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Chapter 1179 - 1179. Night Time Dangers

Chapter 1179 – 1179. Night Time Dangers

"We can always do our best to help others. Even monsters don\'t drive that." The firm tone assured her that Walker meant this from the very core of his being. When Midnight nudged her and looked in her eyes she could tell that it was the same for Midnight as well. They would all stand together for situations like this. 

"Ehm, yes. Let\'s move and set up a short camp for three or four hours." Walker wasn\'t sure if he had seen right but he thought that Su had shed a single tear before taking the lead away from where they had just found the injured stoney bear. 

It took a little time for Su to get herself out of her head after the event with the injured mother stoney bear. But it wasn\'t too much of an issue because they were able to help it and keep the cubs with their mother. What was more worrying to her was the fact that such a small monster comparison had caused such a large amount of trouble. 

"I don\'t think we should let any of those badgers pass by if we see them. They are terrorizing everything around here." 

"I think you are thinking with your emotions and not with your head. They are naturally like that. If they weren\'t then some other monster would grow out of proportion. It\'s part of the ecosystem. Everything works in the way it is meant to work. But that doesn\'t mean we can\'t help out when we see things like that.\' Walker had already sent a message through the system to Clara who responded by completing the quest. Knowing that the bears were moving back toward the mountains was good. It was even better that the knowledge of the cubs was passed along since that meant multiple bears would be in the area for three years to come until the cubs were ready to leave the mother. 

"I know you are right but I don\'t like it." Su had to give in since there a logic in Walker\'s words but it was not the things that she wanted to hear. It was frustrating knowing that there was the chance that it would happen with other animals and monsters. But she could only save what she saw happening. Trying to save someone or something that she couldn\'t reach would just lead to self torment. 

"Midnight, come grab your food!\' Walker had set aside two of the vegetables and most of the rabbit for Midnight since she had managed to lead and scout so well. Walker also didn\'t need much since he was already able to snack on some jerky he brought before. Su was also not in a major mood to eat a lot but would make sure she did since it was better for her health due to their travels. 

The three took their time to rest and make sure to prepare themselves for the night travels toward the mountain. They were not unfamiliar with the potential dangers of the night but it was better to be rested and ready. That was why they slept earlier and ate earlier. The sun was just about set when they put out the small fire they had and cleaned up the tent. Midnight seemed even more energetic than before. It was partially due to the benefits that came with night. 

The shadow wrapping skill was much more powerful during the night since Midnight was mostly black scaled. It would hide her in general but now she would be nearly impossible to see without heightened senses. This also made their traveling safer because Midnight had exceptional night vision and was able to see what was around them. She was their main deterrence and safety while traveling. 

Luckily, Su also had this benefit. She had a very good sense at night since she had shared her blood with Midnight after the pledge. Walker was much more comfortable knowing this as well. The simple fact that they could easily travel in the dark alone was a blessing. Fewer worries always made a journey progress better. 

"Let\'s get on with it. I would say we just need to watch out for bats and those fist sized mosquitoes that start to come up from the south during this season. I doubt we will see them though. It\'s a little too cold still." The mosquitoes were an annoyance that came from the southern demon lands. They were one of the most annoying monsters since they would swarm and attack small groups of monsters by drawing their blood. 

They would not bother most people since they were not their favorite food but farmers tended to have problems against them since they went after cattle. The bats were more concerning. The bats would start to come back north the moment they felt a change in temperature. The ones that ate fruits in the forests were no issues. But the carnivorous bats were the ones to watch out for, especially since the three would be wide open in the fields. 



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