
Chapter 914: Hyper Active

Chapter 914: Hyper Active

Because of this, the various world governments had created a database of dangerous territories. These territories were the known habitats of such powerful creatures, and each had their own unique circumstances. For instance, a trinary star cluster that gave birth to a giant jewel as a planet was being inhabited by a black shade that could rip apart space with its hands.

The exact domain of this shade was unknown, as was the case with many of the dangerous territories, all because of the fact that nobody survived the encounters. At most, some footage was sent back through the subspace bridges before the connection was lost.

Ah, that was another important change in regards to space travel. Originally, every ship would have a small connecting port that housed a dimensional gateway leading back to the home world. This allowed for convenient communication without waiting long periods, and supplies could be sent in the event of emergencies.

However, there had been a number of issues over the years that had resulted from this connection, issues that had endangered the facilities where those connections were housed, and could have spread to the entire world. Whether they were pathogens, spectral monsters, or ‘information hazards’, all became ample reasons for these gates to be closed. Instead, a new communication system was devised using the same concept as hyperspace travel, which became known as subspace communication.

Information packets were uploaded to a virtual network, wherein AI had established their own ‘hyperspace routes’ between different systems. Once the packet was received, it followed the automatic path that the AI had created, being received by a subspace bridge closer to the home world. This way, the danger of such hazards was greatly reduced, though it caused a small lag in communications.

“So, the void is becoming a problem again?” Tsubaki asked with pursed lips. Naturally, information hazards referred to special void effects that could be transmitted via information.

One of the servant avatars stepped forward with a small nod. In order to receive any additional details, she had kept one of the avatars around to provide an explanation. “According to the researcher, the current void shields can prevent a full manifestation, but are unable to fully stop the flow of energy for those stronger entities. These entities do not typically attach themselves directly to the world barrier, and are thus harder for patrolling forces to identify. Only a Fallen God that has been inflicted with the information hazard is capable of tracking the entity with certainty after returning to the void, but doing so is a dangerous gambit.”

That’s right, who would be willing to infect themselves with strange powers that didn’t follow the conventional laws of physics just so that they could potentially track the target? “Is there a problem with such hazards in inhabited sectors?” I asked, to which the servant shook her head.

“Not at present, my Keeper. Chelsea has deployed a memetic defense within the network that routinely checks for information anomalies to enact countermeasures. However, this defense can’t extend to the anomalies existing far away from established networks, so there is nothing we can do for them.”

I pursed my lips, thinking that over for a moment. “Tsubaki, I have an assignment for you.”

Tsubaki’s eyes widened, immediately turning to face me. “Please instruct me, my Keeper.” She said, moving down to one knee.

“Normally, a technical mission like this would be given to Dana, but she’s busy at the moment. I want you to get in Fragments of Acidia and study how they created their hyperlane network. You can get Dana’s Virtual self to assist you. If the process can be translated into our real world systems, I want the information passed on to Ashley.”

“Ooh, smart.” Aurivy grinned when she heard the mission I had given Tsubaki. “The hyperlanes in Fragments of Acidia are able to block out the void beasts in the game. It won’t help as much for the pioneers, but established trade routes would be more secure if the lanes could be translated over.”

“Though, you’re not the first one to think of that.” She pointed out, causing my face to fall.

“Is it impossible?” I asked, Tsubaki looking over at Aurivy. The latter shook her head with a small shrug.

“I honestly don’t know. I haven’t looked deeply into it myself. However, what I do know is that the hyperlane network is a secret technology of various big empires. The only way to get that information through normal channels is to take a series of missions and be promoted to a position of power in those empires.”

My lips formed a thin line when I heard her explanation. This could easily be resolved if I chose to reveal myself as ‘Acidia Reborn’. However, doing so would change the game for everyone else in the world, and I was not free enough to constantly be available to take part in their storyline. “Is there anyone in a suitable position?”

Aurivy gave a playful smile, nodding her head. “There are three people, each in different empires. They’ve been playing almost nonstop since the game’s release, and have managed to acquire considerable influence within their respective nations. Sadly, none of them are the research type, or else they may have already gone for the hyperlane studies.”

“Well, what positions do they have that would let them get that information even without being in a scientific field?” I asked curiously, Aurivy chuckling.

“Two of them are generals leading their nation’s armies. The last one actually managed to marry into the royal family. He had quite a lot of fun with that quest chain.”

Seeing Aurivy’s grin, I could imagine that she watched that individual’s progress through the quests, likely seeing it as a budding love story. “I see. And the two generals are probably more focused on the game, and don’t realize the significance that hyperlanes could have on the real world. They probably consider our current transportation methods more effective.”

