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Chapter 1743 1743. Mountain Base Forest

But for the crystal healer, he could take the mana from a crustal and as long as the affinity was correct then it would be able to flow right in to a body. Part of this was because the healing was changing the way the mana was used. It was not remaining in the same shape but spreading out in to an entire body. It was dissipating in a way instead of staying in one spot.

There was also a clear secondary skill that was leaving some of the elemental mana around the crystal so that it was not cracking or shattering. This form of protection helped maintain the rate at which the healing happened while also keeping the safety of the crystal assured.

"So you should end up with a few perfectly clean crystal shards that can be used to make mana gems? And from those, why don\'t you use mana gems to heal?" Walker was sure that the mana gems that were left would be of better quality than what was left after forging or other activities.

"That\'s the thing, we crystal healers do not use every bit of mana. All the elemental crystals are left with the smallest bit of mana. It is part of my system to return them to places where they can naturally grow and return to nature." Now, this was interesting. Not many systems worked like this but for research purposes, this meant that the Fel empire was directly studying how mana crystals could be recovered over time.

"I see. So you don\'t break your mana crystals like we do. I can work with that. I need to know what skill you use to keep them from breaking. If I can use that while experimenting with arrows then I will be able to make so many more." Gil was ready to change the elven world of arrow making again.

"It\'s a passive skill that works while I use my other skills. I have no idea how I would teach it or if it could even be made in to a magic scroll. But one day you may find the path." The crystal mage felt the pressure that Gil was giving him and everyone knew that Gil was not about to stop trying right there.

"Walker, you are going to learn that passive skill somehow, right? When you do you can then figure out how to teach it to me and then I will show the elves. It\'s very important." Gil was totally losing sight of where they were. He was dead set on figuring it all out.

"And now Gil sounds like Walker and his learning. Nice job. Walker, you made a second you." Remey teased both of them but when the two looked back at her she knew that they were easily able to say the same about her obsession with alchemy.

"Can you use light crystals too to heal? Are they stronger?" Alice\'s question was heard by the crystal mage as Walker, Gil, and Remey went on their own tangents.

"Of course I can. They are the easiest to use when healing since many healing skills use light elemental mana in the first place. But it is still based on affinity so only those with light elemental mana can be healed by my kind of healing when I use a light elemental mana crystal." This seemed to be what Alice had been wondering.

Since the healing using light elemental crystals was not able to be used on anyone, that meant that the healing that Alice and other light elemental healers used was unique to them and their system. It also meant that the mana made within their bodies most likely made it possible somehow for the affinity to be ignored when it came to targets of that healing. A unique theory but one that would be with keeping note of since Alice wanted to be a better healer in the future.

The healing talk was about to end though. It seemed that everyone could spend hours learning new things. However, the angels had seen that there was nothing left to do in the remains of the village which had been taken by monsters. This left the break to end and the travel to start again.

"The way ahead will be a little harder. The forest ahead is going to get larger. I see the notes on the map say that the trees get larger and the growth of them stops most paths from even being able to be made?" Walker was asking this directly to Seran since he was the angel that was in charge of the other angels\' soldiers. Also the angel who should have the most information for him.

"Saying that the mountain range forest is larger is an understatement. You can see the trees from the higher hills here and when you enter the larger growth you will find yourself in a new world." Seran seemed to have explained this to younger angels and was falling in to an instructive flow.

"The mountains are very large and gain a lot of ice through the colder seasons. This then melts when the sun brings the warmth of a longer dry season. The water will melt and fall bringing nutrients to the forest. This causes rapid and large growth that will make all trails carved during the colder season useless."

"Some trees will grow so large that they can not be cut through using normal means. Even the roots that grow will be unmistakably tougher. It is also very dangerous to attempt to cut in to the unique plants that grow here since some of them are monsters, owned by monsters, or even poisonous."

"So you are saying that the forest will be the elves\' best territory once we get there." Gil was looking at the forest elves that had maintained a close position near him. They had been waiting for this chance since they were bought specifically to handle the dangers of the forest.

"That may be the case, or it may not be. This forest is hard for angels that have spent years within and around it to traverse. We do not have any villages inside due to the changes that it undergoes each year. Entire villages could be taken over by vines or mosses in just a week." The rate of growth that Seran was speaking about was very hard to grasp. So much so that it made Walker wonder what else might be going on.

"If there is more to it, then I would assume that the plants are more than just unique. I would assume that they also have a higher ability to absorb mana?" Walker saw Seran nod and approved of his theory.

"That means that we will have monsters that could have once been plants appearing? Or more monsters that are plants in general. The elven forest had them but they were less common." Su made a point to look at the elves who were already making their own mental preparation so that they could track and identify such monsters ahead of time.

"I can alter potions on the go so that we can have better antidotes. That\'s not the best for everything we might face but it can get us time if we face some bad poisons." Remey chimed in with a lot more focus now. She had ingredients that Walker had stored. She had also been focusing on antidote potions for the duration of their time on the ocean. It was a very good thing too since they would be facing potential danger.

"We should worry more about the monsters that roam the area. The wyverns will be feeding on some of them. If we approach too far south of the territory we may begin the drop in to the ravine. Those cliffs are very dangerous. That is why the border begins where it does. The ravine is dangerous and neither empire will risk sending our soldiers there." Seran didn\'t hold back sharing all this. Walker had seen in on the map but didn\'t expect it to be such a large issue.


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