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Chapter 911 - 911. Broken Bones

Walker used his calming waves skill as soon as he walked in to the center of the room. He had the feeling that the parents with sick children needed it the most. It wasn\'t uncommon for a parent to get a little too stressed when their child was even minorly sick. 

"So you came just like Alice said. I\'m glad you made it. We are running a little short staffed since some of our nuns have gone ahead to prepare Genesis cathedral." The high priest was resting on a pew nearby Walker and didn\'t hesitate to greet him. 

"When I saw Alice yesterday I could tell she was more tired than usual. I asked her what was wrong and she told me that there were injured from the border. I forgot it was cold season too. Both at the same time must put a heavy weight on your shoulders." There was only understanding in Walker\'s voice. He would have tried to come earlier if he had realized since he didn\'t want the cathedral to suffer or anyone to suffer. 

"Today we are actually better prepared. Your party member Remey came by with a lot of medicine. I spoke with her and set up a potential trade deal for the cathedrals and the guild when it comes to operational status." There was pride in this decision. The high priest always needed medicines for those who come and he would happily put some of the kingdoms\' donations in to procuring them.

"I was told. She is preparing the alchemy building for it. I also think she is solidifying trade with the forest elves too. It will be a very good opportunity for many people and I hope it makes some of the higher health and mana potions more available to the general populace." Walker\'s pride shined through making the high priest chuckle. 

"Well, don\'t let me distract you. I am just an old man resting for a moment. I will lean on you to help the soldiers with their broken bones." This was a heavy order but Walker could feel he would be able to help just enough. 

"Let\'s go Fleur. There are some people that need help." Fleur responded by pulling his hair a little. She seemed to like the atmosphere of the cathedral and enjoyed the healing aura from the large crystal in the front. Walker could swear he felt her pulling more natural mana toward her than usual. 

After realizing that this feeling might not just be a coincidence, Walker felt the air around him and also found it was a little easier to draw in the natural mana in the air. Something about the healing aspect of the light elemental mana was aiding the absorption of natural mana. "Hey Fleur, do you think we can heal someone together?" 

Fleur arched her head to the side confused. She had an idea of what Walker meant but needed guidance. "Hello there, do you mind if we try to heal that broken leg of yours?" The soldier that Walker spoke to was laying flat with his leg up. He didn\'t appear to be in pain but he was most certainly uncomfortable. 

"Be my guest. It will be better than falling from a wall and landing foot first." The exasperated sigh spoke volumes about how annoyed he was that of all the ways he was injured it had been that way. 

"Alright Fleur, I will use my light heal skill and you try to add some natural mana to it with me. The pair of us might be able to improve the strength of healing and focus on the bones." This plan seemed sound and Walker had a good idea of the positions of the bones in the body. He had read up about the human body in one of the books in the library. They were more common due to the experimentation of the previous mansion owner. 

The light heal skill looked to have a slight effect on the soldier but not much. After Walker had used it, Fleur seemed to understand the point and pulled greater amounts of natural mana toward Walker\'s outstretched hands. Walker could feel the flow and tried to control and add the natural mana in to his own. 

\'The skill focused healing has been taken from the natural healer system. The skill focused healing has been learned through user action. 

Focused healing- 2 mana cost 3 natural mana cost

The user combines natural mana and their own mana to create a mic of focused healing mana. This can heal a specific area much faster than general healing. It can also repair scars and burns much easier. The healing rate of bones is also double compared to normal healing spell.\'

Walker smiled as the feeling of his mana combining with the natural mana caused a focused green glow. The soldier became instantly more comfortable and he was visibly more energetic. The bone in his leg may not have been fully healed but it was weeks ahead of the normal healing time. 



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