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Chapter 1684 1684. Teach Themselves

The two had the attacks prepared and naturally shot them in to the open ocean. The results this time were not small. Before, Midnight\'s fire had just fizzled out and Onyx hadn\'t tried to use the darkness in this form at all.

Onyx\'s attack had hit the water and caused a burst of shadow in a large circle. The water even took on a darker coloration as the small piece of seaweed corroded. The decaying effect had surrounded this entire spot causing everything to decay. It was a dangerous but also a clear demonstration of the negative effects of darkness mana.

Since Onyx had intended for the attack to be an attack and not to just hide away something, the darkness mana had been the same as any other mana, violent. This alone was enough for the mana to cause a heavier decaying effect. Along with the darkness mana being condensed, Onyx saw it double the effectiveness. The attack would surely be a great long ranged attack on a small or large group.

Midnight\'s attack had been similar. However, the flames had reacted violently with the water. The saltwater had immediately evaporated as the flames burst out from their condensed ball shape. The steam covered an area double as large as the flames had covered in the blink of an eye.

The violent force would easily cause someone severe burns or even turn parts of them to ashes. Since Midnight was a dragon, she could do this with many different flames or manas. It would be a violent attack that could freeze, decay, slash, burn, bury, and pierce with light.

There might be the potential to develop a less violent attack using elemental mana like light. It could be a group heal, that would make this the first healing skill Midnight had. However, that would be an incredible challenge. Changing the form of a condensed mana like this would take a lot more strength and knowledge. Both of which Midnight lacked at the moment. Not that she lacked the ability to use this attack violently.

"We made a fire ball and a darkness ball attack. They were perfect. But they can be better!" Onyx was curling up in joy. He wanted to shoot up in joy but kept himself in one spot because he had no reason to surprise anyone by leaping out of his curled position.

Since Midnight also felt happy with this, she was leaping around side to side. She didn\'t hold herself back much and directly tackled Onyx. She rolled with her little brother celebrating the victory they had. A few of the mages around saw the two and their actions and knew exactly the joy they felt. Many would run and hug the nearest mage to share their breakthroughs. It was the same with any family or colleague making a major breakthrough, pure joy.

The mana did not go unnoticed. Mordant and Ignus both felt the darkness and the fire mana being used. They knew the feeling of condensing mana and were able to understand that there was someone training a new skill. There was too much mana lost as the skill was being used which meant that it was untrained.

That was the reason that Onyx and Midnight experienced the small bursts of mana from forming the darkness ball and the fire ball. They had not properly captured all the mana as they made their attacks. They did succeed in drawing Mordant and Ignus\'s attention though.

The two had already sensed the natural mana and had some insights on what they could do with the respective affinities in relation to natural mana. The main thing they had learned was how they would be able to meld their skills and manipulation of mana with Walker. That had been very clear since Walker had already shown and acted on the ability to provide natural mana to others. The dragons all saw this potential.

"I will go and see what that is all about. That little champion isn\'t doing it right." Ignus sounded a little unhappy, however, he was interested in how Midnight had happened upon a fire ball skill without guidance. Mordant was much the same. He could tell it wasn\'t Midnight that used it since she couldn\'t use two skills like that at once. So his mind went to Onyx since he had seen him before but not interacted too much with him.

"I believe that it could be interesting. Maybe just as interacting as this." Mordant knew that Onyx and Midnight had a bond with Walker. That meant that the two definitely had some insight after Walker had used so much mana. The two also had to have had some breakthrough of their own. Why else would they start training the moment that Walker had started meditating and eventually fallen asleep after understanding something?

"Sister, we can finally use these skills and learn about them. Now we just have to figure out how to add them to our battles!" Onyx was still very happy about the progress they had made.

"No, you will not be using those skills!" Ignus stomped a foot down as soon as he and Mordant had landed behind the two celebrating. "You lost too much mana. You think that small attack can do anything in a fight to the death!?"

"What Ignus is saying, is that you two have barely started to use the skills. You are being too foolish. But you are young." Mordant was the calmer of the two, however, his words still rang strong. He was ready to start teaching.

"Show me that again, I want to see if you can actually use a fire ball skill with your weak fire.\' Midnight growled back at Ignus in contempt. She didn\'t like that she was suddenly being told that she had weak flames. But this was how Ignus had motivated her before.

The way that Ignus saw flames was with inner heat. The heat of anger and raw strength. When he had Midnight learning from him, he had pushed her and made her angry. Only then had she let her anger fuel her flame breath attack to a higher level. It had been an instinctual key that she had missed while learning fire breath. That was just a side effect of not being raised with other dragons.

"And you are not using the shadows to your advantage. There is too much light here. It is causing you to be unsteady. Show me the formation again and use your shadow. You already hide your true body there, why waste the strength of that?" Mordant also saw through Onyx easily. It was just a single glance and he could tell where Onyx had gone wrong without even seeing the skill. That was the level of strength that Mordant and Ignus had.

When the two started to form the next darkness ball and fire ball, Ignus and Mordant immediately felt something different. The speed that the manas were gathered was impressive. It was well above the level of someone their ages should be. Yet, that just came from Walker.

The two were bound with Walker at the deepest of levels. Just like Walker, they gained understanding of all manas. Their closeness to natural mana let Midnight and Onyx learn subconsciously how to better gather their own manas when they needed it.

"That is where you lose it! You are letting the mana move away and get thrown aside. That\'s where you are weak!"

"Ignus is correct. You are both increasing the spin to maintain the condensed center. It is throwing mana away from you. You have a weaker attack because of it." Mordant pointed it out as well.

The two of them were a little harsh, however, together, they knew that they would be able to make the pair in front of them develop a proper skill. They already possessed the darkness and fire ball skills. They could do it and just show them. Yet, they both had the same thinking. Watch the two in front of them learn and try to take more away from it. They could learn too.



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