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Chapter 774 - 774. Out And About

"Well, I might as well buy some for Remey\'s siblings, you two want some as well?" Gil shook his head but when Walker looked at Lisa she was already trying to catch up to Su. "I guess that\'s a yes." Walker bought out a large portion of the butternut cubes and they moved towards the square. 


"Don\'t look so sad, we are going to be here all day. Plus you get to show off your costume at the castle and I am sure there will be food there you can\'t buy on the street." Walker\'s temptations appeased Midnight while they entered the square. 

"Do you think the king and queen are dressed up? Are they allowed?" Lisa had always wondered but never received an answer. 

"I bet they do. They are humans participating in the festival too." Su couldn\'t imagine what they would be dressed up as but she knew that it would be normal for the king and queen to participate. 

"Don\'t look now, but Remey is surrounded by a mob of children and she might be taken out by them. Hoards of little monsters are dangerous." Gil was joking but the group noticed that all of them had managed to procure some horned rabbit fur coats along with home made horns. 

"OOOOhhh, that\'s a great costume idea. I should have made some and sold them like that. Cheaper materials and I would have been able to easily make them since they were just furs." Lisa felt that she had missed a huge opportunity. 

"Now, Remey said I had to buy these snacks for some kids, but all I see are monsters. Let me call for some heroes or the vice adventurers guild master. We need to exterminate them." Walker used a little bit of mana to make a slight breeze causing Remeys\' siblings squeal. But that didn\'t last long. The sweet treats Walker brought attracted them like mice to grain. 

"I thought you were all forgetting to meet here. I already saw your parents and Su\'s parents. They said something about a double date. It was kind of cute to be honest." Remey couldn\'t help it. The two sets of parents had come and gone, mentioning their day out. 

"I bet that\'s why my parents were so stressed about being late. They probably rushed out to meet your guy\'s parents." Gil had also run in to his leaving as fast as they could. 

"Well, now we are together. Should we explore the festival for more snacks? I know that we need to do it now and check out the shops before the dancing starts. If we don\'t eat while we can, everyone who gets hungry from dancing will eat all the food." Walker was just trying to tease the kids from the orphanage but Midnight took it seriously and huffed with annoyance. The kids found it more entertaining and Midnight found herself with quite a few new friends. 

"I think we should check the stalls. Some of the merchants have some weird looking items. They apparently crossed the mountain while the snow was light and came back from the deserts with some interesting things." Gil\'s sharp eyes had already begun to find some things for them to check out. 

"Then off we go to explore. And we will STAY together!" There was a chorus of yes from all the kids that Remey had with her and they began to follow Walker. Su and Gil naturally fell in to the sides of the children to keep them together just like their formation when traveling. Midnight was the only exception because she would stay in the middle unless they saw something good to eat. In that case, she would rush off to grab some with Onyx and even share a little with the children when asked. 

"It was a little strange seeing that none of the boys were trying to pick a fight with Remey, Walker could tell that Remey had either put them in their place beforehand or there was a rule that they would have to go home if they acted up. It was the only logical solution to how the they acted. But he also knew that they were glad to have their older sister back around from the constant looks they gave Remey. 

"I\'m going to check that stall out. The merchant has some of the spikes we used to make the wither spike arrows. I want to stock up." Gil was gone before anyone could reply. 

"Hey Remey, isn\'t that Lewisia over there? I thought she would be staying at the mansion?" Walker was surprised to see the demons out and about during the festival. They were much braver than he thought they would be so soon. 

"That\'s her. She is actually very talkative once she relaxes. She asked me a million questions. Not to mention she likes that guy over there. They were neighbors before they were...well, you know." Walker couldn\'t help but think about how small the world was. It was great for the pair to know someone when they were in an unfamiliar place. It was definitely a deciding factor for how well they would adapt. 

Walker gave a wave in their direction and continued on. Just before he moved away he saw a flash of blue dress but when he focused it was gone. "Walker, you\'re falling behind. Midnight will eat everything before you get to the skewered chicken stand!" 




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