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Chapter 1888 1888. Falling Angels

"The true path of elemental purity can not be thrown away so easily. You are not of our people. You do not know to the struggles to preserve our strength. You are not even someone who has seen the proper path. You lack the knowledge to even speak on the elemental purities that every single angel should strive for!" 

The angered reaction was to be expected. Especially from the Rize empire angel that took up the name, Rize. he was clearly filled with anger as Walker had made such bold claims. He had just listened to both empires get mocked and told that they were fools. How else would someone react? 

"Elemental purity!? Your empire is full of fools. They can\'t even research their own elemental purity because there is nothing to learn! You should care for the factors that truly govern this existence that we find ourselves in." 

"What would you be without life mana? Where would you live without spatial mana? What would you be without the fear of death mana? Would you be some coward trying to live forever? Or would be be some fool that pretended that none of it existed. Oh, a fool, that\'s what the Rize empire is. The Fel empire at least cares for what makes the world turn!" 

This response for the angel that had taken the name Fel from their empire was enough to bring a whole entire room to yelling. But it was enough to show off the truly foolish examples they had. Neither wanted to agree with one another. Both just wanted to ensure that they were the one in the right. 

"Fine, then go to war." The simple phrase went out to the entire room. It was soft but it was reinforced with light elemental mana. Walker had asked Alice to assist him in this with the help of Onyx\'s mental communications. It was a simple matter to make all of them listen a little more. 

Slowly but surely, Alice spoke in a sing song voice. Her words making the show of angels appear in the air. Slaughtering one another over their ideals. The burning small villages where angels that lacked the strength to fight ran in fear. Monsters joining in and preying upon the weakened angels. 

But this wasn\'t a future. It was the past that the party had seen. The past that the dragons had recoded before they perished. The dominator dragons had perfectly recorded their fights against one another. Their fights with the angels. This was the history of the angels. Death and weakening over time. 

"What? Do you not like the history that both of your empires have? Or do you forget?" Mordant growled out as shadows grew around all of them. 

"You two perfect little empires fought many generations ago. Back there there were many floating cities. Many angels. Many villages. My great ancestors were sure to record asll of this. We went to some of their tombs. We found their records. We know what terrible things you have all done." 

Heat gathered around the embassy as Ignus glared around as well. "Pathetic little chickens think than they had any right to decide where a dragon goes. Once our ancestors were with you. They held your ideals of elemental this and elemental that. Some delved for the future. But you caused them to perish! Dragons do not fight!" 

This was a key fact of dragons. They did not fight among one another. This was something that has existed as a hard law between them for a long time. Ignus was showing some fury, but it was a clearly controlled fury that showed the power that Ignus had over his emotions but also the information he had. 

"Do not forget, that dragons were powerful enough to once raze your cities to the ground. To make them cease to exist. Do you doubt that we have that strength now? We have our own values brought together by Genesis on a continent you know nothing about after your ancestors fled." Ventus chimed in and threw down the very fact that the angels had left their home continent and come here to wage their wars. 

"Ah yes, the angels did leave their history behind so that they could slowly weaken and turn in to nothing but weakling garbage. The flow of time is just like the flow of a river, but the angels did not flow. They stagnated and became a swamp." Current\'s addition was just rubbing salt in a wound. 

"Your pathetic empires can not easily be purified by my light. The foolish Fl empire that thinks themselves all knowing. The weak Rize empire that attempts to plagiarize my name. Rise the greatest light royal dragon of this age. Both of you lack origin runes that your ancestors had. The great structures they built while surviving ancient monsters. Now what\'s left is…useless." 

These words from Rise completely slapped every single angel. For her to bluntly say that the angels were nothing was enough to really hit them hard. But for them to be compared to their ancestors in a way that made it seem that the angels had been on a nonstop downfall was even harder.  I think you should take a look at

They had no knowledge of their proper origin runes. Even the strongest of the angels knew this. They had altered many runes and they did not have the knowledge to repair any runes in their cities. This fact was one that both the Fel and Rize empire had to deal with. Unfortunately, it didn\'t stop there. 

The angel history had also been lost. They lacked much of the knowledge that they had once had. Some angels had books that were written telling of their libraries and grand shelters against the strongest monsters of forces of nature. But they only had that, they didn\'t have the actual knowledge. That way beyond them now. 

So many things were not racing through the now silent angels\' minds. But one after another, they realized that many of the weaker soldiers that had been dispatched to the wyvern battle or to the desert battle had arrived inside the embassy behind the Genesis forces. This would have been a small thing if they didn\'t have cuts along their emblems. 

This wasn\'t just a group of weak soldiers that were saying they didn\'t want to fight. These were angels that had blatantly turned away from their empires to leave and follow Genesis. Walker had seen this and knew of it. He wasn\'t a fool. But he had no intention of turning them away.

"You can already see it. You both sit with your stronger and older angels in cities without any ability to flight. You sit there and pretend your are powerful when you are not. You have lost the very will of your own people because of your blind hatred for those that complete you. You are two empires of fools who don\'t even realize that without one another, you are not even close to completing what true mana is. Let alone what it means to be an angel with such a powerful history." 

"You can sense it. This girl here, she is a healer, a light songstress, and an amazing person born and raised in the Genesis alliance territories. She discovered her small angel blood because of her relationship with a light grand elemental spirit. But it is so small that after a few generations it will be impossible to tell. That is what happened to the ancient angels that were left behind. They became one with all the people of my home." 

This was the last straw. It broke some of the older angels to know that they had fallen so far that even the angels on another continent were considered gone forever. It was the same way that all the royal dragons felt when they realized that this Sigil continent lacked dragons all together. That they had diluted their blood entirely. 

"So what are you going to do? Sit here like fools or listen to the guidance of people who know what\'s going on? We already have hero titles and a few more. We already have some decent forces. And we know that we are going to go destroy that corrupted city. So are you going to learn something and try to recover?" Remey was blunt, but blunt was all that was needed. 

The slap in the face that Remey\'s blunt words had were enough to make the angels start to think again. Many emotions flashed through their faces. Many of anger but also of great pain. Even though the angels had not seen their ancestors, they felt the pain that came with knowing that their ancestors were lost to them as they were now. That their very history was within reach and they had been pushing it away. 

"There are differences in your opinions. But even the soldiers you sent us were able to help a wyvern queen gain her rightful racial recognition. Even the angels sent by your enemy were able to help purify a curse. This is all up to you. I expect a better answer this time as you debate your differences and your futures. Before the plans of Genesis enemies come to fruition and we see more undead angel soldiers around that corrupted city." Walker slammed the hammer down with these last words. The angels in the room started to think much harder than ever before. 



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