
Chapter 90 - Boundless Hatred [(Part-1)/2]


Day-6 Rest Day, 10 A.M.

At the top floor of the Nav Yuga headquarters, there was a board meeting taking place among the top executives of the enterprise and the CEO.

The senior management executive uttered, "Mr Ankith, at the current rate, it wouldn\'t be long before our enterprise reaches its old glory. If not for your youngest son, Kay, we wouldn\'t have won the re-trial"

The senior development executive countered, "True, but Kay vouched that his elder brother was the one who managed to find such concrete evidence against the Quadnite Conglomerate. We shouldn\'t forget his contribution."

At the mention of Jay, the senior management executive\'s face turned rather awkward before directing his words at the middle-aged man, "Mr Ankith, I aware of Jay\'s contribution but just within last two days that you have appointed him as the head of our enterprise\'s security division, he has already expelled nearly one-tenth of our employees.

Even though Jay somehow gathered evidence on the employees that were spying for other companies, firing them all in such a short period has caused quite a commotion among the employees and has affected their morale.

In this age, industrial espionage was an issue that every leading company had to face due to the amount of competition going around.

If more employees were to be fired at such a rate, it wouldn\'t be beneficial for our enterprise."

The middle-aged man maintained a poker face as he leaned comfortably onto his chair before raising his voice, "Well, if you had personally known my eldest son, his actions wouldn\'t be a surprise. Before I reveal my decision, let me tell you something about him.

Back when Jay was 13 years old, I got a call from his school saying that he beat up a group of 15-year old students that tried to bully a class member of his.

Later, when I met Jay; like any father, I lectured him not to take matters into his own hands when he sees bullying, and instead report it to the school authorities.

When he revealed the real reason behind his actions; I was left stunned, because Jay didn\'t beat up those 15-year olds for bullying someone in his class, but because he felt it would be just a matter of time before they would try to bully his siblings. So, before that could happen, he dealt with it.

This short story is to tell that when my eldest son senses trouble, he preemptively exterminates it."

If my father or I was as decisive as him, our enterprise wouldn\'t have fallen to such a state during our reign.

Now that God gave our enterprise a second chance, I won\'t let the same mistake repeat itself.

So, when I learned that Jay left his martial arts trainer job, I asked him to take care of our enterprise together with Kay.

Jay agreed with a condition that for a two-week duration he needs the authority to make any changes in our enterprise that he deems necessary for its growth.

That was why I made him the head of the security division and granted him an authority that equals mine.

None of you need to try persuading me to change my decision. Alright then, this shall conclude the meeting."

After that, the senior executives left, and the only ones that remained in the boardroom were the CEO and his younger brother, Umesh, whose position was just below that of a CEO, the president of Nav-Yuga Enterprise.

Umesh chuckled, "Brother, who are you kidding, I remember that incident all too well. The ones that Jay beat up weren\'t just limited to a single group of 15-year old students, but almost every single delinquent in his school suffered the same fate at his hands. Back then, you had to face an angry mob of parents due to the aftermath of Jay\'s rampage."

Ankith let out a sigh before replying, "If I had said all of that, it would be overwhelming for them to believe that a 13-year old kid did all that. Furthermore, in order to explain that, I would have to reveal Jay\'s exceptional muscle memory. That\'s not something one would believe unless they witness it firsthand.

Because of that special ability, our old man used to worry about Jay the most. But, I have to say, it came as a surprise to me that Jay left his obsession of learning various martial arts and joined our enterprise."

While looking outside through the transparent glass walls he continued, "Even though I can\'t put a finger on it, I can tell that my son somehow changed."

Right then, the CEO\'s personal secretary walked into the boardroom and said, "Mr. Ankith, your youngest son asked me to hand this file over to you."

"Kay already finished all the essential work needed for the sudden rise of our enterprise?!" Ankith and Umesh exclaimed, after having gone through the documents in the file.

They couldn\'t help but be shocked, since all that work which would have taken most people a few months, was taken care of by Kay in just 3 short days.

What they didn\'t know was that if not for MJ\'s assistance, it would have taken Kay a few weeks to complete the said work, though that\'d still be faster than most people.

"Brother, it seems like Kay is much more capable than both of us combined. Maybe we should pass our mantles to both of your sons. With both of them taking care of our enterprise, we can rest in ease." said Umesh to his elder brother.

Ankith sighed, "It\'s not time yet. Kay is too soft-hearted like our father; he needs more experience. On the other hand, Jay is anything but soft-hearted, and ever since that incident 6 years back, he completely stopped socialising with anyone beside our family. He needs to grow in that aspect before he is ready, as social skills are essential for running an enterprise."

Following that, Ankith asked his personal secretary to call Kay over.

"Sir…this… after handing that file, he left with your eldest son to visit the chairman at the hospital."

After the personal secretary left the room, Umesh suggested, "Brother, maybe we should tell them about the report that the doctor gave us last week on father\'s condition."

