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Chapter 1820 1820. Much Larger

Hearing that the two other passageways were most likely dead ends and one was being scouted allowed Su and Remey to push themselves away from their previous battle with more ease. They didn\'t worry about their party since they could tell the battle ahead of them was harsh. Especially since the soldiers that were fighting most likely were injured as well. 

When they managed to get in to the passageways and started to be able to see the light skills being used to brighten the area ahead, they noticed a healer was already injured. 

The injured healer had cast many skills to make light radiate around him and the soldiers with him. What was different though were the little balls of light that also radiated buffs. The unique skill that was being used was one that only came with specific system users. 

Due to the fact that Su had spent a lot of time in the cathedral, she had learned a lot about these skills. Therefore, when she saw it, she immediately identified it as a blessed light ball. A skill that would help allies heal when in range of the light and also purify an area. It was a valuable skill when someone went toward an area with pistons and undead present. Or even when there was a small group of injured that needed slower healing over time. 

The healer appeared to have been speared with a piece of bone, this brought Su\'s eyes to another undead that was tearing bone from its own body to throw. Unlike the other undead, the wrappings that were around it appeared to have been cut away peacefully. It was using its own body to attack since it could easily repair itself with time. A disgusting strategy that showed intelligence. 

There were also two lesser mummified priests to go along with the spear throwing undead during its own bones as spears. "Remey, you crush the priests, I will defend the healer." Su dashed ahead while Remey split off of their running route. Remey was noticed by the demi-human soldiers with the healer and the Fel angel that had been with them. They instantly started to renew their battle with a group of ten mummified worshippers. They were certainly using everything they had, but the mummified worshippers had just been shields while the lesser priests and the spear throwing undead attacked. It had been enough to halt their advancement and put them in a poor position. 

The sound of Su\'s shields slamming down as a barrier and the following sounds of breaking bones made it certain that she would easily be able to block more attacks. The healer looked up and recognized her. This allowed the healer to ignore the battle around and started to pull the bone from their stomach. 

Self healing skills and the light ball were enough to help the healer stop the wound from bleeding. While the healer needed time to recover, Su knew that she was also the key to this. She had managed to easily grab bandages and start to wrap the healer\'s wound so that nothing could get in to it before the healer was able to properly heal themselves enough to move around. 

While Su and the healer were working under their own pressure, Remey had easily dodged through the undead worshippers and managed to make it toward the undead that was throwing its bones like spears. It was ready to stab at Remey but it was much slower than Remey was. 

Three jabs flew at it before the spear throwing undead could even grab another bone to use as a weapon. It was broken in to a pile on the floor while the two lesser priests worked together to pull stones and darkness toward themselves to use as weapons. It seemed that one was able to use earth magic and another could easily use darkness magic to attack. While it was weaker, it was still an attack. 

Remey had a lot of skill when it came to movement. She had brawled a lot but she had also developed more and more as she was thrown in to new fights. Therefore, she had this boxer\'s bounce that allowed her to easily duck and jump the side letting the two attacks miss her. The smirk that grew on her face would have made anyone tremble. But the undead were not fazed. They attempted to create more attacks without any success. Mostly because Remey threw right hooks at them, easily smashing their skulls and breaking them apart as well. 

In another few breaths, Remey had jumped back toward the undead worshippers that had now been massively overpowered by the soldiers. Without the additional ranged attacks, the soldiers were able to battle much more easily. "Why is your group so small? Where are the Rize angels that should be with you?" Remey made sure to ask this the moment that last undead fell to its injuries. She needed answers before she started anything else. 

"They are dealing with a group of undead behind us. There were twenty of them marching down the passageways and they saw us. We rushed to this room and began battling so that we could use it as a base. But we did not realize that this was a ritual chamber as well. The rest of our forces are still holding the back passageway and will be fine with the other healer there. We can not stop the undead reforming though." the demi-human soldier immediately reported without even hesitating. He knew that it was best to do so without wasting precious time.

"Su, I am heading to get them. You stay here. Walker will seal the undead in a minute." Remey could already hear Walker running toward them. He would seal the undead to slow their regeneration. It was just a matter of time. 

Once Remey had dashed away toward the back passageway, the soldiers returned to the job of cutting the runes as they had been told to do. They only halted for a moment when Walker caught up. He saw that Su was helping the healer but also noticed the odd bones of a different undead. He immediately used the all around appraisal to see it. 

\'Mummified spearman. 

The mummified spearman is a soldier made from an undead while using additional bones. It can both use its bones as throwing spears and regular spears. The sharpened rib bones are often used to do so, but it was done while the undead was alive to force the undead to take this unique form. 

It is slower due to the fact that it carries extra bones on its body. However, when it uses all of them, it will be able to recombine them faster. This is harder to face since those that are attacked with its bones will suffer more damage as the bones are taken back from their wounds. 

They are able…"

Walker could visibly see the bone reforming much faster and understood the additional danger to this undead. These mummified undead were created in dastardly ways but were incredibly deadly. Having such a variation caused many injuries, especially to the healer that he had seen Su helping. 

With so many undead to seal away for the time being, Walker needed to keep himself focused. He was just left wondering what might be connected to the other passageway that he sent Midnight down. Especially since Gil had just followed her that way and Alice was remaining to lay some purification skills she had learned in the previous room. 

The passageway that Midnight found herself in smelled worse than the others. Not because it was rotting undead, but because there was the scent of blood around more. The ritual chambers had been the source of many dangerous things so far, it also seemed that many of them were being used right now. Therefore, Midnight had the feeling that another was being used just ahead. 

The shadow wrapping skill gave her the advantage as she snuck in to the room and was greeted with a ritual chamber easily four times the size of the one she came from. She heard Gil coming behind her and his sharp intake of breath when he noticed six mummified amalgamations moving large pieces of monster bodies and stone coffins. 

They also saw ten of the lesser mummified priests with fifty undead worshippers around. Gil had managed to catch up fast enough, but he and Midnight both shared their worries without even saying a word. They knew this chamber had over a hundred slumbering undead that could be awakened and were about to be so. If they didn\'t get the groups behind them to move soon, they would be facing much harder battles. Especially because the mummified worshippers could block and overcome them alone if they managed to rush in to a passageway. 



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