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Chapter 1679 1679. Issues In Storm

Between Current and Ventus, the largest threats were being resolved or at the very least, reduced. However, this had just been a few moments in to the storm. There was still a major issue of the lightning. That was what the others needed to figure out.

Most people that could not use magic were forced below deck or were paired up with the mages. This was to ensure that the mages did not fall overboard during the jostling of waves or wind. However, there had already been three close calls. The merfolk had already dived in to the water to pull someone back on to the ships since they had been knocked overboard.

The keen eyes of archers and the tamers were watching like hawks. Between the beasts and the archers, there had not been a single thing that escaped their watch. It was a great way for everyone to rest slightly at ease while the storm only seemed to get worse.

Communication had become rough. The ships were close enough that they could use light and a few other unique methods of communications. The real issue was the fact that the roaring of the storm winds and waves stopped the ability to hear properly. That meant that every single time that Scylla, Leon, or the king of the surface shouted an order, it was missed.

That was where the dragons came in. they had the sheer size and strength to shout over a literal storm. Since Current and Ventu had taken their dragon forms, the other royal dragons had taken roles elsewhere in their dragon forms. Even Terron had come to the top ship and was roaring orders to others after seeing what was wanted. He wouldn\'t pretend to know what was going on with every ship or how they worked. He was stubborn, not an idiot.

Walker found himself with the water mages. Every wave he saw coming he felt to some degree. Every gust of wind, he could feel on his arms before it actually came. This storm was proving to be his kind of place. His kind of environment.

For whatever reason. The natural mana within the storm was fairly powerful. It was causing the elemental manas to mix and build causing many different effects. This was very similar to how Walker had to balance the manas to stop them from going out of control. If they did go out of control, Walker believed that he was seeing a large scale version of the risks he took fusing elemental and natural manas.

The real thing that he was focused on was the lightning. He knew that to be the main issue in this situation. It was clear to everyone. No matter what they all did, there was nothing to resist the lightning that could come down. It was destructive and fused elemental mana that could easily ruin every rune on the ships with one strike if it was powerful enough.

Yes, there were earth ruins to reinforce the ships. That was made just to prevent stress from warping the metals badly. Unfortunately, they were not made to resist lighting of all things. Earth was the most resistant elemental mana to lightning since it was not mixed within the lightning at all. It was not conducive to the same degree and everything else.

There was a sudden growth of green seaweed in front of them. Walker was sure that Alma had acted to protect the ships from a larger wave for a moment. It would not do much but it was already a lot. The downside was that Walker knew that Alma would be under a lot of stress doing this.

\'Wild Bull kelp

The wild bull kelp is a hearty and dense seaweed that doesn\'t need to set roots to grow. It can grow large and rapidly in the middle of the ocean if needed. It is known to be food for many monsters. It is very tough and some people without much gold can make armor out of if dried wild bull kelp. Otherwise, it is just known for being long lasting and tough.\'

The all around appraisal was somewhat helpful. Walker had seen pieces of this floating in the ocean so it made sense that Alma would have taken the seeds when she saw them to use. She was always on the look out for new seeds to use her plant growth skills on. However, the massive wall of wild bull kelp that she had made was too much.

However, it had inspired Walker. The bull kelp had grown very tall and was very tough, since it was controlled, it had the guidance and strength to remain upright without bending. That being said, Walker knew that he could make it taller than the ships. It could be the perfect way to redirect the lightning that appeared because of the storm. So far they had just been lucky that the lightning had remained in the clouds.

The ships were close enough since they were in formation that Walker could run through the air and get to the ship that Alma was on. She had been using her skills here and there while directing other mages to work on the waves and win. However, she saw Walker and was clearly pale. She had used a lot of mana to block an entire wave with the wild bull kelp.

"Listen! I need your help to manipulate that kelp. We will use it to block the lightning and direct it to the ocean around us to lessen the damage!" Walker\'s shouts were loud enough to be heard since he was using the wind manipulation to make his voice heard.

"I am out-"

"I have mana potions and I will reinforce you with my mana and the natural mana. Just give me the seeds and use your skills since you have them and I do not." Walker was going to fuel Alma\'s skills. That was the goal here. Instead of Alma using all of her mana, she would be using her mental strength and skills without her mana. The mana would be nearly all Walker. Especially since he would be using natural mana.

The additional natural mana always worked better with nature. That was a fact. Natural mana and plants were hand in hand since it was part of nature in elemental and could contain all sorts of mana. That was why alchemy and elemental herbs were a thing. They held mana easily because they were a mixing of mana elemental manas in to one thing.

"Are you sure that will work?" Alma had her worries. She knew that Walker could do many things, but provide her with large amounts of mana didn\'t seem right.

"The storm is a mix of a ton of manas. I just need to pull on the natural mana to make them work for us than against us!" This was the pan he had. Since the mana around him was chaotic and full of natural mana changing forms, he could use it. It would take a lot of focus to bring the mana to him then channel it in to Alma\'s skills. It would also use almost all of his mana to do. That meant a lot of mana potions would be used in tandem with him.

"Fine! Just don\'t go too far!" Her worries were justified, but the situation was not light. They had to make a solution to prevent anything back from happening. As if to mock them, the lightning struck the ocean in the distance. An arc of lightning spiderwebbed out across the surface of the ocean and touched the ships.

A slight jolt of electricity hit everyone but did zero damage. It was the extent of a static shock. However, it had been enough for every single person to realize the situation they were in. the waves were annoying. The wind was brutal. Yet, the true danger was the bright flash and boom of lightning and thunder that could tear them and the ships apart. It would leave a metal hull floating in the water without any life on it. A true danger. A true fear.

There was a reason that most beings feared lightning. There was a reason that most lightning affinity monsters were. Having the triple elemental affinity to make lighting was very rare and Walker understood why he had only seen one monster with it so far.



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