
Chapter 326: Killing the Undead

326 Killing the Undead

Leoz's group.

\"Ice Wall!\" Vera made a giant ice wall to stop the advance of the undead. Unfortunately, as expected, with so many undead charged toward the ice wall with the power of Martial Lords, her Ice Wall immediately cracked.

She tried her best to hold the ice wall, but,


The undead managed to put a hole in her ice wall. Sadly, Leoz and Fabio were in their way.

\"Thunder Cut.\"

\"Flame Saber!\"

Both of them used their attacks. The attacks were powerful enough to trounce the undead that slipped past the hole.

Anna was waiting for a little bit. She was waiting for the perfect time to confuse the entire area.

\"Dark Curtain.\" She immediately made a huge dark half sphere and covered as many as possible. The undead inside the dark curtain was confused as they could see Alex's group.

At the same time, on the right side, Greg's armor turned to green as usual as he raised his giant shield.

\"Great Wall!\"

A ten meter tall green wall rose from the ground. But unlike Vera's ice wall, Greg was specialized in defense. The undead were stopped and tried to break the solid wall.

\"Now!\" Alex did not waste a single second.

As soon as the wall erected, he, along with Sherry and Kyle, already prepared.

\"Fire Phoenix Art, First Stage. Phoenix Summon!\"

Three fire phoenixes immediately flew from the cliff toward the undead that had been stopped by Greg's wall.

\"Boom Boom Boom!\" All of the phoenix exploded, and Alex immediately got an influx of EXP and Gacha Tickets.

With those explosions, Greg's wall collapsed, and he immediately went back to the cliff. It was the same as Anna's Dark Curtain. Even though she had stopped the undead inside her Dark Curtain, the undead behind them was still charging.

The undead charged toward her Dark Curtain and involuntarily destroyed it. In the meantime, Vera's ice wall had collapsed, and all of them retreated back to the cliff.

When Alex saw everyone had come back, he flicked his finger. A pink array appeared below their feet, and they suddenly disappeared.

Although the undead could not fly, they were able to jump. As soon as they reached the bottom of the cliff, they could arrive at the top of the cliff with a single jump.

Unfortunately, Alex's group had gone somewhere else with Alex's teleportation. Alex's group was not that lucky though.

Alex tried to teleport them as far as he could. Unfortunately, the realm was too wide, and when they arrived at the new spots, there were still undead around. So, Alex teleported them again a few times.

Alex chose to kill the undead first because he did not want to be disturbed by them. It would be suck if his lightning tribulation were disturbed as his lightning tribulation might attract them like it drew the monsters in.

As soon as they reached a safe place, Alex said, \"Here is the plan, we are going back to the cliff.\"

\"!!!\" Everyone was startled.

Anya immediately realized his intention. \"I see, we might need to stretch our defenses a little bit though.\"

Alex nodded.

The others were confused as they could not understand what these two were talking about.

\"Alex was thinking about wiping them out as fast as possible,\" Anya said. Seeing their confused look, she continued, \"From what we saw, the undead from all directions were moving toward our cliff, and we will use this as our advantage.

\"Since they were going to that cliff, we can strike them from the back. So, if they turned back and the other undead recognized our position. They would come to us in the same direction. They would pass the cliff first and become our prey.\"

\"!!!\" They finally realized the plan after Anya explained it to them.

\"Yeah. That's why we are going to expand our defense area a little bit. It is better to kill them all here since we only need to worry in one direction, which is our front.

\"Greg will help Anna and Leoz as the vanguard. I want Fabio and Vera to support them. As for Sherry and Kyle, both of you, along with me, just need to bombard them. Make sure you kill as many as possible. There might be still a few undead that did not come from the cliff, so I want Jeanne to eliminate them.\"

They nodded their heads. Alex did not need to point out Anya's role since she already knew.

\"We are going to fly this time to make sure we kill as many as possible before facing the undead around the cliff,\" Anya said.

Alex then closed his eyes. He said in a low voice, \"Pure Fire!\"

The phoenix seed inside his body immediately broke open, and his overbearing Pure Fire came out of the seed.

Alex slowly opened his eyes and looked at the others, \"Let's go.\"

Fortunately, the undead seemed not to have any intelligence. They could ambush them pretty easily. Of course, they were only left out of the undead. When they arrived on the cliff, they could clearly see numerous undead around the cliff, trying to search for them.

According to what they could see, their number was around a thousand. In other words, there were around a thousand Martial Lords in this place. Although they were undead, they were still bona fide Martial Lords.

If all of them were released outside, there would be a catastrophe. It might be good to lead them to the nearest kingdom, which was the Southern Kingdom. Since Alex had a grudge with them, leading all of the powerful undead in this place to them might destroy them.

Sadly, this undead could not leave this place. Because they would not last long outside. It was a shame not to use them so Alex could only turn them to EXP and Gacha Tickets.

With so many undead around the cliff, Alex and Anya were wondering whether they should make a different plan. After all, there were around a thousand Martial Lords in front of them.

