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Chapter 1220 - 1220. Dagger Arts

Chapter 1220 – 1220. Dagger Arts

His slash surprised Remey and for the first time in a while, Gil landed a decisive hit. He was a little shocked himself but his body was still moving. Gil\'s mind was slower than his body which seemed to be like a puppet on a string. Even the soft breeze was enough to make him slightly change his footing. "Looks like you figured it out." Zephyr left the bow to look at him. She had purposefully been letting Gil figure things out alone. She wanted to see him grow while she accumulated more wind elemental mana. 

"This can\'t be legit…" Gil was surprised. He was looking at the new skill in his system. One that he couldn\'t imagine seeing before this and while he was reading it. 

"What? Did you hurt yourself when you hit me? I know I\'m a little tough but still." Remey was sure that Gil had not hit her that hard. It would leave a soft bruise at most. 

"No, I got a skill. High elf dagger arts. Let me read it. The high elf dagger arts are a lost skill of the high elves. It had been handed down and changed in to multiple elemental variations. The elves have long strived to return to perfection but have failed to meld multiple dagger arts together. The user can learn every elemental dagger arts of the elves to reclaim the high level skill perfect for any elf regardless of main weapon. Learning of dagger arts is significantly increased and teaching ability via example is significantly increased." Gil took a deep breath. "There\'s a lot more on the forest elf dagger style and the water elf dagger style but I think the merfolk must have learned their dagger style from the water elves. It didn\'t even look like the water elves used daggers anymore." 

"What!? That\'s amazing. I want an all fist art thing or like a giant elemental fist attack. Or like a super kick. Come on, how did you get the good stuff?" Remey was mostly joking since she knew that she would be able to crush Gil after she trained more. However, she knew that Gil would need to take a lot of work to find the other elven dagger styles and get the full skill. The desert elves might not even have remaining records about their dagger styles. 

"This…this might be hard." Gil was hit with a wave of understanding. Believe it or not, his mind went to the rock elves in the mountains who hid their village so well that finding them was considered impossible. They were not like the dwarves who tunneled around everywhere and sold goods to many races. They were very reclusive and were almost never spotted. 

"You can do it." Alice was looking at him with stars in her eyes. She thought it was the most amazing thing to see someone have a break through of understanding. It was even more exciting since Gil had a defined goal to pursue that would constantly make him stronger. She wanted to be the same. These were the people she admired and wanted to walk side by side with. 

"Don\'t waste any time. Go and find Alma and then go to the mage tower. You need to find what you can about the desert elves. Then you should find the water elves that came here and ask about their water based dagger arts!" Onyx screamed at Gil mentally. His mental shout caused Gil to nearly topple over but it did the trick. 

"I\'ll be back late, see you later!" He sprinted from the back of the mansion where they were training. His dust was the only thing left of where he had stood in the clean and dry training area. 

"I kind of want him to succeed so I can have a better challenge." Remey had taken some of the ointment she made for scapes and rubbed it on her elbow where she had lost some skin sliding to dodge Alice\'s light arrows. 

"It\'s another reason for me to train as well. I have the skills to make myself stronger but I can still be beaten easily. I think I am not used to things of my own kind because I have not been with my own kind. I did not grow normally. But that is also why I am stronger." It was a very good thing for Onyx to see that being different both made him weak and strong in certain ways. 

"Just don\'t forget. You are our family and we will always be together. Even if the worst is to happen, we will be right there. You think I would let anything stop me?" Remey slammed her fists together to prepare for the next set of training. Her joints had been creaking but with the constant potions and ointments, she had been able to keep up healing and building muscle. She had a little more motivation to keep on going now. 



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