
Chapter 54: Cooking?

54 Cooking?

[Mid-Level Dungeon

Description : This is your Game-like Dungeon!]

"..." Alex face darkened when seeing this.

"What the heck with this!" He shouted.

The crowd looking at him who suddenly shouted like that.

"Ah... I'm sorry" Alex apologize, he immediately use his boost step to went away from that place to hide his embarrassment.

Alex took a while to calm his red face.

"System, what the hell with that description."

[I just scan it Host]

"Then, what is the description was like that? Are you playing with me?"

[That's really the scan result]

"..." Alex want to snapped but the words stuck on his throat. He sighed "I know you are useless"

[System is not useless Host, that's really the description written in the item. Why are you blaming system with the result of other items]

"Fine fine, that was the fault of the dungeon not yours" He said nonchalantly.

Alex then went to hunter guild to submit his cores. The first floor was full with people, especially student. Since this is the last day, many student submit their cores while other student who didn't get so little core decided to sell them to other student who paid more. Since they know if they failed this exam, they will need to drop out from school so they decided to make more money.

Alex didn't care with all this. He goes straight to the guild master office, since it was the request from him.


"Who is it?"

"This is Alex"

"Oh Alex come in"

Yuna opened the door for him. "Good afternoon sir Alex"

Alex nodded, "Good afternoon miss Yuna"

"Haha... Alex, today is the last day for your examination. Then today, you..."

"Yes... I want to submit the remaining core I get from these few days"

"I see..." Then he turned to Yuna "Yuna"

"Yes guild master, I will inform the teacher"

The guild master nodded and Yuna left. After seeing Yuna walk out the room,

"Guild master... How is Alicia and Firia?"

"They are good, since this is the last day, they know you will come back so they went to the inn to 'prepared' they said" The guild master give Alex a meaningful look.

"Prepared?" Alex tilted his head confusedly.

Yuna come back "Guild master, the teacher is here"

Alex and guild master turned to look at the teacher, it was teacher Farida again.

"Teacher" Alex greeted her.

"You won't surprise me anymore. After seeing your previous mess... Sighed"

"..." Alex was speechless.

"Alex just do as usual" the guild master said.

Alex nodded, He rolled the bag as usual. This time the bag wasn't that big since he only get around three hundred cores. The cores was rolling away on the floor.

The guild master nodded, "The total was 303 rank 4 cores and 8 rank 5 cores"

The rank 5 cores was from bosses in 50th floor.

"The total are 959.000 coins, Yuna"

Yuna nodded, she went and grabbed 95 gold and 90 silver coins.

"Thanks" Alex smiled to her as he take the coins, then he turned to teacher Farida.

"....Your score are 6560 for a total of 43,480 points. You....you... you even passed the 40,000 points" The teacher still gasping. Alex's score was more than five times higher than the previous high score.

"Thank you teacher"

Now Alex wondering, what he will do with this money. He shook his head, he will just keep it first. Maybe he will need this money later.

"Alex, why don't you go back first? 'They' are waiting for you" the guild master said, of course 'they' in his mouth was Alicia and Firia

"Then, Guild master, Teacher, and Miss Yuna. I will leave first" Alex said goodbye to them.

Alex went back to the inn, he went to his room. As soon as he opened the door.


When he saw Alicia and Firia was in his room, he was shocked. Sure, before he went to the dungeon again few days ago, he give his room key to Alicia. But he didn't expect of this.

"Alicia and Firia" Alex greeted them back.

"You must be tired right, how about you sit down first" Alicia said

Alex obediently sat down. He still confused about all this.

"We want to do something for you and here we are" Firia said.

"Yes, we tried our best to cook for you" Alicia add in.

"Cook?" Alex sweatdropped. He scared, they are upper class noble ladies, can they really cook?

"Here you go" Alicia and Firia bring out the dishes.

Every dishes appearance was normal whether the meat or bread, looking at this Alex sighed, he relieved.

"Then I will eat them" Alex pick up the bread.

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His face suddenly become blue.


"I think around this time Alex arrived at the inn. He must try their cooking" Bernard said.

He recalled when the two girls want to borrow his kitchen to prepare dishes for Alex. He was moved by their determination so he lend his kitchen. He went out for a few minutes, but when he back. He was shocked.

