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Chapter 2244: 2244. Rough Flow

Chapter 2244: 2244. Rough Flow

His progress in the water dragon territory had been major with how much he had been focusing on it. Creating places with enough water mana so that the elder water dragons would be able to grow was the easy part. Making an area dense enough that it would freeze in to ice and create a more unique form of water mana was where his focus and skills were.

He had been entirely focused on this because he had to be. While the elders and those beneath him could surely learn to do these things, he was dedicated to ensuring that there was a flow for the water mana as a whole.

This meant that he also wished for the water mana within his dragon territory to be able to flow properly through the entirety of Genesis. Hence why he was so dedicated to also helping with the canal projects.

"I simply came because of my curiosity. You are a dominator dragon. A water dominator dragon. Yet you are unlike those within the elemental planes. They are bound to a place as the water mana flows. They are the reason that the flow remains proper within areas that could become extremely chaotic. Where the water mana could cause a break down without an origin being resting there."

This was nothing new. Walker had learned this aspect of a dominator dragon. But he had not pushed the royal dragons to follow that path.. Mostly because they were not going to stay within the elemental planes.

The dragons had built themselves a great deal. Had changed a great dela within their time with the other races. They were not so weak that they would abandon those new ideals and what they had built. That was an insult to their pride.

"I will not be changing who i am or altering the lives of those I stand for." Making it clear, the true water sage realized that Current was not understanding what she was getting at.

"I am telling you this, because you have misunderstood your new connection to water. I can feel it in the flow of every water mana that you touch and that you sense. You have missed an important part of who you are, influencing all that is around you."

The true water sage was leaving soon. Making a point to come here alone without others made a very important distinction that even the true sages valued the dragon race., "you are different than any water dragon. Your pride and your strictness is lesser, but that opened your potential significantly more. You are not controlled by a flow that was created by others."

The simple phrase was enough to push Current a little. Just enough that he was unsure of what he was really feeling. "I see, that was enough to nudge you in the right direction." a small bubbling laughter met Current\'s ears. The true water sage was much older than Current.

He could sense it now, her age and the flow of water mana much more intense than what he could grasp. Secrets and mysteries that he had never even been able to touch upon within his many years of meditation and water mana absorption.

None of this was a bad thing, it was just evidence that he was still young. He still had a great deal of room to grow. That he was still discovering new things which could bring a greater future to others.

"The flow of water mana you touch is deeper. It will influence the very manas within another being\'s body. Even deeper than that as well. You can influence everything with the water you guide, however, water does not need to be guided. It needs to be offered a path, and it will create its own flow. Follow the water around you, sense it\'s desires, then, rebuild the flow of it according to how it should and wants to flow."

This was the last that the true water sage left Current with before disappearing in to the depths of water around him. His mind had frozen on the spot.

He had been changing the canals and many aspects of Genesis along with the others. But he had been doing it wrong. Right now, his mind was racing as he began to follow the flow of water mana from the massive territory covered in fresh water he lived in now.

He followed it in to the water elven area, understanding that the water was flowing more naturally because of the open spaces. That everyone it touched became part of the current and flow he could feel. How the changes in temperature and densities of water mana were altering a new way that the water mana would affect everything within this territory.

However, following that flow of mana outside of his territory, Current felt wrong. He felt that the first canal that the water mana flowed broke everything he was trying to grasp about flow. This water mana was no longer flowing, but just going the way that it was being pushed. And as such, it was causing damage to the stone carved walls with water mana runes on them.

This damage was very slight, it was all new after all. Yet, he could see that there was some small damage. As Current followed his senses, this was not just in one place. The currents that were created, were working against the earth and not part of the overall flow.

With how the water mana had just been acclimated properly with everything, it made a lot of sense that the water mana itself would show a lot more of the characteristics that it had once had. That it naturally had. Without the control of another, it would eventually break the walls and flow as it should flow naturally. Causing erosion and destruction through the underground of Genesis.

There was even one place that Current could sense the water mana wanted to follow a small flow dowards in to those caves as if it was an underground stream or river. His mind was full of more than he could handle right now.

"I will be changing everything." His words were to himself. A promise that he would take this new perspective which was allowing him to grow once more and begin his work yet again. As time went on, he could make sure that the harmony of elemental manas grew. That as the water flowed through Genesis, it strengthened everything and did not cause a single bit of harm.

Current\'s sudden movements got the attention of many others. Walker was busy catching up on many other things, but he soon heard about how Current had realized stark issues within the canals and how they would cause damage which needed to be constantly repaired without changes. This alone was a great thing.

His mind rested a little easier knowing that Current had damaged to discover new issues that could be fixed with a little more hard work. This would spread the longevity of Genesis to many more years while allowing for more freedom for anyone within the city. They would not need to worry as much for their city crumbling because of simple issues.

Beyond this, the other dragons also began to sense things. They could feel that there was another aspect of their manas that they missed. Unlike Current, they did not know what it was in particular. They had missed something and they understood that Current had found his


It frustrated all of them. That they had become literal dominator dragons. The highest that they knew of their species right now. They could bend mana to their will as long as it was their affinity. Understand how it shaped the world and how it influenced other manas. But they

were still blind to some aspects of it?

How could that be? It was hard to accept.

Current on the other hand, did not offer words to them. He couldn\'t. He knew water and that was where he rested. But the other elemental manas? He was blind as what to say about them to show the others a new perspective. If they learned one from watching him fix his mistakes with water mana, then so be it. But could he?

The idea had left him and the other dragons without answers. They too wanted to meet the true sages now. They wanted to know about the differences between them and a dominator dragon within the elemental planes. Their curiosity had begun to grow at a much greater level than ever before.




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