I gave a small nod once I thought through that much, turning to look at Tsubaki again. “Since there are already two such generals, I’ll leave it to the two of you. You visit one general, and have Dana visit the other. If either of them are willing to provide the information, you can reward them appropriately. If possible, I’d like to get the technology for both, so that we can compare to see if there are any differences.”

“Understood, my Keeper!” Tsubaki nodded her head firmly, pressing the button on her bracelet to synchronize her memories with her Virtual self. “I will have myself and Dana meet the duo at once.”

Lorence sat behind his desk, going through the battle reports that he had received. As one of the core military leaders of the Jinmeg Empire, he had been placed in command of the war with Asara, an enemy empire that often fought with them over valuable resource points. His lips pursed as he read the damage logs, realizing that they had suffered a loss this time.

As he thought about that, the air warped in front of him, and he soon saw a golden-haired kitsune with fierce blue eyes, nine tails swaying behind her. Each tail had a different colored pearl suspended above its tip, and she watched him for several long moments.

Naturally, Lorence was no fool. He was able to recognize the Keeper’s servant, but he couldn’t be entirely sure that it was her. Rather, there were many people that took on her likeness for various reasons. More importantly, he was unfamiliar with the nine pearls, leading him to believe that it may be a unique artifact of whoever was impersonating her.

“Can I help you?” He asked, keeping his voice level. At the same time, he began preparing a spell through his casting assistant device, ready to unleash it should the woman make any hostile actions.

“Lorence Dowell, age two hundred and seventeen. Resident of Hanbei, and considered a person of interest by Elisae. After taking the steps of Perfection and subsequently having your divinity forged, you have reverted your age to your prime, I see. I have come with a request on behalf of the Keeper.”

Lorence’s eyes went wide when he heard her words. Finding information about him, while not impossible, was certainly no easy feat. Moreover, what did she mean by a person of interest to the Queen of Wishes? At the very least, those who used Tsubaki’s appearance for nefarious reasons knew better than to invoke the Keeper’s name.

When she ended her words, he set his reports down, halting the spell that he had been preparing. “And what can I do for the Keeper?” He asked, more curious than anything. It had been more than a decade since any information had surfaced of the Keeper’s movements, so he did not know why she suddenly appeared before him.

“The Keeper would like you to acquire the knowledge on how to construct a Hyperlane Network, so that it can be converted for real world application.” When Tsubaki said that, Lorence furrowed his brow. His suspicions rose once again, as this was considered an imperial secret. While he had access to the information, he would be more closely monitored if he chose to use that access. If he was found sharing the information with outsiders, he may even be stripped of his position and labeled a traitor to the empire.

“Why does the Keeper want this from me? There shouldn’t be any merit in that information.”

Tsubaki shook her head. “Hyperlane Networks would ensure a higher degree of safety for spatial travel, even in our real world. If you search online, you should be able to find scientific communities looking for the knowledge for similar reasons.”

Well, that was easy enough for him to confirm later. “I’ll look into that. However, if I do get you that information, there is a high possibility that I will be banished from the empire, and all the work I’ve done will be ruined.”

“Name your reward.” Tsubaki said simply, causing Lorence’s eyes to widen. “The Keeper has granted me full authorization to issue a satisfactory reward in order to retrieve this information. So long as you do not go too far, or ask for the impossible, I will see that the reward is issued. If you suffer damages from undertaking the task, I shall offer compensation.”

Compensation for being branded a traitor by a galactic empire? Lorence gave a bitter smile at that, closing his eyes for a moment. If he was really going to do this, he had to ask for a price befitting the risk, without going so far as to offend the Sky Citadel. At the same time, it had to be something that would prove their authenticity. “The reason I’m in this position is to find a specific Fragment. According to my research, the only known Fragment of this type is in the hands of the imperial royal family. I don’t have the time to devote myself to cultivation in Lorek, so this is the only way for me to get the additional domain.”

Tsubaki nodded her head, her eyes never leaving Lorence. “What domain are you looking to receive?” Depending on his answer, it may or may not be possible for them to deliver the reward to him.

“My initial domain that I ascended with is Battle. With it, I was able to become a military commander. However, I am seeking to follow the path of Bihena. In doing so, the next domain that I acquire must be Peace. If you can find a way for me to obtain this domain without becoming the subordinate of another god, I will get the information you want.”

Tsubaki thought it over for a moment, closing her eyes. “Understood. The domain will be delivered to you by morning.”

Lorence’s eyes went wide at that, wondering if he had perhaps asked for too little. Was it really that easy to deliver a domain to someone?

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