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Chapter 69 - 69. (Nice) Really? Again?

Walker crept to take a peak that the room. It was a medium sized room there were stone tables against the two walls along with many indents that used to house bodies. However this was not the thing that drew the eye. There was masses of greenish threads all over one corner of the room. Creatures that appeared to be stitched together with this greenish thread. They had spider like bodies but the ghastly part was their bodies were stitched with rotting flesh. White bone like fangs protruded from their mouth. Walker had not seen this kind of creature before and used his skill.

\'Corpse spider

A creature that preys on undead mainly zombies. Its body is extremely weak so it traps zombies to use as material to create its own armor. The house and use rotting fluids as poison and also as a main ingredient in their threads. Females can not produce thread and often used skeletons to create tougher armor nicknames as skeletal spiders even though they are the same species\'

This was a tough position to be in. Walker could see an exit on the other side of the room however if they crossed the room they would step on threads alerting the corpse spiders. Walker could only spot three but noticed something moving under the mass of threads in the corner.

With a whisper "they are corpse spiders, I see three but I think there\'s another under the threads in the corner. We need to fight. They aren\'t undead they just use zombie flesh as armor. In theory, I can burn away their defense and then you guys kill them. They use poison though so we\'ll need to rely upon Su so stay behind her."

Su softly stepped to the front while Gil drew an arrow in advance. Midnight and Remey stood slightly behind Su to the sides. Walker readied his staff.

The second Su entered the room stepping in a thread the closest corpse spider turned and let out a blood curdling squeal. The other two turned and started to move towards the party. The mass of threads in the corner showed significant movement.

The spider that had alerted the others was the first to get close to them "evil consuming flame!" Walker sent a white flame at it which cause it to engulf and begun to flail around throwing thread outwards. However, this caused a great deal of fire to spread. Due to the threads being produced by the spiders using the rotting fluids of the flesh they cover their bodies in the whole room was soon caught in a white blaze.

Everyone was in a panic, the fire may not be burning them but they couldn\'t see and the heat was unbearable. Walker couldn\'t see Su in front of him but could hear the squealing of the spiders near him. An arrow flew past him and he realized Gil had nearly ran in to him. Walker grasped in his direction finding his bow and grabbing his hand. This calmed Gil enough to he didn\'t run away realizing it was a human hand.

The pair moved around finding a wall and leaning against it. The flames in the side of the room died down slightly causing them to see shadowed figures in the flames. The corpse spiders had become enraged as their rotting armor and nest had been burned. Gil released walkers hand " to the right!" He\'d seen an angry spider rushing a taller shadow. Aiming his arrow he fired at the spider like shadow which produced another squeal.

The taller shadow noticed the direction of the arrow and the squeal and ran towards the wall. It was Remey! "I lost Su and Midnight I don\'t know which direction they went." She was breathing hard her eyes panicked.

"We need to stay away from that corner the flames are concentrated there that must be the nest. Let\'s move to the opposite side. Some flames are dying down." Walker saw that the blaze in one corner was strong but the farther away from it the flames had already started to fall to waist hight.


Vibrating metal sounds came from in front of them as they saw Su blocking a pale white spider. It looked soft and easily damaged except for its sharp white fangs which clashed with her shield.

"Gil shoot the spider, I\'ll get Su!" Walker rushed forward "Su!" He grabbed her arm pulling her back with all his strength. She almost resisted but she heard Walker\'s voice and allowed it. The spider missed her by a hair allowing Gil\'s arrow to catch it off guard. Without its stitched together armor the spider couldn\'t protect itself. The arrow shot through it completely.

The sounds of midnight growling and flesh being torn apart came from behind them. Remey jumped towards the noise only to find midnight has circled behind a spider and torn it apart.

Most of the flames on the floor had burned the threads to ash all that was left was the nest still covered in white flames but almost completely burned. However, remembering the movement within walker held ready.

A bony leg tore through the flames revealing a corpse spider clad in burning bones. "That\'s a skeletal spider it\'s tougher than the others!" Walker gave a warning shout and switched his staff for the scythe in this inventory. "Crescent moon!" Walker sliced at the spider the wave arching towards it. The spider moved too fast but not fast enough. Four legs were sheared off. The spider fell to the side allowing Remey to jump in.

"Defense break!" Remey unleashed a palm strikes happening the bones on the spider abdomen.

Gil saw this opportunity and acted. "Remey back! " the second Remey was clear Gil release his arrow in the exact spot Remey had just broken. The spider flailed in agony before its remaining legs curled and it stopped moving.

\'Three corpse spider defeated

21 exp gained multiples to 210exp

One skeletal spider defeated

10exp gained multiplied to 100exp\'

With the system confirmation, Remey looked at Walker, "no more spiders ever again!!!!" She was sure to have nightmares now that she\'d seen the worst spider imaginable.

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