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Chapter 97 - 97. Baiting The Bidders

\' onyx

Abyssal serpent hatchling

Level 0

System locked

Stats locked

Abyssal serpent hatchlings must enter growth stage to gain access\'

"Ah yes he needs to grow a bit more before I can tell his characteristics. Well that\'s fine I am procuring some books on his species soon so that should help." Walker was a bit disappointed but also half expected onyx to need more time before being able to use a system. It was interesting considering that onyx had used his skill to become a tattoo. Thinking on it walker believed it was a natural born skill to protect itself while vulnerable and small.

"Awwwee that\'s not fun, but at least you know he\'ll be little and cute for a little bit." Elise was all smiles as she held a finger to onyx. Onyx was studying this new person intently also studying. While the two gave each other the once over walker continued speaking to Laurence.

"I\'m sad to say my little sister and the final member of my party couldn\'t attend since she\'s busy. I\'m sure you three would have found her much more interesting since she\'s a cross breed dragon." Walker knew these words would hook them and maybe even give them time outside of the auction to speak. If walker could make connections with the tamers guild he could learn some insider secrets on how to properly assist in the growth of midnight and onyx.

Laurence was wearing a perfect poker face but was dumbfounded in the inside. He\'d only met a tamer once with a dragon as their tamed beast and they were considered top ten in the guild. "Ohhh a dragon you say? Would this be the same one we heard rumors about? The heroic dragon?" Laurence had been in the city for three days and purposefully spent time dining in different pubs and eateries to listen to the current gossip.

This was impressive, not everyone who entered a new town or city would take the time to learn of the current gossip. "In that you would be right, my party all hold the hero titles. However that\'s not as interesting as our recent endeavors. Would you like to know? The adventurers guild had yet to release the report of our test to rank up to silver tier." This was the clincher, walker had set the bait by mentioning midnight and now would finish it by giving true three the first information on the ten packages of corpse spider eggs. Not only would this entice them to bid but it would also give them a step up to plan a strategy to acquire them. Not to mention adding to their new friendship.

Laurence saw this ploy but knew it held merits for him if walker was offering this information. He\'d decided to take the bait and see where it lead. "That does sound rather interesting, we\'d gladly welcome some new stories."

"Well my party chose the ancient ruins, and while there we were fairly lucky to encounter a small nest of corpse spiders. One of which was female, otherwise known as a skeletal spider. After dealing with the adults we found a clutch of eggs. Luckily we also had defeated zombies and skeletons. With those in addition to the eggs we were able to place a package of some zombie flesh, undead bones, and a single corpse spider egg in to the auction. Actually ten of them to be specific." Walker was intently watching Laurence\'s face to see the effect. His poker face was perfect and didn\'t show anything however walker could still feel a slight excitement in the air.

"That\'s rather interesting indeed, I did come here tonight in hopes of finding some gear that may benefit my training style. However finding rarer monsters to tame may work in our favor as well. If you don\'t mind I would like to discuss something with my little trio. To make up for cutting the conversation short we wouldn\'t mind meeting again. We are in the city for another week." Laurence knew stopping now was smarter so he could get Elise and Riley in the same page but did worry this would push Walker away.

Walker however was happy to hear this, they definitely were going to be bidding in the corpse spider eggs. This was well worth it. " if that\'s the case I take no offense at all, if you ask around I\'m sure you\'ll find out mansion. You three are more than welcome to come to dinner one night." It was a bit sly inviting them to dinner to steal some tips but he knew they\'d be too interested in midnight not to visit before they left the city.

" yes well gladly visit, our business should allow us free time tomorrow. It was very nice to meet a new friend with tamer skills." Laurence Layered it on a bit thick but was eager to see another dragon and couldn\'t refuse.

Elise had perked up listening about the spiders and even more so about going to the party\'s mansion. " yes it was nice to meet you onyx, walker. I can\'t wait to meet your little sister. I\'ll bring my Stella for you to meet as well." She smiled knowing Walker would wonder who Stella was but walker had already deduced it was an avian type of tamed beast due to her personality.

Riley had glanced up to look at walkers face at the mention of dinner but returned to eating. At least he had taken the moment to listen. With his goodbyes said and plans made walker headed towards Gil who had found an open cocktail table to lean on. "You look happy after meeting those tamers" Gil could see that everything went well.

"Oh you know just shared some gossip about corpse spiders at the auction. They were here looking for gear but after hearing that gossip needed to talk privately. Did you hear anything good about arrows?" Walker knew Gil would only have stopped roaming if he\'d found what he was after.

"Ha Ha yea you got me, there\'s a few arrow packages up for auction. One specifically made so the arrow is faster. I\'m interested in that one specifically. There\'s an ice arrow as well but it will take a lot of mana to activate properly and I don\'t think it\'s worth it." An arrow made to move faster coupled with Gils wind element was a dangerous idea. The ice arrow however sounded like a major hinderance. Walker nodded in agreement noticing that chairs were being brought out by attendants. The stage at the far end of the room had a table placed on it and was being prepared for the auction to start.

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