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Chapter 1453 1453. Rude Awakening

"Walker!" Su had been banging on Walker\'s door for over a minute before she had just barged in and forced him up and out of bed.

"What\'s wrong!? What happened!?" He knew that Ignus and Mordant had said they would drag him to the mage tower in the morning, however, it was certainly not morning yet.

"I know you are tired and need your mana replenished but we have things to do." Walker felt that if he didn\'t force himself awake faster then he would be in trouble.

"Just tell me-"

"Alice made it back too early. She has some more detailed news along with a soldier that escorted her. We are going to the cathedral while the other representatives are meeting there too." The realization hit Walker hard. He wasn\'t mentally prepared to hear that something like that was going on.

"Is Alice alright? Was she hurt?" Walker didn\'t even wait for Su to respond. He just ran from the room fearing that the healers had encountered trouble. If he had waited a little longer he would have known that Alice had demons with her who had fled their homes.

"I\'m not letting you run by yourself. I heard what Su was yelling about. I got home a little while ago so I am wide awake." Gil fell right in to pace with Walker. He knew that if something bad had actually happened then Walker would need to be the support.

"It wasn\'t that Gil was worried Walker wouldn\'t be able to handle it. More so that Walker would rush towards anyone that had hurt someone he cared about. If one thing was clear, Walker would gladly throw his own life on the line for those he loved. It was a quality that Gil felt massive respect for.

"We will move faster then." There were more guards around which made a lot of sense. The city was still fairly quiet due to the late hour. Yet, there were more and more guards being woken up so that they could receive briefings soon from the Genesis council. Even soldiers were being called on to begin preparations.

"Where!?" Walker only needed to ask this question when he burst through the front doors of the cathedral. It wasn\'t hard to find the group of healers waiting for others to arrive. One just looked at Walker with wide eyes and pointed. She was clearly afraid of him but that would be dealt with later.

Walker followed the direction that the healer had pointed and rushed there. He found that there was a large area set up with cots. Multiple demons were resting while a soldier was reporting to Markus Raven what they had to report. When Walker glanced at them Markus just nodded softly while memorizing everything the soldier said.

When Walker spotted the clearly exhausted healers, he had trouble seeing around them. His panic rose slightly until he found himself standing right in front of Alice. "You\'re safe!" His stress melted away in a moment and he could feel his legs melting in to jello.

Her hands reached up from the cot she was sitting on. She tried to speak but Walker heard her hoarse voice and covered her mouth. "It looks like you worked very hard. Get some rest and I will make sure that everything is perfect." The promise seemed to be what Alice was waiting for. She and the other healers around visibly relaxed more. Especially when the high priest limped in to sight.

"I knew you would be here soon." The high priest looked upset. "These demons were found on their last legs because they had been chased from their homes. If Alice and her group had not found them they would be nothing, just ashes. It is unacceptable. You go talk to that soldier too." The order was final. Walker didn\'t even hesitate. With a simple kiss on the cheek and a solid smile, he walked away from Alice for the time being.

"What can I do to help out?" Gil jumped right next to the high priest to help out. He knew that there had to be something.

"We need some cool water. Alice has lost her voice from using it too much. That healer twisted an ankle carrying these demons. Find an ice mage to create more ice for swelling. From there you will speak with me or my assistant." The high priest showed everyone the years of experience he had and began to direct the healers.

"Markus, what do we know?" Walker saw that Markus had the soldier resting already.

"We already knew that something was going on at the border. Reports of demons being led by a larger demon came in through communication crystals. Yet, there was a change. The demons have gone mad. This caused a lot of demons to attempt to rush and cross the border. Some escaping while others attacking. I expect there to be more coming our way soon, injured and demons alike." Markus did not sound happy. He wore the same serious expression that Walker had.

"Then we will be going to the border. The council should be together soon. I can already sense Ignus and Mordant reacting. They won\'t let this go either I am sure." Walker was like a seer foretelling the arrival of the members of the Genesis council and dragons. Within ten minutes everyone had arrived in front of the cathedral.

"War is it? We can handle them. This has been a long time coming. There are multiple races gathered. We just lack some miscellaneous elves." Scylla was ready to abandon the tournament.

"No, you will remain here with the tournament. You are a key being that Genesis respects to guide new warriors. I will go ahead with my personal guard." King Rorick spoke out with strength. He saw that his general would rush off. He knew how to hold her and others back.



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