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Chapter 478 - 478. Tag

"I am not a snake. I am a serpent and I will not tolerate any negative thoughts about my sister." Onyx was still showing off his ability to speak within their minds. The many younger elves that heard him shivered slightly. It was like a void had just opened up nearby. 

"I will train with the light affinity mages and spell swords while sister will train with the others. Do not worry about us since we are tougher than you think." Onyx wanted to make sure that he and Midnight were also able to train well. This was also going to double as a way for him to consume more light elemental mana. It was a nice benefit for his growth.

"A little thing like you is going to resist all of our spells?" The mage that had spoken the first time chimed in again. He looked fairly arrogant and was definitely used to being treated better due to his magical skills. 

Midnight started to growl slightly causing the elemental mana around her to become agitated. "Sister do not worry. I will show him my true size." 

Onyx slithered off of Midnight\'s back and on to the same level as the mages and spell swords that made up the mage trainee enforcer squad. "You believe I am small which means you have not been paying attention to recent events within the kingdom. I may not hold the title of hero like my family does but I am equally powerful." Onyx felt himself becoming slightly angry since he was able to hear the blatant disregard for his and Midnight\'s words. 

The elves soon felt the elemental mana change direction and the large shadows beneath their feet slip away. They didn\'t realize that this was not the amalgamation of their own shadows but the shadow of Onyx himself. Once it started to show that they were moving towards Onyx and covering him they were all frozen in place. The large body with pitch black scales that now rose above them was only to be described as a monster that could use every single one of them as a snack. 

"I told my sister that she did not need to use her decaying flame breath on you since you would listen to me after I showed you my true size. I hope that you will cooperate properly now." There was no reply from the other elves this time. They fully realized that it had been unwise to push the monsters due to their appearance. 

"Sister says that she saw many of the elder elves and apprentices at the mage training area when she was with elder brother. But she did not see any of you there. We will aim to make up for lost time. Light affinity mages and spell swords please come at me with all your might. I have a new skill to learn." Onyx was going to use them as a means to test his new tail slam skill he had understood after Walker used the calming touch on him. 

While he and Midnight had thought about the flow of mana in their bodies Onyx had realized that his size was guiding him towards his first real physical attack. Unlike his skill to bind an enemy, this was a physical attack that did not leave him open to damage. 

Midnight6 let out a soft growl towards Onyx since he was getting ahead of himself. "Sorry sister, I was too excited." Onyx made sure he first spoke on her behalf to the remaining mages and spell swords. "Sister says she will play tag with all of you. You may use your spells to try and tag her back but that is if you can catch up with her." While Onyx relayed this Midnight was already using her shadow wrapping skill. 

Midnight had felt that she was able to better hide herself from others after absorbing and understanding the fossilized bone. This made her shadow wrapping skill all the more powerful since she now appeared to have disappeared completely. This was a terrifying feeling for the elves left behind since they could feel they were being stalked by a preditor. 

Their instincts screamed that death could appear behind them, at any moment, and just as they thought it would never come a single elf cried out in fear. Midnight had pounced out of the darkness and knocked one to the ground. Before any of them could react she used her wings to push away and wrapped herself in darkness again. 

WShe played this game over and over before the elves were able to begin to react. She had the same strategy she wanted to improve upon and push to its\' next level. While she had been with the party she was always one of the front line attackers, but she realized that her strengths were always in sneaking and defeating opponents. She was their finisher and wanted to enhance that ability. 

"She is coming from behind again!" One of the elves had realized he could sense her darkness elemental mana before she attacked and was tasking the lead in guiding his fellow mages. Unfortunately, they were still too slow to use a spell against her. 



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