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Chapter 1823 1823. A Worse Undead

Now that the group had grown again with the dragons joining them, they were in a good position to meet the other groups. Therefore, they made a move toward the largest of the passageways that midnight had deemed the great hall. It was the best way to describe the large space that some of the dragons could even take their full forms in if they wanted. Not that it would leave them much room to move afterwards though. 

The groups that were already waiting had many injuries being healed by the healers. Alice and Su jumped right in finding that many of them had wounds from bones and even a few decaying wounds from the darkness skills of the lesser mummified priests. 

Overall, it seemed that the angels had been the ones to turn the tides on the ranged attackers while the Genesis forces had burned through the forces that moved the stone coffins. This had been confirmed by many of the soldiers who were glad to split up and attack where they were needed. But what really bugged everyone was the quest to disrupt rituals. 

They had all expected the quest to end as they reached the grand hall passageway. It wasn\'t a ritual area at all so that meant that they should have destroyed the rituals they found here and there along the way. It also meant that they should have at least sensed where other rituals were taking place. If they could defeat all these ceremonies, then the issue would be stopped. 

"I would say there is another ceremony of rituals happening. And I would also assume it is right in front of us. We also confirmed your theory that this is a large dome and that we are traveling above the real ruins." Once the Fel angels gathered to combine their observations, they had come to this conclusion naturally. Ethan made sure to share the information immediately with everyone. 

"Each stone on the floor has the slightest curvature. We broke in to the side with enough curvature to allow us to slowly walk, but the passageways that drift down are impossible to travel and can not be used for anything but flow of runes and mana over time. That leaves the grand hall as the very top of this dome roof and also the central point that would allow us to travel safely to the inner ruins." 

While this sounded good, the Fel and Rize angels all looked uncomfortable. While the Genesis soldiers had suffered some wounds, they had not suffered as many as the angels had. Regardless of that though, the fact that there were more undead ahead made them uncomfortable. The rituals had been close to succeeding. Therefore, there would be more undead already awakened ahead of them and still being awakened ahead of them. 

"Listen here! We are marching on the largest chamber ahead. We will allow the dragons to take the lead. They will be using powerful attacks, do not get in their way. Their dragonkin are well educated on the safe places to be, listen to them. We are going to end this first link in the chain quest!" The one that spoke up was an unassuming soldier from Genesis. However, Walker had already heard a little about him. 

The scorpion traited demi-human had been part of the army when taking over the demon lands. He had also been around when the party first visited the demi-human kingdom as a whole. This alone could just be a coincidence, but now that he was still here and not back in Genesis, it made an important note in everyone\'s mind. 

This demi-human had been pushing himself and growing stronger. But more than that, he had developed a lot of respect from his fellow soldiers. Not just because of his strength, but the leadership skills he had. Now that he had taken the final step in leading the soldiers as a whole, no one argued. Even the commanders above him had already accepted that this was an equal, if not a future general that deserved the respect.

"A good call. We need to march now or we will fall behind. Stick close and be ready for a good fight." Walker made sure to acknowledge the demi-human before pushing toward the front with the others. He wanted to make sure that those pushing to be better in everything they did had the proper encouragement. The demi-human had definitely earned it with just how the other soldiers treated him. 

"That\'s one of the good ones. He was in a group with my dragonkin. He apparently can use his tail to deflect bone spears, arrows, and even weaker attacks while he is able to summon a stone scorpion claw. This under the sand ruins is ideal for him." Current shared what had been reported to him. He had not missed the fact that Walker had his eye on a new soldier standing out. 

"I just wanted to give some extra encouragement. This is why Genesis is the way that it is and will be. Those who stand up and push to be better will rise while those that don\'t will remain where they stand. It all will come down to how much potential they want to have." Walker made sure that his views rang clearly as Current nodded thoughtfully. This was just a momentary distraction before the real fight. 

As the entire force had rejoined, some had definitely proven to be stronger than before. Everyone had gained experience points for their efforts in defeating the undead and breaking the rituals. The larger ceremony rooms had many more rituals that had been broken causing many more experience points to ring out. This led to the soldiers more than preparing themselves for future battles. It was almost like an advanced training amp with everything risked on the line. 

Before they had reached the end of what they expected to find, a massive stone door blocked the way. Without even thinking, Ignus stepped forward and wreathed his claws in flames. He slashed out sending dense flames at the door. Many would have been forced back just by the heat that radiated around him, but he managed to keep that in check while they all watched the massive door shatter and in some places burn. It was proof that Ignus had long stopped messing around. He wanted to battle with all he had now. 

With The door crumbling, the massive great hall they expected was shown. Inside there were many undead. Lesser mummified priests, mummified amalgamations, mummified worshippers, undead spear men, and two more undead that they had yet to see. Walker was quick to use the all around appraisal on them. 

\'Mummified priest

Having been more devoted to the false death god, this priest is ranked higher than the lesser priests. In doing so, they have gained the better staff and the better skills of a higher ranked priest. They are able to control larger amounts of darkness mana to assist in raising their fellow under but also to attack. 

The multi debuff skill; decaying field causes the enemies around the mummified priest to lose some of their strength constantly. It is a rough skill to face since it does not affect the fellow undead around them. 

There is also…\'

Walker was unhappy to see a higher ranked priest. But the largest undead that he saw was what caught his attention. It had on thicker armor which meant it was not normal at all. 

\'Undead heavy guard

The undead heavy guard is the special guard of the false death gods\' ruins. Normally at the surface, the heavy guard would attack any that attempted to enter the resting place of many. It is an undead that has never slumbered due to the many runes it has carved on the tougher bones of its body. It has one goal and is not controlled at all. It can attack and move without orders as long as it guards these ruins. 

The tough elephant bones added to its skeleton allow it to keep the heavy rusted armor on its body. It is able to withstand physical and magical attacks to a very high degree. This undead is considered one of the stronger of the ruins. 

Many had to perish for this undead to be born. Therefore, defeating it would free many trapped spirits related to it. These spirits can only be seen with unique skills but cause a natural debuffing field for physical and magical attacks around the undead heavy guardian. This is similar to a curse to those that attack it and to the undead heavy guardian itself. However, due to its experimental nature, it is immune to the effects of the curses.\'

Walker could have read more but he chose not to. Getting in to details on the suffering that came to creating this undead heavy guardian was not what he wanted to know. Instead, he wanted to be able to find a way to defeat it and make sure that there would be no more undead rising from their coffins. He had already seen three or four stepping out to attack them. He didn\'t need more.



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