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Chapter 56 - 56. Creepy Crawly

The party easily left the walls and began their journey. The merchant routes were larger dirt roads made for multiple carriages and guards to pass each other. Many routes veered off towards small towns or trading points. Camping spots were a very common sight along the roads, some people even left pots and pans as good will to other travelers.

Since they were heading south skirting the sun hallowed forest they saw glimpses of flame newts skittering about the rocks. However the farther they walked the less seemed to be sunning themselves. Walker couldn\'t help but wonder if this was because of the spiders.

"Stop." Gil had whispered in a hushed voice pointing ahead of them at a Boulder on the roadside. "Can you see the spider blending in to the rock? It\'s waiting to ambush a bird from up high. I think I can snipe it from here." Gil notched an arrow silently. Pulled it\'s back and let it fly.


Dead center, to the others it seemed Gil was going to hit the Boulder and the arrow would fall but to their surprise the arrow stuck to the grey color of the Boulder. They saw a piece of grey fall from it and noticed the outline of a spider with curled legs in the ground, Gils arrow sticking out.

"Wow I didn\'t realize they blended in to rocks so well. I wouldn\'t have noticed it." Walker was stunned not only had Gil silently fired an arrow with accuracy he had also noticed such a well camouflaged monster.

" the trick isn\'t to look for them but to look for part of a stone that seems too perfect. The hair on the spiders doesn\'t have the rough texture as stone does. I picked it up since these stupid things used to come try and get at the baby cows our neighbor had. So naturally as a good neighbor would do my father would kill them on sight." Gil was proud to showcase a skill his father had taught them.

"But how were you able to let loose that arrow so quietly? We were right next to you and didn\'t even hear the release of the bow." Su knew for sure she should have heard the twang of the bowstring as the arrow was loosed.

Gils smile was sheepish "I kinda got a new skill last level up, it\'s called silent shot." Gil rarely spoke of his skills and was embarrassed that Su was amazed by it.

Checking the system walker saw good news,

\' one grey haired spider defeated. Gained 5exp multiples to 50exp\'

The smile only grew bigger on his face knowing the party would be gaining a lot from a simple quest.

Hours passed as they traveled every once in a while Gil would spot a spider. Walker had managed to spot two as well but was no where near the talent Gil had finding them. By the time the sun was setting they had defeated 8 spiders total. This gave them 400exp which was astounding compared to what others would receive.

They party had decided to find a spot to camp for the night and luckily heard some chatting in the distance. Rounding a bend they came to a flat open spot. Three people sat around a blazing fire. A pot of stew was boiling away above the flames. There was one man organizing a large backpack. He seemed very used to traveling having well developed muscles and sharp eyes. The woman that was casually tossing Ingredients in to the stew was thinner but looks seemed to be deceiving based on her speed of adding ingredients. She had a seriousness about her that showed from in the lines of her face. The third person was a young girl looking to be about ten who was drowsing in the warmth of the fire. She looked surprisingly strong for the age but it was obvious it came from traveling as her clothing showed wear and tear from long walking.

The man had noticed them the second they rounded the corner "heeyyoo looking for a spot to lay yer head ey?" His speech was odd but relaxed. He must have been used to passing other travelers.

"Yes we are about to call it quits for the day, if you don\'t mind us joining you we can offer some bread for your stew? It\'s freshly baked this morning." Walker knew everyone would be hungry and making a trade would help break the ice with the travelers.

"Bread!" The young girl came out of her half asleep state and popped her head up. "We have been out of bread for two week! What kind is it? Where\'d you get it? Is it soft or crispy?" She began running questions from her mouth not even waiting for an answer.

"Tia! You\'ll scare em off calm down!" The woman scolded the girl. "Please come sit we always welcome others it\'s our policy, we\'ll accept your bread for some stew but we also require a story." She smirked knowing that long days of travel often became boring and hearing new things was a great way to stay of the right mind.

"Thank you very much, we will definitely take you up on that! My names walker." Walker I traduced himself as it was polite.

"Gil here" Gil raised his hand walking to sit down.

"Pleased to meet you, I am Su." Su gave a nod and followed Gil

"Remey, but you can call me dragon fist!" Remey had decided she wanted an adventurers nick name like Barry and Ibis so tried one out as a test.

"Pffft dragon fist huh? Since when do people call you that?" Gil was doubled over in laughter prompting Remey to flush red and immediately run at him. Luckily for Gil he was adept at dodging Remey.

Ignoring their rambunctious actions walker pointed towards midnight who had blended with the darkness. "This is our final member midnight, no need to be afraid she\'s just like you or I." Walker was a bit worried seeing the girl Tias eyes widen but the man nodded accepting it. He had run in to tamers before and long ago accepted dining with strange creatures.

"Hmm call me Rob, my wife here is Elise. Finally our daughter Tia. We travel here and there seeing the world. Trading what we can. We\'ve never felt the need to settle down." He didn\'t sound tired at all, it was actually the opposite. Upon mentioning traveling the world his eyes glinted with passion.

Walker used his inventory to pull out two loafs of bread his mother had made earlier in the day. As he began tearing bits off for everyone he began speaking. " so you said you\'d like to hear a story right? How does one sound about five adventurers who obtained the title of hero sound?" The party all looked at each other smiling at walkers words. The three travelers were confused but ready to listen. As the night went on and they ate walker began their story, how they found midnight and joined together. Gil, Remey, and Su joined in as well each saying their part. The shocked faces of Rob, Elise, and Tia doubting they had titles but soon became convinced.

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