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Chapter 1421 1421. An Honor

Once the game of tag had happened and gone, Walker found himself alone walking the streets. Su had gone off to the cathedral. Midnight and Onyx had gone to explore the city more. It left Walker to see what he could see since everyone had become abuzz with the fact that the crafting competition would be happening next.

The real crowds were in the market streets. There were so many people trying to buy and sell materials that it would be a record sales day for most merchants. The savvy business merchants were buying and selling some things at marked up prices which caused some people to become unhappy.

Luckily, there were many guards who had been warned of such things. They were moving through the markets in teams of three efficiently to handle the arguments that broke out. Along with this, there were many people that had come in to Genesis recently and needed some guidance. Overall, the guards were doing an outstanding job.

Walker couldn\'t feel any negativity at the flourishing markets. He had wanted to see this sort of atmosphere for a long time. This is what he imagined Genesis would be when the city had grown much older.

"Did you hear, there are more elves showing up just in time for the next competitions. I even heard that some were joining!" This single gossip as a group of people passed Walker, made him open his eyes wider.

Originally, Walker was going to direct himself toward the crafting guild. He thought it would be good to hear a little more about what was going on for the competitions. However, now that he heard that there was a chance that the flame elves were there, he had to go to where he knew Alma would be.

Luckily, he was pretty close to the forest elf housing. He was easily able to spot the increased enforcers moving around with some of the normal Genesis city guards. This made him hope that he was just in time. "Hello, how\'s the day been? Not too busy I hope." When Walker walked up and spoke, the enforcers were more than happy to see him.

"Just as busy here as everywhere else. There are too many new elves coming here that want to make a big name for themselves. But kids will be kids." One of the enforcers couldn\'t help but laugh since he had seen too many big thinkers lately.

"It\'s good to have that though. This city had the potential for them to make big names in their own ways. Speaking of bog names. I heard the flame elves may have arrived?" The two enforcers were slightly surprised but soon accepted that Walker would have figured this out.

"Would you like to come to greet them? We have been waiting for everyone to be prepared after we welcomed them in to a resting room." The enforcer was sure that Walker would jump right in to it.

"Has Gil heard yet? If not, can I ask that someone goes to get him?" Walker knew that this was very important.

"The message has already been sent. We know that he will be arriving momentarily." Walker heard this and was very happy. Now he didn\'t need to run and get Gil or really wait for him. Instead, he followed the enforcers in to the forest elf homes.

The trees had been reshaped recently along with some new seedlings planted. They were all perfectly forming treehouses along with ground floor homes. It appeared that there were even a few water elves that had decided to live here rather than in the underwater homes being made in the artificial lake.

"Walker, I didn\'t think you would come so soon." Alma was pleasantly surprised. "The flame elves rushed here and seemed like they needed some rest. They are in one of the guest homes we made for when elves would travel here to meet." Alma seemed a little nervous so Walker was going to do his best to remain relaxed.

"I heard about it and wanted to come and see everything. By the way, this treehouse is amazing. It is easily three times the size and very well made." This was not at all a lie. The treehouse Walker was in had the highest quality growth to shape the wood in to many artistic forms.

"This will be the Genesis elven archives. It was Gil\'s idea to start another archive to record the elves\' history within Genesis. That is why we are going to have the flame elves come here first to leave their mark." Alma sounded like she had been truly touched by the suggestion. Walker couldn\'t argue. The elves cared very much about the archives so having a new set of archives in Genesis was a brilliant idea.

"I made it!" Gil burst in wearing his new clothing that Lisa had recently finished. They were a mix of Green and brown to match the forest elve\'s attires. There were many elemental runes sewn in to the fabric which Walker could sense affecting the mana around them. Along with this, there were fine golden stitchings used to accent the patterns. Overall, it was a magical looking attire that caused Gil to look much more handsome.

"Lisa really outdid herself with that one. I have to say, you might even be confused as an elf wearing that." With Walker\'s praise, Gil seemed much more animated. It was also because he realized he had not been too late to greet the flame elves.

"That\'s a good thing. Because today I have been asked by my queen, the queen of forest elves, to welcome Gil as a proper member of the forest elf city. We wanted the water and flame elves to witness it." Alma was turning a little red saying this. However, not compared to Gil who was speechless. To be honored in front of all the elves was too much for anyone to handle.



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