, I should ambush it and use it to evolve her.

‘Then I’ll return…oh.’

I realized there was one last thing I needed to handle before leaving.

[ZZZ ZZZZ ZZ ZZZ (Aren’t you hungry?)]

「A little」

[ZZZZ ZZZ ZZ (That’s good)]


She tilted her head in confusion.

There’s a place nearby where I can properly fill up. It’s the food storage that the Hellside Hornet cherishes.

‘If I waste the precious food, she’d dislike it too.’

I led Adhai towards the food storage.


Collin Russell, a subordinate of Si-hyun Yujin, let out a pained groan from the impact as he fell to the ground. On the day marking two weeks since he had been trapped in a cocoon and hanging from the ceiling, he finally managed to escape.

For Collin, who had undergone rigorous military training, the past two weeks had been nothing short of a nightmare.

His unit, responsible for supplies within Si-hyun Yujin\'s exploration team, had been attacked by a gigantic insect-like monster. The creature took him and several of his men to this cave.

He had expected to be killed immediately, but the creature did not do so. Instead, it merely trapped them in cocoons made of mucus secreted from its body.

His men were relieved to have their lives spared. Since they were not killed immediately, they thought that escaping was all that mattered.

However, this was a terrible misjudgment. The monster kept them alive because of its unique feeding habits.

It pickled and consumed his men one by one. Every three days, it dripped some of its digestive fluids into the cocoons. The men trapped inside the cocoons melted away in excruciating pain.

Once the prey, or rather the food, was completely melted, the monster would then thrust its head into the cocoon and suck it up.

Collin and the other survivors trapped in the cocoons could not see this horrifying sight, but they could hear every detail vividly.

The sound of a person slowly melting alive and the sound of the monster drinking up the completely liquefied human.

The men went mad, but Collin, despite his advanced training, was unable to lose his sanity. Even if he wanted to give up and commit suicide, it was impossible.

The cocoon not only confined them but also served as a primitive life-support system. Thus, those trapped inside could not even die.

But Collin did not give up. He continuously scratched at the cocoon with his nails. His blood flowed, and his nails fell off, but he did not stop.

As a result of not giving up in that hellish existence, the sky gave him a chance.

On the 14th day of being trapped in that hell, an earthquake occurred in the cave. The insect-like monster left to investigate the earthquake.

This was his last chance to survive. From the moment the monster’s noises stopped, he scratched at the cocoon like a madman. Not only did his nails fall off, but his fingers broke, yet he did not give up.

And finally, he tore through the cocoon and took in the fresh air from outside.

“Cough! Cough….”

Collin, barely managing to get up, coughed violently.

His current condition was very poor. He had received just enough nutrients to barely sustain life, leaving his body emaciated and his hands completely wrecked.

Yet, with nothing but the single-minded determination to escape, he exhibited superhuman strength.

He rummaged through the scattered equipment and remains of victims around him and gathered a flashlight and reinforced suit.

Even if he escaped, he would freeze to death without the reinforced suit. Quickly preparing for his escape, he rushed towards the cave entrance. He had memorized where he was when he was dragged into the cave by the monster.

Thanks to that, with the light from the flashlight, he could navigate through the maze-like cave without getting lost.

“Just a bit more!”

How long had he run?

He could see a faint light in the distance. That was the only exit from hell.

He drew on every last bit of strength he had and ran. It had been a very long time since he had run this fiercely, not since he had stolen and fled with a Gallagon egg.

He had almost died hundreds of times then, but he survived.

Today, he would survive too.

He cleared away the vine-like branches blocking the cave entrance. The icy cold wind greeted him. It was the outside he had yearned for throughout the past two weeks.

The outside looked exactly the same as before he had entered.

White snow, a sky so dark it was impossible to tell day from night, densely packed trees, and even the massive rocks.

“A rock?”

Come to think of it, the rock was something he had not seen before entering here.

Had the monster placed it there to conceal its hideout, or did it fall from the mountain due to the recent earthquake?

The answer was neither.

Because the rock was not moving.


What was in front of him was not a rock. The entity he had mistaken for a rock lunged at him.

[Proofreader – Thala]

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