
Chapter 63

Chapter 63


Startled by the dazzling light, the horses instinctively stopped in their tracks, some even rolling on the ground in panic. However, no one could afford to attend to them.

"What is that...?”

“Fire? Who would set a fire?!"

They were captivated by the undulating curtain of fire.

"No matter, to start a fire... Do they intend not to return from the forest after all?"

The fire barrier mercilessly consumed the surrounding trees, leaving only charred remains and brittle grass. It was then that some realized the forest was in perfect condition to spread the fire.

"We can circle around, it will take time, but stay sharp—"


Oleg was interrupted by another eruption of flames, this time at an angle from the first barrier. While the initial flames died down, the fire continued to burn the trees, emitting thick, choking smoke.

"This is no time to worry about curses. I\'ve got a bad feeling about this. We should give up the chase and turn back."

"Cowards! Go back if you want, but we\'re moving forward!"

As the pursuers divided into two groups, Charlotte kept her gaze fixed on the fire barrier, her eyes trembling.

It\'s him...! She was the only one who intuited that Ian was behind these flames. Her evidence was scant, but she trusted her instincts.

He was an arcane swordsman!

Such beings seemed like they belonged in fairy tales. Yet, if he was capable of casting such powerful magic, it wasn\'t surprising that Kyle and Kenneth had fallen to him. Charlotte was determined to pursue them, even if it meant burning to death in this forest.


Then, another pillar of fire soared into the air, this time behind them.

"No...? This... what the fuck?”

“That\'s the way we came, isn\'t it?"

Horror spread across the faces of those preparing to retreat as they realized the fire was spreading faster than anticipated. A barrier like that would very quickly engulf the surrounding trees.

“...!” Charlotte\'s eyes widened in realization, her tail stiffening.

"Damn it. Whatever it is, they\'re trying to trap and burn us alive. Follow me! While there\'s still a way, we\'ll escape from here!" Oleg, having quickly grasped the situation, turned his horse around.

As if on cue, flames surged from the side.

"Damn it...! Everyone, follow me!" Oleg spurred his horse, with the company\'s guards hastily following him.

He\'s still here...! Charlotte alone did not move, a gleam of excitement flickered in her eyes.

Catching the girl was no longer her concern; the fact that Ian was somewhere in the forest was all that mattered.

"Follow the Imperials! If you don\'t want to burn to death here...!"

"Stop gawking and move!"

Finally realizing the gravity of the situation, the others hurried to follow Oleg\'s lead.

With a whoosh, countless fireballs blossomed in the air, plummeting toward the midst of the pursuers shortly thereafter.

Boom! Crash! Bang!


“Fuck! Everyone get away!”

“What is happening here—”

Screams of terror and commands to retreat were drowned out by the chaos as those caught in the explosions ran ablaze, splitting the already divided pursuers into further disarray.

Amidst this turmoil, a smile spread across Charlotte\'s face.

He’s trying to hunt us in reverse. Feeling a thrill coursing through her, she dismounted her horse. The fight for their lives had already begun.


High in a tree, Ian discarded an empty magical stone, having consumed its power long ago.

As expected, the Flame Barrier consumes a significant amount of magical power, even without a wand.


Raising his hand toward the cavalry below, he invoked the Swamp\'s Resentment in a spectral form, channeling its curse toward the calvary beneath the tree.


While his enemies were preoccupied with curses, Ian, dagger in a reverse grip, leaped from the tree. Gliding from branch to branch with an agility that defied gravity, he dropped silently behind a straggler. Landing on the horse\'s back, he plunged his dagger deep into the mercenary\'s neck.


A gasp was the only sound the mercenary made before his body trembled and fell silent.

"What are you staring at? Follow me you bastard, damn it! ...Hey? Hello?"

By the time his comrade realized what had happened, Ian was already sprinting across the treetops with his movements accelerated by the Wind Blade amplified with a drop of chaos magic. His agility was such that falling seemed almost an impossibility. Ian then surveyed the battlefield.

Indeed, nothing stirs chaos and fear quite like fire.

The master of this cursed forest will surely be enraged.

