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Chapter 1212 - 1212. Train With...?

Chapter 1212 – 1212. Train With…?

The wandering blacksmith already had too many materials. So many dwarves or nobles sent over materials to garner favor from him. There were so many one day that he had no idea who they had come from. But who was he to turn away materials that were rare and exactly what he wanted to experiment with? He would be a fool!

"I have a very good reason to look for you today." Remey didn\'t hesitate to give her best serious expression. "I have a huge problem and you are the only one that can fix it…" The pause drew out and the wandering blacksmith looked at her dead in the eyes. "Gil was heavier than me and I didn\'t take him down because I was too light. I need to get heavier and get more muscles." 

The judging raised eyebrows of the wandering blacksmith asked the question if Remey was actually being serious or pulling his leg. He couldn\'t imagine that she would be trying to lose some of her speed by gaining weight and muscles to just take down Gil. But as he thought, he did notice that she had become taller and skinner. He could also smell the lingering scent of herbs breaking through the smoke. It all made sense after a few moments. 

"Training armor?" His simple words were like an answer from the heavens. They were exactly what Remey needed. She needed heavy training armor made for her to be challenged at all times. Not for her to go in to real battle with. 

"Yes! It can be ugly or super heavy. I don\'t care. As long as it can make me tougher and harder to beat. I need the weight behind my fists to beat Su\'s defense. I need the speed to be faster than Walker\'s magic and Gil\'s arrows. I need the flexibility to dodge Midnight when she leaps at me. And I need to sharpen my mind so that Onyx won\'t sneak attack me with light or shadows." The last one was something the wandering blacksmith could not help with. But he could make an armor that would assist Remey in improving her physique. 

The pile of unrefined ores on the ground were tossed aside one by one until the wandering blacksmith uncovered a chunk of basic looking copper. He pointed it out to Remey who realized that he wanted her to pick it up and bring it to the forge for him. She was sure that she would be putting in the work to help since she was the one asking for armor. This wasn\'t a problem at all, well, until she actually placed her hands around it and pulled. 

"What is this!? It\'s heavier than anything else in this pile." The weight that the large chunk of copper had was too much. Remey swayed step by step just trying to move it toward the forge. 

The moment that the wandering blacksmith stopped laughing at her movements he started to speak more than Remey was used to. "Condensed magma hardened copper. Terrible name. Great weight. It forms right alongside magma spouts in the volcanic areas of the world. I never use it because it is too heavy. Unless you are that berserker from the adventurer\'s guild." Remey dropped the condensed copper on the ground with a thud leaving a small dent. She was stunned that he had spoken so clearly. But that just led to him laughing even more when she tried to pick it up again. 

"Of course I can help you! You are a brother to me just like the rest of your party is family. You came to help my people when we were in need. So what do you need?\' Leon had seen Gil coming from a mile away. His reaction was to greet him with open arms since he truly felt that the party and everyone in Genesis had become his family once they accepted and helped his people. 

Gil would have been uncomfortable if it weren\'t for the genuine smile that Leon wore. It was strange to see someone so openly proud and happy about everything in life. It was as if Leon had been blessed with an unrelenting joy after coming to Genesis. "Dagger arts. I need to learn more dagger arts to find the best melee combat for me. A dagger fits well and the elven dagger skills somewhat work. I used to think they were perfect since they fit with the style of archery I use. But after not using them for a while I found that I lack something. It\'s just not complete. I can\'t fight properly until I find it." 

"That is exactly how I felt before I was given my spear. No spear felt right until this one. It was always uncomfortable in the smallest way. Or I would break them. The worst time was when I got blisters all over my hands from the poor wrappings on a bad spear." Leon laughed while he turned Gil toward a solitary merfolk watching over a few children training with swords. "Just go join them and say exactly what you just told me. I will make sure something interesting happens." Gil was at a loss. Train with children?



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