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Chapter 2265: 2265. Solutions

Chapter 2265: 2265. Solutions


He was also sensing a surprising amount of water mana for a place that was a dried up riverbed. Just looking, he could see some of the fine sands which had sat there between smoothed stones for years. Yet Walker knew that they were not holding water at all.

The water mana was coming from around the cave, through the walls. With Walker\'s mana sense, he could tell that it was there but not moving at all. Nor was it some sort of river, stream, or underground lake that was just there all around the cavern.

This brought him back to the portion of the wall broken in to. He could see that the stone was more porous. Or at least it looked like a sponge compared to carved out by the earth eater parasites. Something that the average person would miss without the ability to sense the fine manas within this sponge like stone.

"That stone dragon made it so small amounts of water and water mana are trapped within the stone in small pockets all around this room. It makes the earth eaters believe that there is water all around them. Forcing them to go dormant or to stop eating and perish. It was smart. A very good trick." His praise was loud enough to reach the others, but the sky wyvern queen was the only one able to walk up to him and pay attention.

She was amazed that Walker was able to appraise and sense so many manas. It was a lot more than what she or anyone else from her islands would be able to understand right now or expect.

"The appraisal did say that the statue dragons had a greater control of earth mana, but they were able to even make their bodies impervious to these parasites. That\'s why this statue dragon is so odd." The all around appraisal that walker used always had a little more information. Specifically, he could see why the remains of this ancient dragon were the way that they were.

\'Due to the alteration of its own scales and body, the statue dragon\'s outer scales and muscles degraded leaving behind a layer of tough stone which could not be fed on bny the earth eater parasitic monsters.

As such, it remained frozen in time as it used all the remaining mana within itself to seal the underground riverbed it had used as a trap. Even its bones have turned in to solid stone leaving the smallest amount of dragon essence within. This condensed blood deep within the stone bones is crystalized dragon blood which could go to raise powerful earth dragon hatchlings if they were to consume it second after hatching.\'

Walker shared this with the sky wyvern queen who opened her eyes wider. This sort of information was valuable and the fact that he was sharing it with her proved that he was not joking about how she would be treated as an equal within the representatives. "Thank you." Her response was all that walker needed to leave and share the information with the others. "If you want, you can visit the orphanages to help the other children who have lost parents for some reason or another. Plenty were unable to live normal lives due to war, unfortunate accidents, or just bad luck in general. Another helping hand would be a miracle for them."

The water wyvern king didn\'t respond, but Walker saw a slight glint in his eyes. For many, even monsters, leaving children to fend for themselves was natural at some age. But for the wyverns and other monsters that lived closely together for their nests or otherwise, it was important to defend their young.

Hearing that the races here had ways to ensure that those lost children could still grow was familiar. It made the water wyvern king understand that they were not as different as they might be led to expect. The wyverns just needed to catch up a little since they were a newer race compared to others.

"Oh, and eventually, you will both need to help other races that join genesis. Every single day new monster races appear. Or, there will be races that came from the elemental planes who need help to adjust and to grow instead of fighting every single day just to take another breath." This was another unfamiliar thing for them to learn, but for now, they didn\'t need to worry about it.

How about we head to the islands together since things are handled right here for the moment. With Onyx and Mordant here, they will ensure that those parasites are handled. The king fo the deep caves and Terron will begin to plan for an area where we can breed these parasites as food for the long term. We understand how to keep them corralled now."

With a single step, earth shifted and water mana was trapped within a small wall creating an area that the earth eater did not wish to leave. Mordant and Onyx were just going to keep an eye on them using dark mana to ensure that they didn\'t get wise ideas and attempt to escape. They would easily sense anything crossing the shadows around the newly created wall.

"Attention, now that everything has been handled with the sky and water wyvern\'s alliance, we can begin researching these crystal islands. Within the hour, more Genesis forces will be here to escort the wyverns and their young. We will have time to take samples of crystals, stones, plants, and other things before the sun rises."

Back at the islands, Su had returned from where she had left the Genesis boats back on the shore again. The wyverns had also begun to fly nearby since it was clear that they would not be harmed. The pledge to the world had made them all relax since they could tell that Su had greater power than them. Since she had pledged she would lose her life if she betrayed them, they knew it would be a greater cost to their forces, so they could trust it.

"The elder wyverns have communicated that there are no dangerous monsters within the island. That being said, you should maintain your awareness since there is always a chance that a weaker monster which was not a threat to them exists there. We are not of the same race, so we may be susceptible to other dangers. That goes for the unique herbs which may grow there."

With warnings given, the boats set off again. However, one of the large ships from Genesis had been making its way here during this time. It would offer a better place for the youngest hatchlings and the eggs to be guarded by the parents. While none of the elder wyverns of either kind could take more human like forms yet, they were still able to sink a shop if they desired. Hence why only the crew stayed with the ship.

It was a show of trust.

In the time that it had taken for all this to happen, there had also been some light mana researchers and water mana researchers who arrived.. They were not able to use magic in the sense that a mage could, however, they could still manipulate and use it. They just focused on understanding it.

One in particular was a mage with a unique class called light grimoire maker. Her entire focus was on studying different forms of light mana that existed, whether it was another\'s spell or not, to make grimoires. These would then become valuable teaching books to be shared with

light mages.

Discovering secrets within the world and the manas that made it up were part of Genesis\'s focus right now. Hence why so many had flocked here when they had the opportunity. They would surely be here for years too, the islands and their unique crystals had formed due to the uniqueness of earth mana adapting to the constant light while being eroded.

Su also wished to see what could be learned about these unique crystal rocks that formed. If she could have shields made from them, she might be able to use different forms of light mana with her shields for different effects. Making her more flexible if she paired up with light mages. An idea that tempted her while also wondering how much it would help genesis.


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