...But right now, I\'m not in a position to be picky.


Ian, having plunged a dagger down onto another\'s head, looked up. Right beside him, a knight was watching him closely, eyes narrowed.

"Pleased to meet you, Sir Jamie."

"You, you are...?"

"Here\'s a gift for you."

Feeling the Swamp’s Resentment return to his fingertips, Ian stretched his hand toward Jamie. A malevolent sensation swept across Jamie\'s face.

"What is this...?"

As the curse reverted to its true form and sank its teeth into Jamie\'s neck, Ian leaped away without a backward glance.

Unaware he had been cursed, Jamie cried out, "Above! It\'s him, the mad swordsman is here-!"

With that cry, his vision began to melt and mix, giving way to soaring flames and rampaging evil spirits. In the midst of this chaos, Jamie fell into a state of delirium.

"Crossbows! Fire the crossbows!"


Hearing his shouts, the pursuers finally looked up. A fleeting figure was sprinting between the smoke and shadows cast by the fire.


The people holding the crossbows released their bolts in unison. None hit their mark. By the time they scrambled to reload, Ian had vanished from their sight.

Where do you think you\'re escaping?

Ian was heading toward Oleg and the dark knights, who were attempting to navigate around the flames. Ian\'s eyes glowed red and his magic infused with a drop of chaos.


The spell was completed in seconds.

Dozens of Dancing Flames arose, aimed in the direction where Oleg was fleeing. With that, Ian jumped down to a lower branch, ready for his next move.

Boom, boom, boom!

“Get away! The tree is collapsing!”

“What in the world—”

Amidst the tumultuous echoes and screams, as panicked horses reared and chaos reigned, the black knights scattered in all directions to avoid a collapsing tree, a direct result of another explosive blast. Ian, observing from a distance, sent a curse toward one of the scattered men before turning away, satisfied as the fire continued its relentless spread. He moved ceaselessly, overseeing the smoky battlefield from above.

It\'s almost like a scene from the demonic realms.

Feeling akin to a demon or fallen being himself, Ian didn\'t revel in his power nor did he become complacent. If anything, he was the opposite—exhausted and outnumbered, having not even slain any of their named warriors. This scenario was unprecedented, unlike anything encountered in games or strategy guides. Based on the pursuers\' abilities, it was clear this confrontation was never intended by the game\'s designers, who likely only envisioned a flight scenario.

So now, he had to focus solely on drawing out the full extent of his abilities.

Perhaps, that might not even be enough.

A bitter smile crossed Ian\'s lips. He never thought he would have such thoughts about humans, not demons or the fallen. Of course, it was the result of many complex factors overlapping. Yet, the irony of the situation remained unchanged.

“Ah, ahhhhh...!”

“What the fuck! Daniel has gone mad!”

Chaos ensued among the pursuers.

Those plunged into delirium and those who were not turned their swords and spears against each other. Swamp’s Resentment was useless against monsters or demons, but against humans, it was incredibly effective, especially in a melee like this.

Ian weaved through them, sending out the Swamp’s Resentment whenever its cooldown lapsed, picking off the confused one by one. Even the members of the Libra Trading Company were no exception; Oleg was halted in his advance, facing off against those fallen into madness. Of course, this situation couldn\'t last forever.


"I\'ve been waiting for you, Ian." The knight who blocked Ian\'s surprise attack spat out. He was Jonathan, Agel Lan\'s knight.

"Glad to see you again." Ian stepped back as he retorted.

Jonathan dismounted and gripped his sword tighter.

"You have some nerve, traitor. Do you think the Goddess will forgive you for this?"

"There\'s nothing to forgive or not. I haven\'t betrayed anyone," Ian muttered as he drew his Sword of Judgement. "And honestly, I couldn\'t care less what Lu Solar thinks."

"I knew it...! You damned traitor!" Jonathan charged with a roar.

Ian braced himself, even as he inwardly questioned why he was being called a traitor.


The duel was decided in a single blow. Jonathan, unable to swing his sword, was blocked by a Whirling Barrier.