\"Anna, can you try to control them?\" Alex asked. He remembered the skill that Anna used to control the Zhou Soldiers.

Anna only shook her head. \"I am sorry to disappoint you. But they are already dead, and as you have said, they do not have any intelligence. I can't take over something that does not exist.\"

\"Alright. Forget about my question then.\"

\"We will have Greg, Fabio, and Vera to activate your True Spirit Body,\" Anya said.

Alex remembered something, \"Anya, what is your True Spirit Body?\"

He did not know Anya's True Spirit Body since when he asked Anna about it. She told him to ask her himself. Of course, it was not only her, but he also did not know about the hero spirit and Jeanne's twin.

\"I am Light Butterfly Spirit. I am mainly in support as I can increase your power like previous time or provide some healing. But do not expect that much from me in a fight. Although I can somehow fight at the same level, I am far weaker than them.

\"If you remember the link from before… Actually, in my True Spirit Body, you can even borrow my element and use some Light Element Martial Arts. Ah, but I can only make ten links.\" Anya explained.

\"…\" Alex was astonished. He knew they needed her ability, and she was even able to lend her Light Element. It was such a ridiculous power.

Alex nodded. \"Alright. Then, why do you want three of them to activate their True Spirit Body?\"

\"I want Anna to make the previous Ice Wall. But make it to a 'V' shape and direct them to the middle. Just make a hole around five meters in the middle.\" Anya explained.

Vera only nodded her head.

Anya then turned to Greg. \"Greg will make a powerful shield in the middle. Since it does not need to cover a huge area, it should be stronger, right?\"

Greg nodded.

\"Fabio then will use your firepower together with Alex, Sherry, and Kyle to kill the undead that was stopped by Greg. Since they were pretty concentrated in the middle, they should be pretty easy to kill.

\"Anna and Leoz will handle the undead that tried to go around Vera's ice wall. As for Jeanne, she will protect us from any nearby zombie as our last line of defense.\" Anya explained her plan.

\"But… with so many undead, even in my True Spirit Body, my shield can only hold them for around ten seconds. Or there might be a possibility that they will break through Vera's ice wall.\"

\"No, they should not try to break Vera's ice wall since they do not have intelligence. And even if it is only ten seconds, I am sure our firepower would be able to remove at least half of them at minimal. According to my prediction, we can kill seventy percent of them.

\"And I am sure with all of us here, we can kill the other three hundred, right? We can just fight while retreating and let them chase us. It should not be that hard.\" Anya explained.

Anya only chose three of them so the others could reserve their strength for any possibility that might come in the future. After all, they still had Leoz who was the strongest out of them.

All of them did not have any problem with her plan, so they nodded their heads. The undead had yet to realize their position, so it gave them time to prepare.

\"True Spirit Body. Ifrit.\"

\"True Spirit Body, Ice Phoenix Spirit.\"

\"True Spirit Body. Fortress.\"

Fabio was immediately covered by his flame. Even his hair turned into flame. As for Vera, she grew a pair of wings made of ice. She looked like Anna in her True Spirit Body, the only difference was her wing looked like Kyle. As for Greg, as usual, he did not have any change since he was covered by his armor.

\"Wait. I will open the battle. Of course, Sherry, Kyle, and Fabio will also do the same. Each of you target one spot that has the highest population of the undead.\" Alex said.

All of them nodded and immediately picked one spot while Alex chose the top of the cliff. It had been surrounded by around a hundred undead. He hoped he could kill half of them in this attack alone with his Pure Fire.

Because of the barrier, he did not care if he needed to use his Pure Fire or not, since no one would be able to see it.

\"Fire Phoenix Art, First Stage. Phoenix Summon.\"

\"Ifrit From. Magma Blaze!\"

Fabio's attack was a giant fireball. But he could feel the intense heat inside the ball. It was at the same level as Sherry's flame. Although Alex did not know whether his flame would get stronger or not, Sherry was the same as Kyle, who was not an adult Spirit Beast.

Alex was sure that her flame would get even stronger.

\"Go!\" Alex shouted.

As soon as he shouted, all of them threw their attacks toward their respective target.

\"Boom Boom Boom Boom!\" A series of explosions immediately filled the barrier.

The undead finally discovered their position with that blast.

\"Roar Roar!\"

They charged at them while roaring.

Greg and Vera appeared in front of them.

\"Ice Phoenix Spirit, Wall!\"

Two giant walls that made a 'V' rose from the ground. Of course, as the original plan, she left a five-meter gap in the middle. When the undead saw it, they suddenly changed their direction toward the gap.

It was the time Greg appeared in front of them. He raised his shield.

\"Fortress Form First Stage, Enhanced Wall.\"

A translucent green wall rose. It immediately blocked the undead charge. Leoz and Anna immediately went to their position while Jeanne was flying around. Anya already increased their strength.

Alex and the others did not waste their time.


\"Fire Phoenix Art, First Stage. Phoenix Summon.\"

\"Ifrit Form. Magma Blaze!\"

\"Boom Boom!\"

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