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Chapter 236 - 236. Another Dinner Guest

"So you can come by the mansion some time to check out our own lab, the building on the side of the mansion is small and I need to know what to add to it to get it working." Remey broke the next silence between sips of tea.

"I knew you wanted something, why do you want that? You accepted you could not make potions years ago." The old man had taken a great deal of time to explain why a brawler would not be able to learn the people skills to control temperature and synthesize the potions. It was not only the process that needed to be followed to create a potion. There needed to be a proper infusion of mana at certain points that would dissolve herbs or cause liquids to evaporate.

These were not the only skills that were needed, some herbs could only be properly stored by using skills that an alchemist system or similar system would have. If Remey had tried to dry out most of the herbs that were in the very room she was drinking tea in, the results would be a useless dried out weed. 

"I know that, but i have someone who can use the skills I don\'t have." She was thinking about Walker who could be her hands while she had the knowledge of what motions and stamps were needed.

"Ahh that boy with you before that wanted the dragon fruit the first time you brought him, he did seem to be fairly caught up in all the herbs."

"Oh that was him using his appraisal skill to look at everything, he is super weird. For some reason the most basic things seem to excite him. I swear he is a chore." Remey so casually references that Walker had been using his appraisal skill, something that Walker had not realized she had picked up at the time and still would not figure out.

"He has an appraisal skill, you sure made an interesting friend. First those angel wings and now pure water from a snow golem…" The old man pondered for some time on what he wanted to do. "I can make a visit your fancy mansion, but only after I sweep that auction clean of pure water. I went through a lot of trouble to convince that old fool upstairs to give me his ticket. It cost an entire crimson fang root!" The old man nearly choked on his tea as he admitted he had traded such a rare herb for a VIP auction ticket.

"Good then we will drag you back to the mansion after the auction. Our party leader already invited the high priest from the cathedral over so we still will have a bunch of free rooms for you to pick for the night. We will have dinner so you can mooch off us for the night." Remey tried her best to not show that she was excited that the old man would come. She was looking out the window as she said that he could come to dinner as well.

"High priest? Your friend isn\'t a noble is he? I hate the type, can\'t stand their high end attitude. They always expect miracle potions from basic ingredients." Remey shook her head no before she replied.

"His father was a guard down here in the lower tier. He just got an interesting system and can do a lot of things. Plus now that we have titles all these nobles and royals are trying t get close with us. It\'s just another pain, I want to get out on the move again, but since we were asked to go to another kingdom I would rather focus on alchemy for a while." 

"Ah it\'s time!" The old man jumped up and started throwing different herbs in to his pot becoming completely absorbed into what he was making. Remey had seen him like this before and knew he could be at this for hours. She placed down her beaker of tea and left the excess herbs she had been given at the market. Remey snuck through the door and headed out the way she came. 

The old man was furiously adding things and mixing while adjusting the temperature. He had seen Remey leave and was rather happy that he had been invited, as far as he was concerned it was just as his friend at the market had teased, he was her grandfather. 

Remey made it outside and headed towards the orphanage, she couldn\'t think of anywhere else to go now that she had taken care of her main goals for heading out in the first place. 

\'Daily quest: patience is a virtue

The orphans at the local orphanage always take pride in challenging you to a fight. This can cause trouble at times if the user is weak and gives in to the taunts. Fighting in any way will cause a failure of this daily quest.


Resist the taunts of the orphans for one hour


20 exp\'

"Ugh what? But those monsters need a lesson." Remey was not happy with this, she had been on a huge winning streak in every brawl she got in to with her siblings, now she would have to give it up because of a quest?

She desperately wanted to give up on this daily quest by the nagging feeling that she would be letting the whole entire party down by not taking this quest caused her to bite her lip and deal with it. She walked in to the front yard of the orphanage making note of where all her siblings were. One of the youngest boys ran over to her immediately jumping with all his might to tackle her. Remey expertly caught him and flung him over her shoulder. 

"You will need to get bigger before tackling and messing with me at all." Normally Remey would give him a hard lesson with her fist for a more dramatic move, the little boy was stuck in her shoulder powerless. She hadn\'t even tried to fight him. The other orphans saw this and were totally convince that Remey was baiting them in for a big attack. They would need to bait her out so they could trick her in to their victory.

"Stinky Remey is back!" One of the younger orphans shouted at her trying to get a reaction. Instead all he got was a glare from Remey that stuck him to the spot. Over the years Remey had mastered this glare that would strike fear in to the eyes of any misbehaving younger sibling. It was nearly on par with a mother\'s glare.

The boy sealed his mouth shut and ran to hide under a bed. If Remey was in a bad mood then they would all need to hide away, she would easily bring down chores as punishment on anyone that was daring enough to cause her trouble.

Remey let go of the boy who had tried to tackle her, he ran off with a stuck out tongue most likely to plan pout his next attack with the others. "Weren\'t you just here the other day? Lin had seen her coming through the door and was a bit frustrated to see Remey back again. "You should be out enjoying the world yet you show up to fuss over us all day. What does your party think when you are away the second you get back?" 

"They are busy training or with their own family. Why is it so bad that I am with mine?" Remey still had the feeling that there was a difference between her and the others. This mostly stemmed from the fact that they had their own parents of siblings. Remey had been in the orphanage as long as she could remember, this place was her home and family. 

"Yes yes, I know you are the same as my daughter, That is why you need to get out of here and keep growing. I would hate for you to end up tied down afraid to leave here." 

Remey was not happy to hear this but she knew the words were out of Lin\'s love for her. Lin had taken care of every single one of them since they came to the orphanage. Whether they were babies or toddlers each child was immediately a member of Lin\'s family.

"I just can\'t sit here and let the orphanage waste away, you all deserve much better and I will make this the best place in the entire kingdom! You want a new school house? I will get it. If you need more clothing, I will buy it. If someone is sick, I will make the medicine. And if anyone dares to harm any of you, I will beat them!" Remey let her feelings cry out to Lin in this moment. Lin had heard this a great many times but now she saw a new light in Remey\'s eyes. A fire that had grown stronger than ever before.

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