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Chapter 936 - 936. Too Much To See

The left building was the one that Remey had been waiting to see for months. The space was not inferior to the adventurers guild building and training field. There were also an extra set of buildings all prepared to be converted in to greenhouses. They just needed the finishing materials. "It\'s perfect!" Remey shouted and the old master alchemist burst from a carriage as well. 

The guards nearby rushed toward them recognizing who they were after being told by their captain. They had been told to report to the area with keys for everyone as soon as they received the notification of their arrival. Remey and the old master alchemist nearly fight to the death to see who got to open the door first. Walker could only catch a glimpse of the large sales floor and reception area before the door swung closed again. 

The adventurers were allied inside the adventurers\' guild by one of the builders that had been woken up at their arrival. Clara stayed with one carriage that had the king and other nobles on it. Walker was surprised that she had known which was which the entire time. But the more he thought about it the more it made sense. She would need to know in case the worst was to happen. 

Walker tried his best to follow along but he caught sight of another building almost completely finished. Alice had separated from the carriage Clara was. She drank a mana potion quickly before following another carriage that opened a door. The high priest let a hand out to wave to Walker and the rest of the party for now since they were going to be staying in the cathedral which had their rooms completed already. 

The larger building behind this central strip was similar to a castle. However, the impressive part was that it had aspects of architectural design from the elves, dwarves, and the human buildings. This made for a very large domes structure with carved pillars similar to trees. The stone wall that surrounded it was constantly engraved with the city name, Genesis. It was clear that this was the very first building to begin construction since it was made as the central governing building for the entire city and the alliance. 

"I can\'t believe they were able to build that…" The only feeling Walker could come up with was stunned. He had no idea how hard people had worked to make this all happen. Not to mention the fact that the materials had been evenly provided by the dwarves, humans, and elves. This was a monumental undertaking that none of them had grasped to this degree. 

"Sir hero. Please follow us. We will take you to the Genesis castle. Rooms have been prepared for you and the other nobles." The guards were able to shake the rest of the party from their shock and get them moving again. The view of all the buildings could wait until the morning when they would be able to see everything properly. Although this didn\'t calm their racing hearts. 

The large gate that led them inside the Genesis building was made to depict the symbols that each kingdom used to represent its citizens. It had an empty space for other kingdoms symbols to be added after bars were removed. It was a very creative way to show off the alliances that would be formed. 

The gardens were clearly lacking due to the current season but some portions were already dug out in preparation. Seeing the intricate carved wooden door that depicted the meeting that had brought the three kingdoms together made Walker want to shout out. He felt that it was the perfect representation for those that entered. It set the precedent that all races could come together here. It was also clear that the wood had come from the elves due to the massive size f the trees needed to make such a door. 

The entrance was much calmer than they all expected. There was room for paintings and some furnishings later but overall it was more of a reception area with counters and other such designs. The stairway they were brought up led to the higher floors where there was available rooms for guests and the officials that would be working there once elected by the governing bodies of each kingdom. It was clear that there would be those to represent each kingdom at all times to make sure any alliance decisions could be made. 

The room that Walker found himself in was only furnished with a bed and a few tables so far but he was still stunned. Taking all of this in was more than he had been expecting to handle. The saving grace was the fact that he, Onyx, and Midnight were too tired from the hard days of traveling and pushing themselves to move faster. They had gotten to Genesis fastener than expected due to their perseverance and now they could rest. 



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