The Sword of Judgement pierced through his breastplate. Jonathan dropped his sword as blood gushed from his mouth.

"I... believed in you."

"If you really did believe me, you should\'ve just come and asked me instead of doing something this foolish."


No reply came. As Ian withdrew his sword, Jonathan fell. Taking a life, especially of someone he once knew, left a bitter aftertaste. Briefly casting another Whirling Barrier, Ian paused.

"...!" He suddenly turned his head.

Beyond the flickering flames, he faintly saw the back of Oleg leading a few subordinates. It seemed they had dealt with the mad figures. Ian should have pursued immediately, but his gaze was stolen by the scene beyond. The smoke rising with the flames began to slowly swirl as if a typhoon were starting, spreading corrupted magic like paint.

"But now is not the time..."

It’s daytime, thought Ian as he looked up. His brow furrowed at the view. The smoke—filled sky was as dark as night. His breathing became urgent. It was clear that Oleg would escape the region before being swept away by the corrupted magic. However, Ian couldn\'t immediately take action.

“...?!” He felt a chilling dread. Turning, Ian saw the orange eyes of Charlotte, who had surged close without notice.

She declared, "I\'ve finally caught you."

Just as her hands, pulled back, were about to make a sinister arc,


The Whirling Barrier momentarily stopped her charge. Ian moved reflexively, throwing a dagger directly at Charlotte\'s forehead, launching Dancing Flames, and casting successive Ice Prisons multiple times while leaping backward. The actions flowed seamlessly.

Ian\'s constant motion, using the battlefield widely, aimed to keep his position hidden from this frenzied beastwoman for as long as possible. Ian had no intention of fighting her until he had killed all other pursuers, assuming he wouldn\'t need to abandon her, planning to confront her after dealing with the rest. He was prepared for an encounter before then, and the series of counterattacks he had just demonstrated was that preparation.

Brrrrrr, boom—!

As he ran in the opposite direction, Ian saw over the explosion of Dancing Flames, an ice prison being formed. Mixing chaotic energy, he consecutively cast Wind Blades and Flame Steps.

As Ian ran in the opposite direction, he confirmed that an Ice Prison covered the explosion of the Dancing Flames. Then, mixing in the power of chaos, he consecutively cast Wind Blades and Flame Steps. With each step he took, the flames that sprouted were further fueled by the following wind, becoming fiercer.

This was a combination of magic that had turned many a monster\'s den into a sea of fire in the first chapter. Having confirmed that the flames had risen enough to obscure his vision, Ian finally looked ahead.

"...Ah, fuck."

Instead of Oleg\'s back, he saw a massive, swelling mass of flesh. A horrific form, seemingly mashed together from dismembered bodies, flesh, and entrails of both humans and horses, indiscriminately growing in size as if proliferating on its own.

"What the hell is this...!?"

"It\'s a monster...! A monster...!"

The air was filled with the sounds of terrified whinnies and the screams of those who had fallen from their mounts. Bulges formed from clusters of corpses swelled everywhere. Ian looked up at the mass of flesh that was approaching him.

It towered over two meters high, resembling an amoeba crafted from flesh. From a vertically slit hole in what could be called its torso, a sound resembling boiling phlegm continued.

"Accept... your... fate...."

It also speaks?

In the next moment, something extended from the mass like a whip. Twisting his body, Ian caught a glimpse of it as it passed by him—a tentacle studded with chunks of corpses.

"Aaah— Aaaaah!"

Screams erupted from a distance.

A knight, entwined by the tentacle, was being sucked into the mass. The body of the man, who screamed with his hand reaching out, was absorbed into the mass like sinking into a swamp. The twitching tips of his fingers disappeared.


Shortly after, several tentacles burst forth from the mass in front of Ian.

"You... chosen... one...."

"Was it really you...?" Ian chuckled bitterly.


Charlotte burst through the Ice Prison, shattering it. The magic stones on her armor flashed. She twirled her body in mid-air, momentarily floating before coming to a halt. Her orange eyes, burning with intensity, quickly found Ian.


With a roar, she clenched her twin swords and lunged toward him.

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