Ankith sighed, "I didn\'t want to tell them that our father doesn\'t have much time left because it would destroy their hope of him waking up from his coma. However, they have the right to know. Let\'s wait for the upcoming family gathering, before announcing it to our family."

Both Ankith and Umesh wished for a miracle to happen and save their father. Little did they know that Jay was working on creating that exact miracle.


"How is it brother?" Jay asked Kay, as both of them got out of the car that brought them to the hospital.

"Simply amazing! To think that this car could move according to our mental commands whilst we just relax in the driving seat."

Jay smiled, as he looked at Kay, who was in awe and said, "This is just a standard feature for the S.E.E.D car model that we will be releasing in the future. Moreover, the car in front of us has a lot more advanced features than those standard S.E.E.D car models.

One such feature is the exterior camouflage which I activated long before, to make this look like a normal car from outside, so that it wouldn\'t attract any unwanted attention.

You can figure out the other advanced features by yourself later, since this car is for you. I transferred its ownership to your wristband prototype."

Even though Kay maintained his composure, Jay could sense Kay\'s excitement by reading his thoughts.

As they walked from the hospital parking area to the hospital entrance, Kay asked, "Brother, is it possible to use one of your Origin Sigils to save Grandfather?"

Jay shook his head, "With the current condition of Grandfather\'s consciousness, it\'s too risky to engrave an Origin Sigil in his consciousness. I don\'t want to take any chances otherwise I would have done that exact thing long ago.

Anyway, we came here not to visit grandfather, but to take him to the deep underground secret base due to safety concerns."

"Safety? Isn\'t it safe in the hospital?" Kay wondered.

With a sigh, Jay said, "Brother, you underestimate the measures some individuals would take to gain power over others. In the past few days, MJ\'s global surveillance detected cases where some powerful conglomerates and organisations contacted mafia and mercenary groups to seize control of our enterprise..

A few tried to spread fake news and accusations on digital media to damage our enterprise\'s reputation. Luckily that wasn\'t an issue since we have MJ, who has absolute control over Earth\'s digital networks.

Aside from that, there were even those that wanted to take our grandfather hostage, and blackmail us to buy some of our enterprise\'s shares without causing a big commotion."

Kay got worried upon learning from Jay about the underhanded methods that were used against their enterprise over the past few days.

He then suggested to Jay that they should inform the authorities about those incidents.

Jay patted Kay\'s shoulder and said, "Oh brother, you\'re too naive, nearly a quarter of all cops and politicians are corrupt. Even if we bring this situation to their attention, it won\'t make any difference.

Anyways, there is no need for you to worry about it; I have already taken care of all those that conspired against us. The reason why I revealed those incidents, is because I wanted you to realise how cruel humanity can be. Yes, there are good people out there, but there are bad ones too, who aren\'t worthy of receiving kindness."

Kay nodded as he kept Jay\'s words in his mind. Even though Jay simply stated his actions as \'taking care of them\', what he really did was much more than that.

Jay made an example out of them and spread fear in India\'s underworld criminal organisations.

With that, most of those that intended to act against Nav-Yuga Enterprise immediately cancelled their plans, and those who had evil intentions towards the enterprise dispelled their greed-fuelled thoughts at once.

It caused a lot of commotion in the authorities, as they couldn\'t find any evidence on those that vanished.

No one could find them, since those missing individuals were locked up in the underground base\'s research facility, where they were used for testing the efficiency of the spirit engineered medicines.

Just as Jay and Kay were about to enter the hospital, Jay paused in his tracks, as his skill <Mind Eye> alerted him.

<Mind Eye> allowed Jay to view the emotions of people around him in the form of colours glowing around them.

Those that have positive emotions would have green glows emanating from them, and those with negative emotions would have red glow.

The darker the glow, the more intense their emotions were, and the range of colours in the glow showed the depth of the said emotions.

The glow that was visible to Jay was a crimson red that represented hatred and bloodlust. The emotions were so intense that it caused a glow bright enough to cover the entire hospital

He was taken aback by the new revelation, because the most intense glow he ever encountered in either green or red colours, was only limited to the size of a standard room.

That caught Jay\'s interest. So, he moved towards the source of the dark-red glow, and soon he reached a seminar room on the hospital\'s fifth floor together with Kay.

Kay didn\'t understand why Jay suddenly changed his path and moved to the fifth floor, when their grandfather\'s medical ward was admitted on another floor.

Jay opened the door of the room, as several medical students and the professor in the seminar room looked at Jay who disrupted their ongoing class.

Ignoring everyone\'s gazes, Jay\'s attention was fixed on the source of the boundless hatred, which was emanating from a youth who was dressed in a patient gown and seated in a wheelchair with a saline bottle equipped to it.

The youth stared blankly into the back of the hall. If the youth moved as much as a hair\'s width, everyone in the hall would have been completely astounded, as he was in a coma for the last 8 years.



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