He was shocked, when he saw all the mess Alicia and Firia created in just a few minutes. All his stuff was charred, his utensils or cooking material. He paled, he was angry at that time.

He reprimand them, and eventually teach them a bit with cooking. After they first success, he tried the food. The food appearance was normal like Alex saw, but when he taste the food. He was passed out.

He also want to Alex taste the dishes as paid back to his suffering.


What Alex taste just now, he can't describe it. All he know was this dish was disgusting.

"How are them? are they delicious?" Alicia and Firia ask him with an expectant look.

Alex was tongue-tied, how is this going to be...

"I know it, they weren't very good, were they?" Both of them said with a sad look.

Looking at them, Alex brave himself.

He gulped down all the dishes in the table fastly.

"Nom, nom.. nom...!"

"Thank you for the food"

The two was surprised seeing Alex ate all he dishes.

"They had a unique flavor, but it was pretty good" Alex said

"They had the most important ingredient." Alex forced a smile "They had love"

"But you two may have gone wrong somewhere with your cooking" Alex continued, "Why don't you two try making it again?"

"mmm" Both of them nodded again and again.

"Then, since I already full. I will wash the dishes" Alex said.

"No no.. We are the one who is going to wash them" Both of them reject Alex and went to wash the dishes.

After seeing both of them went away, he fell down.

He tiredly leaned on his bad, his legs went limp and his body was full of sweat.

"System, what exactly I ate just now?"


"I know they are food, but why are they taste like that"

[System didn't know Host, according system scan, they can make an average guy passed out once they took a bite, But since Host, have pure fire Element. The element protect you and keep your consciousness]

"That's a torture! Damn, I will give my element away. If I passed out I will immediately pass the torture time"

Alex then look at his bed.

"Should I sleep? Maybe if I sleep, they won't give me any strange thing again?" Alex recalled what he just ate, he shivered.

He decided to sleep, to run away from Alicia and Firia.

After a while, both Alicia and Firia break all plates they brought. If Alex know about this, he will secretly thankful, since they won't cook anymore.

"What...what we should do with this..." Alicia asked.

"..." Firia also didn't know what to do. She think for a moment "How about you use your ice element to freeze them, then we pick them to a bag and I will incinerate them, leaving no traces of them?"

Alicia nodded, "Let's go with that plan"

They clean up the room. When they pass Alex's bed, they saw Alex asleep. Alex look really tired.

Both of them was tempted. Alicia try to climb Alex's bed, but was held back by Firia.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Alicia said with low voice, she scarred to wake Alex up.

"You too, what are you doing?"

"I'm doing my job as his lover"

"And what is the job?"

"To sleep beside him" Alicia said righteously.

"There is no job like that" Firia snapped.

The two look at each other angrily.

Alex was woken up because of the noise, he slowly opened his eyes tiredly.

"Alicia? Firia?"

"Alex" Both of them call him.

"What are you two doing?"

"I..." Firia hesitated.

"I want to sleep too" Alicia righteously said.

"Then sleep" Alex nodded casually.

Alicia proceed to Alex bed, though her face was really red.

"..." Alex look at her. "Are you going to sleep here?"

Alicia nodded embarrassedly.

Alex nodded, "Then I will sleep in other place"

Alicia was shocked, Firia throw a sarcastic look at her.

Seeing Alex want to go away, she hold him "I...I'm not sleeping here. You can sleep here"


She then stood up and dragged Firia from the room. Looking at Alex drowsy and tired state, her heart was in pain.

Firia want to struggle when Alicia dragged her, but when she saw a solemn angry look on Alicia's face, she stopped.

Alex didn't know what just happened. When he was sleep, he really felt his body was really tired. The hunt for power make his mind tired. He was tired both his mind and body. He forgot when the last time he was sleep, was it in the academy? Was it in the dungeon? He shook his head, he never sleep there.

He can go on days or months without sleep as he cultivate, but fighting monster, wanting to get stronger, this action of his make his body and mind break apart unconsciously, normally he suppress this tiredness with his willpower, but this time, when he was asleep just now. He realized his body state so Alex fall asleep once again.

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